How would you design my room layout?

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  • From: St. Paul, Minnesota
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How would you design my room layout?
Posted by Boyd on Friday, January 7, 2005 1:21 AM
After drawing several designs for my room layout, I'm ready to start completely from scratch,, train tables and all. And I'm looking for ideas. This being winter with more time on our hands I thought maybe a few of you would like to help take on my challenge and give me some ideas.
Here is the dimension and specifics of my room: 13'-8" long east to west, 11'-2" south to north.
One door going into room on east wall, on the very south end of wall,, it opens into the room swinging to the south wall, measure 43" from corner to clear the door, door is 32", hinge is 11" from corner.
One window on south wall 33" wide at opening, its center is 81.5" from southwest corner.
One window on west wall 33" wide at opening, its center is 54.5" from southwest corner.
No window or anything else on north wall.
Closet opening at the very north end of the east wall. Opening is 25.5" wide, no door,, go in 12" before it opens up to 44.5" deep and 51.5" wide,,, it expands outward to the right (south) as you walk in.
One single bed, overall dimensions 78"x42".
No dresser or other furniture in room. Its current table is 31" above the floor and the small upper level is 53" above floor, so they are 22" height separated. I'm very skinny so narrow isles work good for me.
What I want out of the layout is a main level and a small upper level and track connecting the two levels, so it seems that the train is going to and from somewhere, climbing from the main level to the upper level using loops at each end to turn around. Round and round the room just drives me nuts. I also want a sizeable yard (for what this room allows) for some fun switching. I would go as small as the Lionel Fastrack 36" circle which is 39.5" wide for mainline curves. The walk in closet can be used for one loop of track going into and out of it. Climbing/descending grade I'm shooting for 2.0 to 3.0 % grade. Access to the south and west windows can't be blocked.
I don't have any graphics programs to draw this all out on. Its an older computer.
If the rules on this board allows, I would offer $50 to the person who comes up with a layout I really like. I will check this board almost every night at about midnight central time.

Modeling the "Fargo Area Rapid Transit" in O scale 3 rail.

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