SP-10A Multimeter spazzing out

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SP-10A Multimeter spazzing out
Posted by FJ and G on Sunday, February 13, 2005 8:04 AM
Sperry unit from Home Depot. Been using it a year and now it' acting funny. It can measure AC from the outlets but cannot measure ohms on my tracks (it was OK last week). Also, not measuring DC in batteries. I changed the Sperry's batteries but that didn't help.

Is it time to get a new one?


If so, any recommendations on one, perhaps one with amp function as well. I didn't see any at Radio Shack that do amps.

Dave Vergun
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, February 13, 2005 10:53 AM
Dave, have you checked the fuse(s) in the meter? If you inadvertently apply power while in the ohms function the fuses can be blown.


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