Live steam new guy.

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Live steam new guy.
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 7:15 PM
New guy
I have a grand total of 3 mag's 1 is steam related and 10yrs old. I "think" I want to do steam, a 040 engine is $ 400. to $1000. ?
Any thoughts what is longest running easy service etc.? Roundhouse or Ruby?
I apparently will have $1000, into transformers etc, and a plastic engine? Any one like to jump on either side?
Rough plan 200' track, 3 to 5 switches. Air operated

Bill - Kingwood,Tx

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 8:48 PM
[#welcome] Bill

Sorry I can not help you. Might want to post it in the Steam section.
Good Luck!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 9, 2004 2:43 AM
Hi Bill,
WELCOME! Try slotting yourself into what you want out of this hobby of ours. Personally I like to sit there with a beer watching the train go round. Other guys like to scratchbuild/kitbash and the track is there purely to test out the finished product. For others the civil engineering is all. Power supply through the track means cleaning track and wheels. Battery supply means none of that but you don't want the power to run out in a tunnel! Steam, generally, means raised track for ease of working and the amount of control is dictated (I would think) by the size of your wallet. Whichever way you go you will find support in this forum, you've only got to ask.
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Posted by toenailridgesl on Wednesday, June 9, 2004 2:56 AM
Take your question to , this is where GR mag's Vance Bass hangs out, and the amount of info, advice & friendly help is enormous.
It's a dedicated live-steam forum with membersfrom all over the world. I note you're from Texas, one of the real good ol' boys of live-steam Carl Malone, lives down your way and Tx has a really active largescale live steam scene
Phil Creer, The Toenail Ridge Shortline,  Adelaide Sth Oz toparo ergo sum
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 9, 2004 6:14 AM
Hey Bill,
Have you looked at this one..... $485 Disney live steam loco .... click on "G scale"

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Posted by bman36 on Wednesday, June 9, 2004 8:34 AM
Hi Bill,
Welcome to the forum! Just as the others posted, do some checking around. Live steam is fascinating to me. Don't own any yet but still like to look. Enjoy the forum! Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:48 PM
Hello Bill;

I have no interest in this matter so i can't help you, however I do have an opinion on it, as i do on everything else. I havent worked out what it is yet but I support Kim all the way, having a beer and watch em go round, is what i like but this is abig hobby and you will find like minded people and they wll come from some unexpected directions.

Rgs Ian Kawana etc,
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:05 PM
Hi Bill [#welcome]
I have steam traditional electric and battery powerd trains
I would thourouly investigate before making a decision as all three have their advantages and disadvantages.
DO NOT get a Mamod as the first locomotive if you decide steam is your thing.
Post some questions on the steam forum here and check the links you have been given most stean locomotives require a radius larger than 2'6"
for track so bear that in mind
regards John

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