question about MTH command control system

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question about MTH command control system
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 22, 2003 2:55 PM
I was thinking about picking up a remote command system at an after Xmas sale. I was leaning towards the MTH DCS system. I have an old Lionel Steam Engine (2025) and a Railking Diesel with Proto sound 1.0

In the future I may get another engine with advanced features.

I'd like to run all three engines at the same time. I've heard that the Lionel system won't run the MTH trains but that the MTH system can run everything. Eventually, I'd like to be able to remotly control accessories and switches as well.

I'm looking for some advice.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 22, 2003 6:26 PM
I'm a step behind you and leaning towards DCS if I ever get a full blown command setup. Because DCS can control both formats while TMCC cannot. But right now I can use Railsounds and Proto2 on the same conventional layout with just a standard transformer (LW model which has a direction and whistle button on it) and an extra "sound button" for the bell.

Here's some good reading:

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