Soon as I posted the "No Fishing" ,sign someone started fishing.
That sign and the two on the outside below are $1.94 in the "Christmas Decorations" at Wal~Mart. The "Fat Capt" offering boat rides is $3.92.
These figures are well within the scales (?) of people we commonly purchase as G(eeeeewhiz) Scale. I've had the same brand outside for 2 years now and they still look OK. Probably need to paint or toss next year. At two bucks, just might toss, cheaper and quicker than painting.
Tom Trigg
My Walmart had 0 of them, there always crappy there! Even had The Scale Card with me! Only figures would work was the new pirates move figs.
You need to look in the Christmas decorations, not in the toy dept. Yes you can get all the Pirates of the Carribean, and StarWars characters you want in toy dept.
Yeah I looked there too in the Christmas Dept.. Seems they are having a high turn over rate because somethings I saw before T-Day was gone. Like the popcorn popper guy w/cart. Now they have very small baby figs left.
Toad (is ok Toadie ainn't a cryn)
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