Need ideas for a 6×15 fastrack layout

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Need ideas for a 6×15 fastrack layout
Posted by Petery2 on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 8:36 PM

I realized the current track plan for my new fastrack build just isnt going to work luckily before I  spent a bunch of money on stuff that might not fit. Does anyone have any ideas for a 3-4 train fastrack layout on a 6×15 foot table.

Tags: Fastrack , layout
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Posted by tarheeltracks on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 3:20 PM

Lionel has some fasttrack layout options on their website which also includes a list of items needed to build each layout. It may give you some ideas.

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Posted by Rene Schweitzer on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 3:48 PM

If you are a subscriber you can use the CTT track plan database and choose the "Lionel Fastrack" option under track. While I didn't see that particular measurement in the list, there be a "close enough" size or something you can modify:

Rene Schweitzer

Classic Toy Trains/Garden Railways/Model Railroader

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Posted by KRM on Friday, February 8, 2019 2:56 PM

There is also a Free design software called SCARM that will let you build with Lionel Fastrack and will provide a BOM as well. It covers most all scales, and tracks produced.

SCARM means Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller – software for easy and precise design of model train layouts and railroad track plans. Kind of neat to play with. Wish I had known about it before I made our layout!

 I have re-made our layout in this program, It was fun! If you get too big then they want you to pay but for a starter it can be fun to use.

Here is a link you can look at.

Here is our layout in SCARM

In 3-D


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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by fifedog on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 7:21 AM

One of my favorite past layouts was roughly this size.  I had 3 lines running at once: 1 was a simple oval that ran along the outside, 1 inside loop with a 90 degree crossing that provided focal interest, and 1 upper level with a 45 degree crossing and 2 bridges over the lower level.  With a 6' width, you have ample space for a siding or two.  

I never sceniced that layout, but loved all the action, especially when "night" running.

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