Personal Review of USA Trains PA/PB-1 Units and Streamline Cars

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Posted by bman36 on Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:45 PM
Hey guys,
Thanks for the shots and the info! Always nice to hear the real story from a real railroad. Interesting the problems you had to overcome. Sure are nice to see! Marty...I see we all encounter the "Watchful Wife" eh??? All my wife ever asks is "How much was that?" and "What can I buy since you got that?". All is fair in Love and Trains...or something like that. Later eh...Brian.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:41 PM
Thanks for the info as well. I am planning on eventually buying a few SP Daylight cars (The most beutiful train in the world with a GS4 in front!!!) and that is good info to know. My the way Marty, nice picture! I'm always amazed at how realistic they look.
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Posted by BudSteinhoff on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:36 PM
Thanks for the info.
Sounds like beauty should be more than skin deep,
I will stick with my SD45'S and the on the way Dash 9.
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Posted by Marty Cozad on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 8:14 PM
Thanks for sharing this, I will recieve my #2 car this week, I do have mini 20' dia curves so I hope the coupler s won't be a problem. I removed the sliders cause i am battery power so hopfully they will come out with a full baggage car so my batteries will be stored there. I plan to use Aristos e-8s to pull them. By then i may have a full set.
But your right,,,They are very nice looking!!!
PS I bought one car at a time cause the wify doesn't put up as much fuss. Heres the coach running with my HWs.

Is it REAL? or Just 1:29 scale?

Long live Outdoor Model Railroading.

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Personal Review of USA Trains PA/PB-1 Units and Streamline Cars
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 10:08 AM
I thought I would pass on the Good and the Not So Good that I have learned after purchasing the SF set and running them this past weekend.

First the Good: The engines and cars are beautiful. Without a doubt, the nicest set I own. The cars are incredibly detailed, have metal sprung couplers, nice metal wheels, metal trucks and are well illuminated. The engines are also nice looking and have plenty of power to pull an eight car set up a 2-3 percent grade (although they do slow considerably on the grade).

Now the No So Good: As I stated in an earlier post, the cars are very heavy and do not have ball bearing wheels. I tried running these around some 8ft. diameter curves and got a LOT of drag and occasional derailments. USA says they should work on 8ft curves but bigger is better. I believe the body-mounted couplers are the problem. An Aristo smoothside set works fine around this same curve.

I ran into problems with the cars uncoupling from one another and the engine. This occurred on grade changes (not large ones). Because the couplers are body mounted, the have very little vertical travel and because the cars are so long, the couplers can drop down (and out of one another) when one car begins to climb the grade. So along with enlarging some of my curves I will have to rework my roadbed to minimize my grade changes.

I also found that the sliders tended to "catch" on my 30 degree crossing as the slider's leading edge dropped down in the gap. I corrected this problem by removing the sliders and bending the sliders to 90 deg versus 100 deg. I spoke to USA about this issue and they said that there was a problem with the stamping of these sliders and they are fixing the issue. One other IMPORTANT note on this issue is removing the motor/gear box cover plates. It is a REAL trick to get the gear bushings properly reseated so that the cover plate fits tightly. If there is the slightest gap between the cover plate and the gear box can strip the gears.

Lastly, I was astounded to see that this set of engines and 8 cars with lights, smoke and sound was pulling 12-13 AMPs on an uphill grade. USA confirms this is NORMAL. With some other lighted cars on a siding, I was blowing the circuit breaker on my 15AMP power supply. So now along with enlarging my curves, adjusting my grades I have to buy a larger power supply. I also spoke with Bridgewerks and found out that they are now producing their new TDR-25 (25 Amp) supply/controller primarily to accommodate this new set.

Summary: This is a great looking good quality set and I know that USA made every attempt to make a great product (this is very evident in the detail). But be forewarned that you will need BIG curves, MINIMAL grade changes and LOTS of power (especially if you run more than one train at a time). I think it would have been nice if USA would have put this information on their website. Nowhere does it mention the minimum diameter curves nor amperage draw requirements.

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