Adding a motor to Lionel 2243 F3

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Adding a motor to Lionel 2243 F3
Posted by trainlivebob on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 5:03 PM

I would like to add another motor and drive wheels to the 2243 and make it like the 2343 with 2 motors.  The frame and shell seem very similar or the same. 
has anyone done this and what a the steps? 

I have 2 2243s and just want two make one a real good puller  
I thought maybe just run both together since they are nearly the same speed  


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Posted by lionelsoni on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 9:06 AM

Two 2243s pulling the same train will perform just about the same as one two-motor locomotive.

While it's important to match locomotive speeds when double-heading modern DC-can-motor locomotives, older universal-moter locomotives like the 2243 will gracefully adapt to each other's speed.

Bob Nelson

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Posted by ADCX Rob on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 12:28 PM

If you are dead-set on having both motors inside one shell, just procure a 2383 frame and front power truck(with the coupler hardware) and transfer your components over.

Bob's method is ideal, however and provides some flexibility. You can tether both motors to one e-unit. Here is the diagram for doing so(the connection between cabs is circled in green, use your choice of connector). If you leave the slave unit locked in neutral, it can be restored to operation by unplugging from the master and turning the E-unit back on.


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Posted by dlagrua on Thursday, November 11, 2021 4:53 AM

Yes you will need another motor, a 2 motor P/W or MPC frame, the truck w pickup, the mounting screws and the coupler. MPC trucks may have wheels with traction tires and P/W should not. Best place to look for these may be at the train shows where you may find an old beat up junker engine to salvage for parts

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Posted by trainlivebob on Thursday, November 11, 2021 12:47 PM
thanks for the reply. I ran them both on the track and they were almost identical in speed. one just bumping the other occasionally
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Posted by trainlivebob on Thursday, November 11, 2021 12:50 PM
Thanks Rob for the schematic. Ill try this first since it is flexible and quick. If I run across the parts I may convert one, or just buy a 2 motor horizontal engine.
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Posted by trainlivebob on Thursday, November 11, 2021 12:52 PM
Thanks, I forgot I would need another frame. Yes, I would need to find a junker.
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Posted by ADCX Rob on Thursday, November 11, 2021 6:29 PM

Thanks Rob for the schematic. Ill try this first since it is flexible and quick. If I run across the parts I may convert one, or just buy a 2 motor horizontal engine.

Either unit can be the slave or master... just put the slave E-unit in neutral when the two cabs are plugged in together and use the E-unit in the master for direction control.

And some clarification, you don't need all the parts as one poster said, just the frame and the front motor truck with the coupler parts and apron if you go the "twin motor" route.  This would essentially just make it a 2383, which actually is a twin motor 2243. This is why the 2243 "B" unit is so desireable - it matches the 2383 A-A.


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Posted by trainlivebob on Saturday, December 11, 2021 4:21 PM



I had another question on this as I was in implementation stage.  I see this works when you run them both forward or reverse, but if you want to run them tail to tail, the lead is in forward, but the slave needs to run in reverse.  Is it as simple as swapping wire position on the E unit?


Thanks Rob for the schematic. Ill try this first since it is flexible and quick. If I run across the parts I may convert one, or just buy a 2 motor horizontal engine.


Either unit can be the slave or master... just put the slave E-unit in neutral when the two cabs are plugged in together and use the E-unit in the master for direction control.

And some clarification, you don't need all the parts as one poster said, just the frame and the front motor truck with the coupler parts and apron if you go the "twin motor" route.  This would essentially just make it a 2383, which actually is a twin motor 2243. This is why the 2243 "B" unit is so desireable - it matches the 2383 A-A.



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