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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:26 PM

No No mate, I do not have ten acres, wish I did I would be a millionaire. Where I live it is on a very swishy man created island (not man made) and I do not even have a back yard, more a series of courtyards. This is why I had to go to MTS as I'm gradually working my way through the courtyards and I wanted to be able to connect all the sections up and be able to operate them from anywhere.

I started with area 2 which is a courtyard containing my swimming pool and I have a very odd shaped track circumnavigating the whole area.(Rhomboid I think). I have travelled a lot in the Orient and the theme is Thai Budhist.I have photographs of similar areas taken just outside Bangkok

We then got into area 1 which is the only real lawn that I have the track runs alongside the lawn into a Japanese Shinto type temple area, which is an MTS reversing loop that works so well you don't know you got it and it is just so unbelievably versatile that you couldn't do it with anyother system.

I am planning area 3 now which will be a plan on page 25 of "Garden Railroading" a folded dogsbone. This will be modelled on the nearby Glass House mountains which were discovered by a fellow pom, our hero Capt James Cook from the deck of the Endeavour at sea. These are really funny, dramatic shapes, Steve Erwins Australia Zoo will be featured as that is where it is.

However I have aproblem in that between area 2 and 3 is the pumphouse for my pool and it is not easy to get past it but my step son who is a Civil Engineer, contributed an idea added to what I had and i'm sure I can make the connection now. He is coming to visit us again for mothers day and between us well get it done, i hope

Send me you email addres if you like and I will send you some photo's.

Regards; Ian, Kawana Island Tropical Railway.
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Posted by bman36 on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:23 PM
Your problem with the trains is much like a car that acts up until it goes to a repair shop. Then it runs fine. Go figure. I have seen the Thomas set at our local hobby shop. I was extremely unimpressed at the way it was made. It does look good though. It would be a great start for one to throw another drive under and add some much needed detail. The kids sure love em'. 10 acres....hmmmm maybe five won't be enough for us. Imagine the railway!!! Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:09 PM
Thanks for your replies.I will look again for the MTS posts.I must have missed them the first time.How I would love to have a 10 acres to play with.(and the money to fill it with track plus a wife that understands the relaxation in watching a train wandering around the garden.)However,does anyone else suffer from my problem.The train will quite happily go round,until,you leave to make a cup of tea ect.They seem to know when they are not being watched and act accordingly.
I have just recieved from the USA the Lionel Thomas the Tank Engine set.Absolute crappy engineering but it looks great (I have 4 children)Once I have adjusted it it should be ok.The kids call me the Fat Controller.(Maybe I'll cut down on the beer)
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:33 AM
Hi Troy,
I'm up in Blackpool and I use a 5amp power pack, wish I had bought a 10 amp at that time instead. I have an uncontrolled transformer that gives 18v dc which is about 7 or 8 amps & I'm looking to put a walk round throttle control in circuit, so between them I should have enough power. Don't know too much about MTS but Ian is right, you pays yer money, you make yer choice. I think it really comes down to what you run. 1 loco at a time just chuffing round the track - simple controller. Multi train operation - especially on single track - MTS. Size is the other factor, I seem to remember one of our down under friends having a small yard of 10 or so acres - is that you Ian?? - whereas we are lucky to have a garden 60' long. At the end of the day Troy - your call!
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:07 PM
To Troy the Pom;

You have come to the right place to talk about the LGB MTS; I have just such a system and I had had nothing but trouble with it. In five months I have only had it working to its full potential about two weeks total. Main trouble has been the points operating system

Having said that, I do not entirely blame the equipment itselfy, the intructions are un understanable, really they are, I defy you to understand them. But the real troube is the local importer and for fear of liable I will not go into detail but to say i have no confidence in them would be a reasonable statement and I am basically an easygoing person.

However I believe that in the long run MTS it is the ONLY WAY to go and if you are going to go that way, make up your mind early, as it is cheaper and more efficaceous that way. Your concern regarding power supplies is not what it should be. If you go to MTS you should be aware that the power that is reticulated is AC not DC, so all your Locos would have to have decoders put in them prior. I have been to just the point you are at, about a year ago, at that time I had to have two of those power supplies to run my big Mallet loco and its illuminated carrigaes. But if you do get a 6 Amp transformer you still won't be able to operate your trains, you will need a central station and an MTS controller. So either you jump or you don't, no halfways.

