My Bachmann Set arrived from TrainWorld!

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:09 PM
You have great taste in train sets. Though I am aware of the problems their 4-6-0's foreshow, I still hve my eye on the Gold Rush Set. I hope you and your daughter have many hours of enjoy ment with it. Scinece it is a D&RGW train you will more then likely want a garden railroad with a graident. If you want tall graidents I might sugest a 4% grade being the maximum. That is if you want narrow and tall ledges and a very beutiful recreation of the highline on the Durango and Silverton Tourist Railway ( this operates the branch from durango to Silverton on the abandoned D&RGW line ) I don't know about you but a line throught the mountains with High grades and tall bridges is the way to go with me. Also If you want more engines and rolling stock cheap you might try Hartlan Locomotive Works and Aristo Crafts Classic Line. I advise you to check those out if you already haven't. A live steam Accucraft Ruby in kit form is $279. This locomotive was built to where it can be converted to a forney, a small tender engine and what ever else you decide. Again I hope that you and your daughter have the most fun you can have with your trains. Cheers and Keep up the good work.

Regards: Nicholas Parker ( age 13 )[:)][:)][:)][:)][:D][:D][:D]
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Posted by bman36 on Monday, April 26, 2004 10:55 PM
Capt. C.,
Bachmann recently was selling off a whole bunch of kits right on their web site. They found these some where and were blowing them out cheap. Check Gonna' look myself. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:13 PM
Well Joe an Aussie saying would be "You Beaut" or even more "You Little Beauty" and I hope it works out for you! I will send you a few photographs of my layout, I am disposed toward oriental things and that is the theme for my layout; much different to any one elses that I know of; either here or in the US of A. Not being a negative person but remember "The bitter taste of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness low price is forgotten".

I am pleased about your daughter and I hope she turns out as well as my three sons have. However this is an opinion I have formed regarding Grandchildren. I am not interested in them until the turn about two and a half but by yhe time they are twelve, you can have them back any time you like.

As well I number my grandchildren, one to eleven at this stage: I have just had Miss ten year old Courtney, staying with us and it was terrific like a breath of fresh air. Her number is three and she knows it as do the others down to about seven or so, the rest are too young. Only one had been demoted; her cousin Andrew was number four but her father took up with another lady who had a son slightly older; I didn't know what to do about him untill her started calling me Grandad, so that decided it. Jayden is now number four and Andrew is five, they both know about the process and agree.

We didn't realise what a large group of kids fly during school holidays , until we took her down to Brisbane to fly home to Sydney. Seven were on her flight and eleven had just come up from Sydney. We spoke to a lady at Steve Erwins place and her grandson had came over from Perth 4000 km away, with fifteen others They are called "UM's" Unaccompanied Minors. Qantas have a terrific system and are very precise about details, She had a label pinned to her coatand we actually have a reciept for her. So this is what you have in store for you mate and good luck.

Ian. Kawana Island Tropical Railway.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:05 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by John Busby

Hi capt Carrales
Don't know if Bachmann still do them but they used to make some kits for freight and passanger cars that can be painted and decorated to choice or there are the RTR
ones as well.
regards John


I have seen these in photos on various online, but I have not seen them available from any of the major dealers online.

Does anyone know of these?
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:43 AM
Hi capt Carrales
Don't know if Bachmann still do them but they used to make some kits for freight and passanger cars that can be painted and decorated to choice or there are the RTR
ones as well.
regards John
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Posted by bman36 on Saturday, April 24, 2004 11:21 PM
Capt. C.,
All Bachmann's coaches are painted and lettered. If you are doing your own road name look for the clearance items and get ready to paint! Not sure if they ever came in undec. but disassembly is not all that hard. Barry's Big Trains sells drives for Bachmann locos. Problem is they are no cheaper than any Spectrum loco Bachmann makes so you may as well just save up for that. Less work and better end result. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 24, 2004 11:11 PM
Thanks to all for your concerns en re the Bachmann Locomotive. I will do everything in my power to keep that thing running.

Right now I am happy just to look at them. My next step is to buy up some Aristo-craft Track...6.5 diameter should work. Then I will buy a box car and caboose, some more track and some undecorated freight cars. they make lettered Bachmann passenger coaches or will I have to buy some lettered ones and apply paint/decals?

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 24, 2004 10:15 PM
Hey captain , glad your happy . Should have some pictures for you monday talk to you then
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 24, 2004 7:58 PM
Hi Capt
I am told by a friend of mine the drive train situation has improved a bit I am still waiting for him to send mine back but the scale convertion is not complete [:(]
I do how ever recomend puting pin pick ups on the front bogie (not quite sure what they are) but they improved the runing of my 4-6-0 no end
so I would recomend finding out what pin pick ups are and get some fitted.
regards John
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Posted by grandpopswalt on Friday, April 23, 2004 11:20 PM

I'm not sure which model of Bachmann loco you got with your set but be forewarned...Bachmann's weak point has always been the drivetrain. There are some websites that deal with these issues and can be a source of good information when trying to overcome these shortcomings. Maybe our good friend OLD DAD has a link to one of these sites in his bag of tricks.

Welcome to the fraternaty, you're in for some really good times!

"You get too soon old and too late smart" - Amish origin
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 23, 2004 12:43 PM
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 23, 2004 11:52 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by bman36

Capt. C.,
Congradulations eh!!!! Being from the generation I am this experience would be classed as "Solid eh". Good for you. You sound worse than I did many a Christmas ago at age five with my first CPR passenger set. This is are truly hooked. No amount of therapy can fix this so enjoy the ride! The best part is it only gets better! Later eh...Brian.

I have always like "Eh," in fact I think I might say it. The influence of winter-Texans on my up bringing!
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 23, 2004 11:48 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by smcgill

What no pics and you failed to mention which set you got.

This is the ser that I bought,

Name: Gold Rush
Roadname: Denver & Rio Grande

From this humble start I will raise an empire over my back and side yard!
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 23, 2004 9:53 AM
Hi capt Carrales
Thats it you gone and done it now!
Welcome to the Society for Perminently Broke Railwaty Modelers Of The World inc
Have fun[swg][yeah][8D][^]
regards John
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Posted by bman36 on Friday, April 23, 2004 7:30 AM
Capt. C.,
Congradulations eh!!!! Being from the generation I am this experience would be classed as "Solid eh". Good for you. You sound worse than I did many a Christmas ago at age five with my first CPR passenger set. This is are truly hooked. No amount of therapy can fix this so enjoy the ride! The best part is it only gets better! Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by smcgill on Friday, April 23, 2004 5:49 AM
What no pics and you failed to mention which set you got.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 23, 2004 1:51 AM

Well done, your daughter has excellent taste as well! Here in the UK a moment like this would be :
and would most certainly be celebrated with beer, quite a lot of it.
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My Bachmann Set arrived from TrainWorld!
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:37 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,

After a long wait (due to the use of a personal check and natural childlike want of arrival, thus my fault) my Bachmann Set arrived while I was at work today!

I nearly wept when I saw it out of the box! (no shame in it is there?) I showed it to my 9 month old daughter and she was fasinated by it, I hope a life time of such feeling will follow.

Honestly, I had never seen a G scale train up least not with the quality this set demonstrated. Thank you all for your past, present and future help. I am glad to be among your ranks.

Canadians and Aussies, as well as fellow Texans, Californians, New Englanders, Arizonians and other Yanks and the many citizens of the British Empire, my friends in South Africa...please give me one of your local expressions with which to voice my proud feelings!

Stage one of my plan is well under way! Now to concentrate on the backyard fence and purchase of brass railed track and structures.

Again, Thanks!

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