Here is the first photo taken on the home Christmas layout this year. Unfortunately I'm not set up for anything like last year because all the buildings I used in the pictures are at the Redford Theater. In my rush to get out the door the other day to set that layout up, I forgot to grab the camera (oops....) so hopefully I'll have some pictures of that layout and the building soon.
3 Tracks - Sweet!!!
Darren (BLHS & CRRM Lifetime Member)
Delaware and Hudson Virtual Museum (DHVM), Railroad Adventures (RRAdventures)
My Blog
Well, actually it's only two operating tracks :D. The hudson was sitting on a few pieces of straight track I didn't use in the layout and set up for the picture.
SSSHHHH you don't tell of your secrets you let them think its 3 tracks lol as it is but only 2 are opperation.
Looks good the way you set it up thou.
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Looking forward to additional pictures of the Christmas layout.
Bill T.
Nice! Can't wait for more
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