Electrical details

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Electrical details
Posted by stuartmit on Sunday, March 19, 2023 3:33 PM

Maybe I should have listed as a few different topics so someone may divide it. 

1. in an effort to get snappier perfromance from 022 sweitches, a book I bought recommended 20 volts on the dedicated constant voltage circuit, but it encourages changing light bulbs in switches, and in the 022C controllers to 24 volts. I have looked a bit on line, but see nothing specifically linked to Lionel.  I would like to buy red and green bulbs of that voltage with the correct base. I'm not sure how to look for them and be sure they are correct. 

2. If you have two or three transformers properly phased together, with various throttle's, and constant voltage taps dedicated to various purposes, how do you know you are not subjecting one of the transformers to greater wattage draw than it is capable of? Do you simply sum the wattage being pulled on all circuits from any one transformer, and compare to the transformer wattage with an appropriate discount for wattage being drawn as compared with wattage input?

3. perhaps related to above, I have read 16ga is ok to run to blocks to power trains, yet 12 gauge is recommended for common ground returns. How come the "hot" leg can be smaller wire size than the ground leg? 

4. I have 30-60 year old relays, which I believe are DC, which I have been using on AC current for years. They seem to function just fine, yet I have come across information indicating I really should rectify the voltage which operates them. 

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Posted by BigAl 956 on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 10:51 AM

I used to use a higher voltage feed off one of my ZWs for switches. It does make them more responsive. However, when you run at such a high voltage you will need to use higher voltage bulbs or the stock bulbs will quickly burn out. Another consideration is the higher voltage incandecent bulbs run at higher wattage wich will melt the switch lanterns. To solve all these issues I converted all the lamp wiring in the controllers and switches to LEDs wich at the time I obtained from Town and Country but now sold by numerous vendors.

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Posted by stuartmit on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 2:27 PM

great news re LED bulbs. How do you know what to order? Can you give me a specific i.d.? Is there a universal number for screw base and bayonnet base? Thanks for your help. 

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