0-4-0 mth dockside vs the rmt beep

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0-4-0 mth dockside vs the rmt beep
Posted by Locomotive681 on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 2:35 PM
I want to know which is better the beeps or 0-4-0 mth dockside
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:36 PM
I personally would go for the MTH dockside.I have 2 of the Beeps and they run very rough.They also have very little pulling power
just my 2 cent
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Posted by Dr. John on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:52 PM
I have both and like both. The Beep is a great bargain and I am satisfied with its performance. The MTH docksider is a more realistic looking locomotive and has a great smoke unit. The grooved drivers (in place of traction tires) make it a somewhat noisy runner.
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Posted by JamesPH1966 on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:56 PM
I'd say it depends on what you want a switcher for - otherwise it's kind of a "apples and oranges" comparison (I own one of each). The MTH Docksider is heavier and thus has more pulling power, it's looks better with "scale" sized equipment. The Beeps look better with "traditional" sized stuff (I had mine coupled to some O27 streamline passenger cars and it looked pretty good - but was having issues with dragging the 3 car set).

Just to confuse the issue - there's always the Lionel Docksider (excellent pulling power - mine had pulled a set of heavyweights with no problems and looks fine with either "scale" or "traditional") and K-Line's Plymouth switcher (decent weight/pulling power and works with either "scale" or "traditional") and Porter (way over scaled - looks better to me with "scale" equipment and has decent weight/pulling power as well).

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:15 PM
"Better"? That's a pretty subjective evaluation that I really can't make for another individual. I own several of both locomotives (actually, I have two Docksides and about a half-dozen BEEPs). I like them both, otherwise I wouldn't own/keep them. I also like the Lionel Dockside, the K-Line Porter, and the K-Line Plymouths, which I also own.

Bottom line: It's entirely up to you! If you like steam, go for the Dockside (MTH or Lionel), or the K-Line Porter. If diesels appeal to you more, go with the BEEP or the K-Line Plymouth.
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Posted by laz 57 on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:31 PM
What DR JOHN says.
GREAT SMOKER fills the room with smoke and not too bad of a puller.
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Posted by Jumijo on Thursday, January 5, 2006 5:50 AM
My Beep has pulled 10 frieght cars without difficulty.


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Posted by jimhaleyscomet on Thursday, January 5, 2006 8:16 AM
The beep and the plymouth tend to stall at slow speeds on 027 switches. I had to modify my switches to prevent stalling. I think the plymouth runs a tad better than the beep on 027 curves with switchbacks.

Jim H

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