Lionel Railroader Club question

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Lionel Railroader Club question
Posted by phrankenstign on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 2:17 PM

In 1977, Lionel sent this letter out to newly paid up members of the Lionel Railroaders Club (LRRC).

As you can read in the letter below, the membership card located on it is supposed to be cut out.  It is identified as a temporary one.  Does anyone have pictures of both sides of the permanent card that was supposed to replace it?  I've only ever seen this temporary one.

Lionel Railroader Club 1977 Welcome Letter

I've been trying to compile a complete collection of pictures of all the different LRRC Membership Cards and Pins.

Here is what I have so far: Lionel Railroader Club Membership Cards and Pins

I'd appreciate any help including pictures or reference books/magazines to look through.


Early membership in the LRRC was a bit more fun back when it was geared more towards younger people with a lot of lower priced exclusive items being offered.  The Membership Buttons and Membership Cards added to the exclusivity that helped bond its members together.  So what happened in 1977?  Was a permanent Membership Card sent to members or not?  Many of the welcome letters urged members to copy their Membership Number from the address label onto their Membership Card.  The thing is, those welcome letters were sent out AFTER 1977.  As far as I know, all of the early cards were paper.  Why would Lionel state in 1977 they would be sending another card with a member's preprinted name and Membership Number, if they weren't going to do it?  I've been unable to locate any permanent Membership Cards from 1977-1984 and 1986-1988.  Does anyone here happen to have permanent and/or temporary Membership Cards from those periods?  I'd like to definitively know what was sent out by the LRRC during those years.  I've been studying this bit of Lionel history, because I'm curious, and nobody else has ever documented it before.  HELP!!!

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