Other scale trains (for Turbo and others)

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Posted by FJ and G on Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:39 AM

Nice summary. In the very very distant future I may design an N scale coffee table layout and put some G outside; man is G scale enticing!

As a kid I played w/HO, 3-rail O and S scale Flyer
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Posted by underworld on Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:23 AM
Well, I've got a little of just about everything.
Z Amazing the level of detail on something so small and you can fit a lot into a small area. I only have a few pieces of this and only a small (duh) oval of track.
N Great if you don't have a lot of space. Big enough for good detail and a large variety of equipment available. I have a fair amount of this in a box
TT Found some on eBay last year. A tank engine and two coaches. Not a lot smaller than HO, you can still get a lot of track in a small space and easier to handle (and see!) than N or Z. Not much available in this scale and it can be quite hard to find. I still need some track.
HO Here is where you can start to get into a lot of detail. The largest variety of equipment available. What ever interests you is probably available either RTR, kit or both. This is the scale that I have the most of. Been collecting it pretty much non stop since I was 5.
S Now we're in to something that starts to have some weight to it! This is the scale where it starts to make some good noise clicking and clacking over the rails. Not as large of a variety of equipment as HO or O.
I had some American Flyer that I got when I was little......don't know whatever happened to it.[sigh]
O The first O I had was a Marx Big Rail set when I was 3. I didn't really get any more O until recently. It's BIG! It makes good noise going over the rails. The level of detail can be incredible at this size. Lots of variety, lots of manufacturers![:)]
Gauge 1, G, etc I have a few pieces of G in 1:22.5 and 1:29. In this size detailing is fantastic. Scale lumber can look very convincing. Scratch building is quite simple. I also have some Gauge 1 tinplate 1:32. Nice heavy metal trains![swg] If you haven't been bitten by the gauge 1 tinplate bug..........
try to avoid it in anyway possible. This stuff can be crazy expensive![:O]
Standard Gauge A little over a year ago I was fascinated by a Lionel prewar dump car I saw at a train I bought it![:D] About a month later I saw an engine at another I bought that. The scale is about 1:26.59 and the track is 2 1/8 inch so the track in wider than G/gauge 1 but the scale is somewhere in the middle. This stuff is fun like the Lionel O gauge. Lots of "working" cars like the dump car. Heavy metal trains that make real good noise going over the rails![:)]

I like them all!


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Other scale trains (for Turbo and others)
Posted by FJ and G on Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:42 AM
I noticed that Tim has G, O and HO scale trains. I was wondering if he and others who run other scales could comment on what they like about each, including O (without anyone jumping in to bash!)

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