Stumped in Walla Walla re: MTH Z-4000 problem..

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, January 29, 2005 4:46 PM
When turning on the transformer, the red overload lite come on and stays on ,with no power to the track and it read 40 volts? The manual sez if the throttle is advanced when the unit is turn on this can happen. However I have turned the transformer off and on several times, as well as disconecting all wires, pressed the reset buttons on the side of the unit, took the trains off the track etc and with each different configuration the red lite still stays on???

Thanks for any "HELP" on this problem, Darco
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Posted by willpick on Saturday, January 29, 2005 7:03 PM
Darco-- make sure that the handles are all the way off. when the Z4000 turns on, the displays will flash 40 00, then should read 00 00-- the red lite should come on, then go off. If the red lite still stays on, then it's developed a serious problem. If you have an authorized MTH service station near you, i'd take it there and let them check it. It may have to go back to MTH in Maryland to be fixed---

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, January 29, 2005 7:36 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Darco

When turning on the transformer, the red overload lite come on and stays on ,with no power to the track and it read 40 volts? The manual sez if the throttle is advanced when the unit is turn on this can happen. However I have turned the transformer off and on several times, as well as disconecting all wires, pressed the reset buttons on the side of the unit, took the trains off the track etc and with each different configuration the red lite still stays on???

Thanks for any "HELP" on this problem, Darco

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:38 AM
Wondering if anyone else running a Z-4000 has experienced this problem, and if there is a solution short of the hassle of shipping it back?
Thanks, Darco
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 31, 2005 10:32 AM
QUOTE: Wondering if anyone else running a Z-4000 has experienced this problem, and if there is a solution short of the hassle of shipping it back?

Nope, mine works fine. I've had the red light come on when I flip the power switch, but then I realize one or both handles had been bumped forward, once I pull them both back the unit will reset itself after a couple of seconds.

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