Rewiring AF Transformer, Ok to use Wire Nuts Instead of Sodler?

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Rewiring AF Transformer, Ok to use Wire Nuts Instead of Sodler?
Posted by Capt_Ramius on Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:29 PM

I have my dad’s hand me down Gilbert AF set, wanting to get it back in shape to run around the Christmas tree.

It’s the 325AC steam engine, got it (and all the other lighted cars) repaired and rewired at a local shop... will be getting a new Fastrack set since the old metal track he had doesn’t actually make a complete oval or loop (thanks, dad).

Anyways, that just leaves the transformer...

Not sure of its model number or type, or any other specifics. It’s single dial. It’s operable, as the guys checked it when I dropped off the locomotive for repair. But, it’s still kind of freaking me out a little bit... it’s almost certainly the original 65+ year old cord and is kinked and dry rotted in a few spots.

I found this video about changing out the cord. Pretty straightforward.

But... leads me to my question...

Can I use wire nuts (secured by electrical tape) to make the connection inside the body of the transformer instead of soldering? I don’t have a soldering iron, and wanted to confirm that it’ll work if I just use wire nuts.


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Posted by lionelsoni on Monday, February 25, 2019 9:11 AM

Wire nuts are fine if you use the right size, that grips the wires firmly, and have enough room for them.  Tape is unnecessary.  Provide some sort of strain relief, like an overhand knot, for the cord if the transformer doesn't provide any.

Bob Nelson

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Posted by Flintlock76 on Monday, February 25, 2019 10:20 AM

Welcome  aboard Skipper!  And ask any question you like at any time, you don't have to wait for a "Red October."  Smile, Wink & Grin

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