Large Scale Railway Clubs

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:39 PM
I joined the LGB and Garden Railway Club of Australia (or similar) when i lived in Sydney, its activities are centred largely but not entirely around Sydney as well; and it is well worthwhile at only $50 per annum, for the following reasons.

1) monthly vists to club members layouts combined with club meeting. Runnings take all day and night sometimes; meeting took ten minutes (terrific). From these visits you learn a real lot and meet a lot of charming friendly and helpfull people.

2) Club magazine, partly in colour every two months.

3) Best of all; access to very cheap club rail and a rail bender and this is the just the best way to go, when establishing a decent sized layout. (LGB and Aristo rail is just a waist of time and too costly in comparison)

But I have retired and moved a thousand Km away and I have lost the regular monthly meetings. To this end I would like to get a branch going locally on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland; not a new club, that would be counter productive, just a few meetings per year. No need to re-invent the wheel nor is it necessary to fix something that isn't broken.

When I get the next section of my layout finished (area 3) it will be big enough and interesting enough to show to others. I willhave a go then.

Ian. Kawana Island Tropical Railway.
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Posted by bman36 on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:03 PM
Hi there,
So far there is nothing in Winnipeg for Large Scale. I have been considering starting a group but I need help. I have a friend who will be travelling with me to the MWLSTS. I'm hoping to get him hooked and joining me in my venture. Having experience with another association dealing with Streetrods I have my reservations though. It seems to me when it comes to clubs 10% of the members do 90% of the work. The other 90% complain about how things are done. Go figure. If I get this going I sure hope it does not end up like that. If anyone can offer advice on how to keep members involved and helping out, I would love to hear it. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:16 PM
[#welcome] [:D]
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:29 PM
I am co-founder of the Central Connecticut G Gaugers Module Group. We started with 2 members and a 14' x 10' modular layout in 1998. We now have 16 members and our layout can be as large as 84' x 30' . We display at 6 local 'funding raising' train shows a year in CT. Our big event is our annual trek to the East Coast Large Scale Train Show in York, PA, which have been doing from the beginning.

I am currently Eastern Director for the LGB Model Railroad Club and have been a member since 1988. There are approximately 1800 members world-wide. We have an annual convention in various locations in the country. This year our convention, of which I am on the planning committee, will be in my home state of Connecticut in the town of Mystic
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Posted by cacole on Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:32 AM
As near as I know, the nearest club to me is in Tucson, AZ, 70 miles away, so it's very doubtful that I will be joining one any time soon. I belong to a local HO-scale club, and at least 3 of us have G-scale, but there's no interest in starting our own G-scale club. Other than us, I know of only one other G-scaler in this area, and he is running radio control live steam, which is way, way beyond my means.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:31 AM
My wife, daughter and myself founded the Connecticut "G" Scalers large scale club 11 years ago this May.

Through the club, we have met many great people and some have become close friends! Through the club we have also met many people from other states and countries. Members of the club encourage others and all are willing to lend a hand through advice, etc.

It was stated that web sites like this are a club. Yes, that can be true to an extent, but there is no personal interaction such as there is in a social setting.

Our club is informal and it works for us. You can get more info about us by going to


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:34 PM
I consider this forum to by my de facto club. I am from South Texas and I don't think there is a G Scale club for miles, maybe as far away as San Antonio ( maybe even "across the Alley from the Alamo!").[:D]

I would like to interest more people in the area in Large Scale Model Railroading, but for now I stand alone...ho...hum...alone again, naturally.[:(][4:-)]
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Posted by vsmith on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:08 PM
I would be interested but dont know if I could commit any time to activities to make it worth the effort. I am already very busy at home with projects and other commitments. I work on my hobby only when I have the time. Right now the primary concern is finishing the multitude of projects to complete our back yard, (sorry, no GR yet, but I'm working on a proposal for the Forman) and those are taking most of my time currently.

I know there are some clubs in the LA area, but as for my area I know of none. Theres one group based in Fontana, and one in the South Bay, both way too far to be conveniant. So I dunno. Besides I've been so used to being a "Lone Wolf" (for many various reasons) that i dont know how easy I would fit into any social model RR group.

I kinda consider these forums to be a "club" of sorts so thats my answer to this poll.

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by Marty Cozad on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:11 AM
i'm in 3 G clubs and one mixed club. I can't make to many meetings cause they are all a long drive. But want to support and have open houses for them.

Is it REAL? or Just 1:29 scale?

Long live Outdoor Model Railroading.

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Posted by Rene Schweitzer on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:13 AM

My database for the magazine has about 135 clubs (worldwide, though most are US) and is always growing.

Rene Schweitzer

Classic Toy Trains/Garden Railways/Model Railroader

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:33 AM
I belong to a garden RR club here in Minnesota and enjoy it very much.
Go to the F.Y.I. thread for a partial listing of large scale clubs.
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Posted by grandpopswalt on Monday, April 19, 2004 10:59 PM
I'm not a joiner so a club is not in my future. However, I've attended club sponsored events and generally found the members to be helpful, friendly, and they seemed to really be getting something positive out of being associated with an organization like this.

"You get too soon old and too late smart" - Amish origin
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Large Scale Railway Clubs
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 19, 2004 10:42 PM
I am neither for or against large scale clubs. I just hope we can exchange some comments regarding this part of the hobby.

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