Marx 999 Restoration/Cleanup - Basement Find - need Marx transformer (PT2)

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Marx 999 Restoration/Cleanup - Basement Find - need Marx transformer (PT2)
Posted by grandnational on Thursday, January 24, 2019 11:13 AM

Not sure what's going on, but my posts are no longer showing up on the original thread (that I can see).  I receive email notifications that my replies were accepted and posted, but nothing appears, so I'm trying a new thread.

As an update, I've found the correct transformer (it works) and gotten the loco working (after a thorough cleaning) and the set I have consists of:

black 999 loco
black new york central tender
black gondola 71499 NKP NYC & Stl Nickel Plate Road
silver tanker Niacet Chemicals Corp NIAX 256 Niagara Falls, NY for Glacial Acetic Acid
box yellow Pacific Fruit Express 35461
caboose red Reading 92812

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