Premont (Micaela) Station website!

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:22 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by bman36

Capt. C.,
Looking good. I'll bet you are excited to receive your first structure. The best thing about scratch building is the fact that it can be done very inexpensively. If the end result is not what you it again. I enjoy passing on what I have learned here. For me the best part of this scale is the people. Looking forward to seeing that station finished. Later eh...Brian.

I am very excited, I am just impatient that I cannot start actually constructing the out door layout until I save enough for a fence. I am going, however, to use that time to collect all the things I need, build structures and learn as much as I can so that I can have a really nice setup experience.

Sometimes, I think, the best part of this is the (just had to use this, its one of the things I learned here!"
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Posted by bman36 on Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:13 AM
Capt. C.,
Looking good. I'll bet you are excited to receive your first structure. The best thing about scratch building is the fact that it can be done very inexpensively. If the end result is not what you it again. I enjoy passing on what I have learned here. For me the best part of this scale is the people. Looking forward to seeing that station finished. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:35 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by John Busby

Hi Capt Carrales
While I cannot comment on the architectural style of the buildings not being sufficiently knowledgable on US RR buildings[:(]
I do really like the the impresion that they all belong to the same railroad company
a thing which will contribute to the sense of correctness of the whole thing..
Which is probably at times more important than other conciderations as it will all look conected together as one railroad[swg]
regards John

Thank you, John, for the excellent point. I am glad that Al has taken the challenge to construct the stations. I think that he has a fine eye for construction, detail and scale. I am pleased with his work beyond what my humble use of the English language can convey.

Again, You make an excellent point about the issue of having all the depots look related. When I was doing research on some South Texas Railroads I noticed that railroad companies had a particular "style," a distinctive moniker that set its buildings apart from other companies. I hope that Al can help me accompli***his with the depots.

I intend to learn from him and try my hand at it myself. I thank everyone on this forum for for being perfect teachers. As an educator I laud this forum for its pure desire to pass information and learning from one Railroader to the next.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:36 AM
Hi Capt Carrales
While I cannot comment on the architectural style of the buildings not being sufficiently knowledgable on US RR buildings[:(]
I do really like the the impresion that they all belong to the same railroad company
a thing which will contribute to the sense of correctness of the whole thing..
Which is probably at times more important than other conciderations as it will all look conected together as one railroad[swg]
regards John
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UPDATE 29 APRIL 2004 Premont (Micaela) Station website!
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:01 AM
Here is one of the first promised UPDATES on my layout (although I have yet to lay a single rail)...

If you would like to see how the construction on the Micaela station is going, pleade visit this site...

It contains some new pictures of work being done on the station by Al, "Mr Scratch-B-rules.

If you would like to look at some of the proposals for the Norma, Texas station, please click here...
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:06 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by John Busby

Hi Capt C
Time to show my ignorence of US signaling practice. what function does the signal have.
I note one sketch shows a full mast and the other the signal bracketed to the building.
If a full mast is used it should be away from the building close to the track as presumably the rodding or wire goes to a lever in the building, if how ever it is bracketed to the building it doesn't need a full mast but the rodding or wire to operate it will stil go to said lever in building.
a signal ladder is not shown in the sketches it will need one for the block boy to get up
and put kerosine in the lamp[:)]
well thats[2c] for what its worth.
regards John

Sorry I haven't responded to this post, I simply lost track of it.

The signal (Semaphore) that I saw in a photo (circa 1910 or so) had been obscured by poor picture grain quality and people standing infront of it. Since I had made my first drawings based on that photo I assumed that it went to the ground.

Upon researching similar stations on the same road, I saw that the signal was mounted in the manner you describe in your post. I then gave Mr. Scratch-b-rules instructions to take that into account when building.

I am curious to see the results of his efforts.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:10 AM
Hi Capt C
Time to show my ignorence of US signaling practice. what function does the signal have.
I note one sketch shows a full mast and the other the signal bracketed to the building.
If a full mast is used it should be away from the building close to the track as presumably the rodding or wire goes to a lever in the building, if how ever it is bracketed to the building it doesn't need a full mast but the rodding or wire to operate it will stil go to said lever in building.
a signal ladder is not shown in the sketches it will need one for the block boy to get up
and put kerosine in the lamp[:)]
well thats[2c] for what its worth.
regards John
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Premont (Micaela) Station website!
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 16, 2004 10:02 PM
Feel free to visit this site on the station that Mr. Scratch-B-Rules is constructing for me. Please comment on the design and feel free to use it.

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