Thank you for this site.I think these ideas are excellent!Everyone will be very happy if we can finally learn to understand, here!I think this website is very very good. Thank you!
This is a really great place to get information. The folks are helpful and everyone is civil. Sometimes I chafe at the enforced civility, but it makes for a better overall experience.
Little Tommy
Every time I come on here I learn something new. Hey, it's a wasted day if you don't learn something, right?
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
I certainly echo everything said above. Additionally I have developed some really strong friendships I would not otherwise have. I think back to the 70's and 80's when the ONLY train enthusiast I would run across would be at a hobby store or some random event. Of course there was the bimonthly magazine but it was very limited. And clubs, at that time none where in the area I was at. Absolutely raises the hobby another endless dimension.
You know what, I'll just second what everyone else said.......
The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.
-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.
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