That's a good question, Stuart. Is there a way to bend the spring so it has less pressure? Perhaps by spreading it apart slightly?
This looks like a job for capacitive discharge. The coil gets a dollop of charge from the capacitor, enough to throw the turnout, and that's all. The circuit for each turnout is simple: one electrolytic capacitor and one incandescent lamp, with all the CD circuits powered by a single DC supply.
(Any testimonials?)
Bob Nelson
I know how to do that, but I dont like dealing with the sets of contacts one uses to open the circuit to protect the coil AFTER the points have been moved in nonderail mode. The conmtact sets are constantly moving out of allignment because the vibration of the trains loosens the screws which hold the sets together. I recall when I was a kid, Atlas had the snap track (remember that?) motors which allowed the sort of spring operation I would like.
Sounds like you need to activate the 'anti-derailing' feature. Whatever switches you are using should have provided instructions for wiring them for 'anti-derailing'.
Using NJ Intl dual solenoid motors, on surface under little housings which I hope to build to look like sheds. How do I reduce tension on swich points so that lighter cars go through "against" the points and move them over to allow a pass through without derailing the car? Is that clear? Hope so. Tks
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