- Member since
July 2006
- From: Reading PA
270 posts
Controlling signals on a large DCS layout
Posted by cruikshank
on Thursday, May 9, 2013 6:56 AM
We are building period correct Reading RR Block Signals using common cathode dual color ultra bright LEDs. Our previous signals were controlled using cut outside rail. We used the AC track voltage rectified to control relays. This worked, but we are now going to triple the amount of signals. Our concern is degrading the DCS signal. So we can continue to use track voltage rectified to control the relays, or possibly use a DC supply and use the control rail to complete the ground and control the relay. Or perhaps since the LEDs only draw about 30ma we could us a logic IC circuit. Because of reliability we don't want to use infrared or optical detection. Also AC coil relays are less available and more expensive than DC operated relays. So we are open to known working systems that wont degrade the DCS signal. Any ideas?
Thanks, Dave North Schuylkill High Railers
Large 3 rail club layout (24x55' 6 mainlines) in Frackville PA looking for new members NOW !
Always interested in info and sites for Anthracite Coal Mines and Railroads. Looking for fellow modelers around Reading PA. Work in "N" and Hi-rail "0" scale