Just like you'd think: wire from Fixed Voltage post on transformer - to switch - to #1 Post on O-T-C. Car gets ground through wheels.
Connecting the OTC lockons and the wiring is what I am after. That is not part of the repair and maintenance page. I cannot read those wiring diagrams .
POTRZBE I have that. I am looking for the directions for the operation of the car.
I have that. I am looking for the directions for the operation of the car.
O-T-C Contactor plus #90 Button. Works the same as the Barrel and Cattle cars.
This may help: 3359 Twin-bin Dump Car
Does anyone have an instruction sheet for this car? I know I need 2 OTC lockons and a #90 controller but I need the instructions for set up via e mail or scan. Thanks in advance.
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