will this work?

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will this work?
Posted by stuartmit on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 2:45 PM

trying to figure out a scheme so that when two trains are in certain relation to one another, but only then, I can cause a switch to throw automatically. Thinking about the way you can use insulated 3rd rails to complete a circuit when bridged by the metal wheels, I came up with this. I should note that this to throw the switch to route the train from track 1 to 2--not to protect against derailment at switch,


Train 1 controls energizing a relay with an insulated rail which allows completing the  ground side of the magnet  when the train is on insulaled section. The relay when in enrgized position, allows grounding of the switch coil thru a second insulated section, which only completes the circuit when  train 2 passes over that second insulated section. So when 2 trains are on the two insulated sections simultaneously. the switch throws.

Is that clear?

This should work, won't it?   Want to know before cutting into my track and needlessly creating a mess. Or worse!


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