Rotary Hammer drill

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Rotary Hammer drill
Posted by FJ and G on Friday, February 4, 2005 1:23 PM
I'm pretty psyched because I got to use it last night on the layout. It's chicago brand for 1/2 price ($60) during New Year's sale at Harbor Freight. Have a pak of bits and chisel.

I used it to chisel a gully thru my scenery and also a long thin drill to go thru about a foot of foam and some particle boards so wires can connect track to below table (b/c I built scenery before track).

This rotary hammer is a real beast!

If I get really psyched and crazy, I might use it to chisel out another room in the basement!

Actually, BB the beagle was hounding me again to chase rabbits but she's limping from a paw cut so to keep her occupied, I used the rotary hammer to drill out a section of fake store dogbone and inserted a cylindrical dog treat in the hole. That kept her occupied trying to dig it out!

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