Repair Shop

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Repair Shop
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, July 22, 2005 7:17 PM
I'm looking for a good repair shop for a few of my postwar engines. I have tried buying the repair guides and schematics, but have had no success in doing the things most of you find somewhat easy such as soldering loose wires back to their original location. Any suggestions for a good place to send these items?
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Posted by Roger Bielen on Friday, July 22, 2005 7:45 PM
Where are you located and what brand(s)? With forum members scattered throughout the US, and a few overseas, I'm sure someone will have a suggestion.
Roger B.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, July 22, 2005 7:48 PM
Roger, I'm in Chattanooga, TN and have mostly postwar Lionel items or at least those are the ones I am needing to get repaired.
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Posted by nitroboy on Friday, July 22, 2005 9:30 PM
What items are you wanting repaired, and what are the problems with them? Maybe I can help.
Dave Check out my web page TCA # 03-55763 & OTTS Member Donate to the Mid-Ohio Marine Foundation at Factory Trained Lionel Service Technician
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Posted by Big_Boy_4005 on Friday, July 22, 2005 9:31 PM
You might just want to start with your local yellow pages under hobby, and see if an ad stands out as one that sells Lionel trains. Call them and see if they even do repairs.

The other option would be to go to the Lionel website and look for service stations in your area. If they can fix the modern stuff, they can certainly fix postwar. It's like the difference between new and old automobiles, the amount of junk under the hood.

Either way, it's probably best if you find somebody close to you to do the work. You don't want to get involved in shipping trains off to be fixed.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 23, 2005 12:32 PM
I was checking out the Ameritrains web site looking for Marx parts and repairs and they recommended Robert Barth. I sent him 2 dead Marx 21's and a week later I received them back and they run beautifully. I highly recommend him .
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 23, 2005 1:00 PM
Dave, the first thing I'm trying to get fixed is 627 44 ton switcher. From visual inspection, there are 2 wires off. I tried holding those wires in the right spots to see if the engine would run, but did get any movement. So more could be wrong, but not sure. Unfortunately there are no hobby shops in the immediate area, so am willing to ship and pay a reasonable price to get these engines running once again.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 23, 2005 1:15 PM

wedi-I would be able to do repairs, just email me, I live in Wisconsin. Im sure there is a contact broken somewhere.

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