Lionel 282/282R Gantry Crane

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Lionel 282/282R Gantry Crane
Posted by AFGP9 on Thursday, September 20, 2018 12:08 AM

I have had a Lionel 282 Gantry Crane for many years. It has sat on my American Flyer layout the whole time, never being used. I decided it was time to fire up this fine looking crane. Well it does not fully function. First, can anybody tell me the difference between a 282 and a 282R? I see both listed in Greenburg's, 1954-57 for a 282, and 1956-57 for the 282R. This crane does not have the ribbon wire that I have seen in pictures. I'm guessing it was rewired for some reason with 2 strands of tan telephone wire. Secondly, it only turns to the left and has no boom lowering nor does the magnet work. The worm gear assembly was loose and missing one screw. The metal pinion gear turns but because somebody didn't look underneath, it just turned and didn't do anything but chew up the plastic cab gear teeth in one spot since there wasn't full contact between those gears. Plus the  brass gear on the horizontal worm gear main shaft has also been chewed up by the vertical mounted drive gear.    So what do I have here besides a problem? I have searched for the damaged parts but no luck. I did get a piece of the correct ribbon wire. It also has a rectangular, square corner, 3 lever control box. If it wasn't it such great condition, I wouldn't bother. And I do have a schematic of the crane. I need lots of advise plus a parts source. I have tried Lionel and some parts sellers but no luck. 

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Posted by teledoc on Thursday, September 20, 2018 3:39 PM

Taken from the Tandem Associates site, the difference of the 282 vs. 282R, I’d how the cab attaches to the base.  The 282 used screws, and 282R had snap in tabs.  Not sure if you have the parts diagram, but if not, just go to Olsen’s Toy Train Parts Website, and enter the “Library section”, which will give you part numbers.

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Posted by TrainLarry on Thursday, September 20, 2018 6:43 PM

Failure of the Gantry Crane to operate properly could be improper wiring of the controller. That is what happened to a crane I got in for repair. Follow the wiring diagram closely and match the wires from the controller to the crane.

You may need to obtain a junker Crane to get the necessary parts to restore your unit.



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Posted by AFGP9 on Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:43 PM

Based on what you say the difference in how the cab attaches to the base, mine uses screws so it is a 282. Thanks for the information. 

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Posted by AFGP9 on Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:57 PM

I have a schematic to go by plus some printed instructions. Just no parts or a source that I have checked so far. I also have checked for a junker without any luck. The wiring has been soldered but there are 2 yellow wires hanging that are solid core and have been bent around something like a screw or a post. Nothing seems to be needing those wires. Since the wiring is 2 telephone cables with 3 wires within each cable sheathing, they appear to be all on the correct posts. I do have a piece of the correct ribbon wire that I will use replace that wiring. I still will need the brass gear on the mainshaft since it has been worn unevenly by the poor contact with the drive gear and the plastic gear under the cab because of the worn off teeth on it in one spot. Thanks for your response. 


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Posted by David1005 on Monday, September 24, 2018 4:13 PM

The motor has a double wound field. Ground one field wire it goes one way, ground the other field wire it goes the other way. There is a solenoid operated clutch that determines weather the motor is driving the string drum that lifts the hook or the gear that rotates the crane. The magnet is just an on and off switch. Parts are coming up on eBay all the time. Get a copy of the service manual to see what you need, then watch eBay to get the correct parts. 

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Posted by bossman on Monday, April 8, 2024 7:42 PM


I have a schematic to go by plus some printed instructions. Just no parts or a source that I have checked so far. I also have checked for a junker without any luck. The wiring has been soldered but there are 2 yellow wires hanging that are solid core and have been bent around something like a screw or a post. Nothing seems to be needing those wires. Since the wiring is 2 telephone cables with 3 wires within each cable sheathing, they appear to be all on the correct posts. I do have a piece of the correct ribbon wire that I will use replace that wiring. I still will need the brass gear on the mainshaft since it has been worn unevenly by the poor contact with the drive gear and the plastic gear under the cab because of the worn off teeth on it in one spot. Thanks for your response. 




I have a schematic to go by plus some printed instructions. Just no parts or a source that I have checked so far. I also have checked for a junker without any luck. The wiring has been soldered but there are 2 yellow wires hanging that are solid core and have been bent around something like a screw or a post. Nothing seems to be needing those wires. Since the wiring is 2 telephone cables with 3 wires within each cable sheathing, they appear to be all on the correct posts. I do have a piece of the correct ribbon wire that I will use replace that wiring. I still will need the brass gear on the mainshaft since it has been worn unevenly by the poor contact with the drive gear and the plastic gear under the cab because of the worn off teeth on it in one spot. Thanks for your response. 




I have a schematic to go by plus some printed instructions. Just no parts or a source that I have checked so far. I also have checked for a junker without any luck. The wiring has been soldered but there are 2 yellow wires hanging that are solid core and have been bent around something like a screw or a post. Nothing seems to be needing those wires. Since the wiring is 2 telephone cables with 3 wires within each cable sheathing, they appear to be all on the correct posts. I do have a piece of the correct ribbon wire that I will use replace that wiring. I still will need the brass gear on the mainshaft since it has been worn unevenly by the poor contact with the drive gear and the plastic gear under the cab because of the worn off teeth on it in one spot. Thanks for your response. 



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