flatcar rivet repairs

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Posted by Algonquin on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 2:01 PM
Hi Dave,

Generally, to remove a rivet you must file the head off. To secure a rivet you can use a punch. You must make sure your supporting jig is supporting the rivet so that little or no force from the hammer and punch is put on the plastic.

If your working on a collectable of value and your not comfortable with tring this, Take to any Lionel Service Station. Most have the tools and experience to replace a rivet and can do it on any manufacturers train.

Also, Ray Plummer's book titled " Toy Train Repair Made Easy - 21 lionel Postwar Projects" describes the process of removing and re-installing rivets (and has pictures).

Tim P.

A penny saved is a penny earned. But every once in a while it is good to treat yourself to a gum ball.

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flatcar rivet repairs
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 14, 2001 3:34 PM
I was wondering if anyone has experience repairing the rivets that hold the wheel trucks to a flatcar. Is there a way to do this without having a rivet set? Also how do you get the old rivet off without breaking the plastic on the flatcar.

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