Like if you get shipped to the Colonies for stealing a loaf of bread, you can't get off at Singapore and go back to the Old Dart, if you cahnge your mind.

My wife was born at Wolverhampton, which I think is a fair way from you by your standards but by Aussie standards, anywhere in England is close to every where else.

All the best Regrards

Ian the Aussie Grandad (11)

Kawana Island tropical Railway, Sunshine Coast; Queensland.
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Posted by bman36 on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:50 PM
Hi Troy,
Welcome to the forum! Glad you like what you see here so far. I do believe there already is a thread on transformers and track power. Have a look see. From what I recall it was quite extensive. Anyone remember this thread??? Sounds like you already have a terrific layout from what you described. Never be afraid to share what you know or have experienced. We can all benefit here from what we post. I find this forum rather relaxed and the members quite friendly. We all like to help one another whenever we can. Sorry I am unable to offer any advice on the MTS system. Like I said earlier, I believe this was already discussed at length. Enjoy the forum. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:06 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by troybetts

Hello Everyone.
Just a quick note to introduce myself to the forum.My name is Troy and I live in the south east corner of England.I am fairly new to garden railways (although have modelled extensively in OO).I'm a firm believer in seeing what you want via pictures of models and then scratchbuilding a much cheaper version.My layout is about 132 foot with 2 loops complete with 2 passing loops at the station,allowing me to run 4 locos.I've read through the questions and answers through the forum and am impressed with the help that is offered.Some forums on railways are so dedicated to perfection I'm frightened to post anything! They would even find fault if they were confronted with the real thing.
Anyway to the point of this post:I am currently running trains on an LGB 1 amp starter set transformer and am having power problems.I have the chioce of buying a bigger transformer (5 amp analogue) or going over to the LGB MTS system.I would really appreciate any feedback on the pros and cons of MTS as it is an awfull lot of money.I would prefer to stay with LGB transformers.My father uses a 10 amp plus 5amp transformers for his vast garden layout and it works fine for him but since I only have a few locos the price of adding decoders is not a problem for me.
Not such a quick note after all! (sorry).Thanks Troy

Greetings Brother LS Railroader,

First of all, Welcome. I my name is Joe and I am from South Texas. I enjoy a certain amount of realism, but I really enjoy the idea of having an outdoor railroad. I am relatively now to Large Scale, but I am using my poverty (the art of saving) to learn all I can before I have the means to construct my line.

I am currently using Bachmann for rolling stock/locomotives and Aristo-craft track. I plan to use a variety of scratch built and built-up items.

I think you will be pleased with this forum, I have learned a great deal thus far. Post often and question, the best question is the one that many people can get in on. I can’t wait until I can actually reach a state where I can offer advise.
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Introducing Myself
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:12 PM
Hello Everyone.
Just a quick note to introduce myself to the forum.My name is Troy and I live in the south east corner of England.I am fairly new to garden railways (although have modelled extensively in OO).I'm a firm believer in seeing what you want via pictures of models and then scratchbuilding a much cheaper version.My layout is about 132 foot with 2 loops complete with 2 passing loops at the station,allowing me to run 4 locos.I've read through the questions and answers through the forum and am impressed with the help that is offered.Some forums on railways are so dedicated to perfection I'm frightened to post anything! They would even find fault if they were confronted with the real thing.
Anyway to the point of this post:I am currently running trains on an LGB 1 amp starter set transformer and am having power problems.I have the chioce of buying a bigger transformer (5 amp analogue) or going over to the LGB MTS system.I would really appreciate any feedback on the pros and cons of MTS as it is an awfull lot of money.I would prefer to stay with LGB transformers.My father uses a 10 amp plus 5amp transformers for his vast garden layout and it works fine for him but since I only have a few locos the price of adding decoders is not a problem for me.
Not such a quick note after all! (sorry).Thanks Troy

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