Value of a Toy Train

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Value of a Toy Train
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, March 17, 2002 12:47 PM
We have a four piece train set and some track that is somewhere around a 1910-1920 vintage. The trade mark on the train is "Bavaria" with a diamond shape above it with the letters GB over an N inside the diamond. The four cars are; an engine, a passenger car, a caboose and the coal car. The track is three rail and there are eight sections. We have some very old written instructions that are in English and German.
Is the train set worth anything ?
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 18, 2002 4:12 PM
Hi John,

You've got a Bing train from Germany. The B stands for Bing, the N for Nuremberg (I've probably spelled that wrong) and the G stands for the German word for company or brothers, I forget which. Bing was one of the leading toy train makers prior to WW I. Your train set sounds complete and is worth something, perhaps a few hundred dollars depending on condition, but I'm not a Bing expert at all so I'm unable to give you anything more specific.

Neil Besougloff
editor, Classic Toy Trains

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