Automatic Brakeman on Fastrack?

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  • From: Lander, WY
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Automatic Brakeman on Fastrack?
Posted by wyomingscout on Friday, March 22, 2013 5:11 PM

I'm converting from 027 to fastrack & want to use my brakeman car.  I learned on another site that changing the shoe to one like the milk car or log dump car will let it work on the 12054 operating track by hardwiring a control rail to an outer rail.  These operating tracks have been hard to find and are a bit pricey.

It seems that someone has bent a thin metal strip into a 'U' to place into a fastrack section.  Does anyone know about that?  For example, what thickness of metal & what length is each section of the 'U'?

I assume this would have to be inserted from underneath the fastrack & hardwired to an outer rail.

I'll get more operating tracks, if necessary,  but any info will be appreciated.


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