Please visit my website for the Layout I am to build

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Posted by bman36 on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:30 PM
Capt. C.,
This is looking good. Nice to not have the tripod stuff anymore. Looking forward to seeing more. Keep up the good work. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:13 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by locomotive10

Daer Capt.

Wounderful site. Glad you got rid of the Tripod Signs. Inform me of progress please.
my e-mail adress is Send me a letter! See ya Eh mate?

Locomotive 10,

Thanks for the interest. I will do my best to keep people informed about my layout. I am gratified that people have shown interest.

You can visit the improved better organized site at...

Later, Ya''s right mate (talk about cultural diversity!)
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 4:04 PM
Daer Capt.

Wounderful site. Glad you got rid of the Tripod Signs. Inform me of progress please.
my e-mail adress is Send me a letter! See ya Eh mate?
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:00 PM
Captain looks good cant wait to see finished project . Thats right , Im the only one who has seen it . talk to you soon
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:39 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Goetz-von

Hi Capt. C,

Look forward to another visit when you've made some more progress. Please keep us updated.

Kind regards,



Thank you,

I plan to document this construction quite well. I will make the TRAINS.COM community members the first priority of my Public Affairs People[:D].

Again thank you for the confidence.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:36 PM
Hi Capt. C,

Look forward to another visit when you've made some more progress. Please keep us updated.

Kind regards,


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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 17, 2004 8:33 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by RhB_HJ


Start page is good now.

Next suggestion is: shrink the file size of your pictures. Going by the size of those puppies you should be able to get them to within 20k to 30k per picture at the max.

Here's what they are at the moment: = 75K = 104K = 202K = 331K = 977K = 251K = 91K

Running them through Photoshop, PaintShopPro or Photopaint lets you adjust for minimal size while retaining the best quality i.e. you sharpen, highlight, equalize etc. first and then save at the smaller file size.


Thanks, I'll see if I can get this done tomorrow. They are a but too large, not that you mention it.
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Posted by RhB_HJ on Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:16 PM

Start page is good now.

Next suggestion is: shrink the file size of your pictures. Going by the size of those puppies you should be able to get them to within 20k to 30k per picture at the max.

Here's what they are at the moment: = 75K = 104K = 202K = 331K = 977K = 251K = 91K

Running them through Photoshop, PaintShopPro or Photopaint lets you adjust for minimal size while retaining the best quality i.e. you sharpen, highlight, equalize etc. first and then save at the smaller file size.

Cheers HJ
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:24 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by RhB_HJ


By the looks of things (view code) Tripod adds the ad block to every page of your site.
Except on the Start Page it didn't bump your code down by the required spaces.
Can't see why, but that's one of the drawbacks with free Hosting.


Tripod is one of those outfits that provide "free" webspace.
I know them from 4 years back when I started out in webdesign. The software I was using at that time provided a "free" version for Tripod and people were having lots of problems, both with uploading as well as service outage.

I've made a major code change since your last message, is it better?
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Posted by RhB_HJ on Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:47 AM

By the looks of things (view code) Tripod adds the ad block to every page of your site.
Except on the Start Page it didn't bump your code down by the required spaces.
Can't see why, but that's one of the drawbacks with free Hosting.


Tripod is one of those outfits that provide "free" webspace.
I know them from 4 years back when I started out in webdesign. The software I was using at that time provided a "free" version for Tripod and people were having lots of problems, both with uploading as well as service outage.
Cheers HJ
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 16, 2004 11:48 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by RhB_HJ

Capt C.

What's with the pop-ups?? Oooops yeah it's Tripod. Just surprised me because my OPERA is set to display all the crud in the background (nope I don't usually get to see any of it, poor me [;)][:(!][}:)][;)] )

I have a suggestion: Being as your hosting outfit insists on placing ads at the top of the page, why not leave that space free? Of course if it were me I'd place a snarky message as a wall-paper gif i.e. "Yep this is what they call FREE space....!"

The reason it bothered me right off the bat was your logo being obscured, not a good thing if it's a graphic link!

Just two suggestions from someone who does webdesign on the side.[;)]

BTW I was looking for your track plan, is it in the works?


I assume you are talking about the main page. I ran into that problem on you hom eunit, but some computers don't do it (seems strange). I think the problem is with the code for that opening page, I picked up all my HTML language "on the streets," and it seems that I may have used some "curse word" that offends Tripod. Tomorrow (Saturday April 17, 2004) I will redesign th epage.

If you could give me a few pointers, I would really be thankful. Does it do it on all the pages or just the opening?
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Posted by bman36 on Friday, April 16, 2004 11:23 PM
I could'nt figure out the pop up stuff either. What is Tripod anyway??? Can you shut it off when viewing? I like the site but the tripod deal was annoying. Later eh...Brian.

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Posted by RhB_HJ on Friday, April 16, 2004 11:15 PM
Capt C.

What's with the pop-ups?? Oooops yeah it's Tripod. Just surprised me because my OPERA is set to display all the crud in the background (nope I don't usually get to see any of it, poor me [;)][:(!][}:)][;)] )

I have a suggestion: Being as your hosting outfit insists on placing ads at the top of the page, why not leave that space free? Of course if it were me I'd place a snarky message as a wall-paper gif i.e. "Yep this is what they call FREE space....!"

The reason it bothered me right off the bat was your logo being obscured, not a good thing if it's a graphic link!

Just two suggestions from someone who does webdesign on the side.[;)]

BTW I was looking for your track plan, is it in the works?
Cheers HJ
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Posted by bman36 on Friday, April 16, 2004 10:24 PM
Capt. C,'ve been busy. Nice to know someone on this forum who can do web sites! This will be great to visit as work progresses. Keep us posted as you make changes. Later eh...Brian.
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Please visit my website for the Layout I am to build
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 16, 2004 9:58 PM
Please visit my website for the Layout I am to build and let me know what you think. Remember, I depend on you, my Brother and Sister Large Scale Railroaders to "keep the fires lit under me."

Oh, the telephone numbers and addresses are fiction. I actually live in Premont, Texas.

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