When the model no longer suffices ... for some

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:25 AM
Dave: I have seen people like your neighbour do these things before, the race cars horses, Junior Hockey or Baseball teams, Some guys will do anything to live the dream. I have seen the dream turn thier lives into disaster, lost the family, bankrupted them. You certainly have to be disciplined when it comes to our hobbies & priorities, It is difficult to keep it all in perspective. I guess it comes down to that BIG question, when is the layout finished???? Kind regards Steve
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Posted by Dr.Fu-Manchu on Saturday, March 19, 2005 3:05 AM
The Evil Doctor Is In !!! This story reminds me of the Guy that started the Golden Gate Railroad Musuem. He wanted to know what was going to happen to the steamer that was sitting at the San Mateo, CA. Fairgrounds. They said "you want it, it's yours!"He started a group to restore it, and now they have a nice setup at the old Hunter's Point
Naval Shipyard in San Francisco, Ca. They run #2472 and an assortment of diesels,
some former S.P. and they have 2 F-7's that used to run on S.P. in Caifornia. Talk about having your own railroad. (him and a loyal bunch of folks) It's a great place to see S.P.
Motive Power and Passenger cars. They are open on weekends. Worth a visit if you are in the S.F. Area. Till My Next Missive, I Remain The Humble, Yet Strangly Evil Doctor !!![}:)]
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 18, 2005 10:01 PM
I understand your neighbor, Dave...I think all of us over 40 do.
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Posted by laz 57 on Friday, March 18, 2005 9:48 PM
My High School principal and I have been talking of building a handcar and placing it on some abandon tracks here in Pa. We need some plans for a handcar any idears out there?
  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by pbjwilson on Friday, March 18, 2005 7:33 PM
Always liked this shot.
If they sell the house does the switcher come with it.?

Doug M, There's a working live steam railroad maybe 12" gauge on route 60 near the Lake Forest High School Academy. It's just east of the tollway - west of Waukegan road. I've never seen it running but talked to a guy there and said they ran trains on the weekends weathewr permiitting.
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Posted by FJ and G on Friday, March 18, 2005 6:14 PM
I once "had" my own real RR. A bit of abandoned track near Dallas where I lived for 2 years and an old handcar minus the pumping mechanism. Used to push my 7 year old daughter down the track and jump on, getting a bit of a ride.
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Posted by selector on Friday, March 18, 2005 5:35 PM
"A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"

Or, as my Dad would say, "Talk's cheap."

Dreaming never got the job done, but it does motivate. Sounds like your neighbour got tired of dreaming, or 'woulda, coulda, shouldaing', and decided to act, Dave. Not my idea of fun, racing, but if it puts lead back in his pencil, good for him. I mean, you only live once, far as I know, and well adjusted people make the most of it.
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Posted by fjerome on Friday, March 18, 2005 5:14 PM
if i had enough space (land), i would absolutely build something that you could ride on.

doug, your story is very interesting. i would love to know more about that site.
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Posted by underworld on Friday, March 18, 2005 1:39 PM
When I was in high school there was a man that lived in the neighborhood by the school, I noticed there looked to be track in his yard. There was. He wanted a train big enough to ride on so he built one and built two foot gauge track all around the perimeter of his yard....about 1/3 to 1/2 an acre. I never got to see it run but sometimes he would have it outside on the track when I went by.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 18, 2005 11:37 AM
Switching to a different gauge and scale works for me! Beer helps! [:D]
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Posted by choochin3 on Friday, March 18, 2005 9:18 AM
mmmmmmmm BEER!

Carl T.
I'm out Choochin!
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Posted by highrailjon on Friday, March 18, 2005 9:09 AM
I'm gonna start brewing my own beer.[:D]
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Posted by cnw1995 on Friday, March 18, 2005 8:33 AM
You can always go the route that the husband of the cartoonist of "For Better or Worse" - he created a large scale 'rideable' train empire - then bought the company that makes those size trains. About 20 miles north of me in Richmond, IL is a forlorn building that used to be a chiropracter's office that has a large sign says Lionel Dealer on it - next to this building and going down the road for quite a few hundred yards are what appears to be tracks for a large scale trains such as these, now abandoned. They turn away from the road into the adjoining property and go on for quite a while. One of these days, I'll see if I can root out some more information about this site.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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When the model no longer suffices ... for some
Posted by FJ and G on Friday, March 18, 2005 7:33 AM
(My point will take some time so patience please)

My nextdoor neighbor is a former Army Ranger. You'd never know it because he allowed himself to gain about 200 pounds and he chain smokes. That is until 2 years ago, when all of a sudden one day, in the middle of a hot summer day he began running--5 miles a day. When he returned from each run, he resembled the walking dead--literally. I don't recommend that anyone try this crazy method of getting into shape but it really worked for him, and he didn't even injure himself. Miraculous. And the cigarrettes disappeared.

Within 6 months, he was entering Iron Man triathlons and other big races.

Then, a banana yellow corvette appeared in his driveway one day; a reward he gave to himself for getting back into shape. I asked him why he did this and he replied simply that he wanted to live long enough to see his children (5, 12) to grow up. A very common sense sort of answer.

In his basement are some Lionel trains, but the largest portion of his hobby is NASCAR and collecting 1:20 to 1:32 approx. models of Nascar and racing cars--you know, the really high end models that are enclosed in acrylic display cases.

Some are signed by Dale Earnhart Sr as are posters on the wall.

Dale was his hero.

Then Dale died and my neighbor got really bummed out. He's still a NASCAR fan but the flame sort of died.

A couple of weeks ago, a silver corvette appeared in his driveway beside his banana yellow corvette. Perhaps his buddy's.

But the same silver corvette appeared each day in his driveway so I went over and asked about it. It was his.

He said it was a special high performance corvette (I thought ALL corvettes are high performance models but NOT!). This corvette was build for racing.

I didn't want to seem condescending and ask how he was going to race in gridlock, which typify's D.C. area traffic, so I let him tell me why he got it.

Apparently, the models either no longer suffice or he's going thru some sort of midlife thing, but he's enrolling in racing classes and intends to race the car.

I told him to be careful racing, as a scratch on the nice paint job would not be good. He agreed, but said that this is something he MUST do.

* * *

A couple of days ago, I picked up the 05 Model RR Planning magazine and flipped to the last page. There, big as life was a model train that seemed too big to call a model and a bit too small to call a real train. A gentleman who has been a model train buff (as well as a retired locomotive engineer) took the hobby one step further and constructed a real railroad on his property. And it is a sort of "revenue" railroad. It hauls firewood from the back 40, so it even has a purpose.

I couldn't help but notice the comparison of my neighbor's pursuit of a dream; taking it to another level if you will; or getting thru midlife.

As we grow older, it never hurts to dream; and it never hurts to try to make your dreams come true.

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