I have the North pole central Christmas train set and this past Christmas with the transformer in the off position there is a hum that can be heard when the tv is off. Is there something I can do or do I have to get a new transformer. Thanks for any help you can give me....
This set comes with the Power Max 30-watt "transformer", which, despite its name, is a smaller version of the 80-watt CW-80. I don't know whether it has an internal fan like the CW-80; but you probably wouldn't have described its sound as a "hum".
Inside the box, there is an actual transformer. Transformers are well known for humming. While this may be annoying if loud, it is almost always benign. If you have to turn the TV off just to hear it, and the thing works properly anyway, I suspect that there is nothing wrong.
Bob Nelson
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