The Glendale station was a matter of having patience with Ebay..Other stuff that required patience and did not obey price guide edicts included the below poorly photographed passing Hafner locos, the Unique Art steamer and the usual Marx.. The Unique Art was a loco only, so it took awhile for a tender to show is from the identically sized ( differing boiler colors )windup version I had to get to find one for the powered loco.,Total cost: $25.00...versus $400-500 now for the former hi-rail stuff I had.. Now I have another tender-less loco..Cost: $17.00...Lol..The luck of the draw It is amazing how the stuff there is either ridiculously over-priced or a true bargain..there doesn't seem to be any middle ground. Feast or famine. Others may disagree but I learned the hard way ( being gouged) that patience pays off.The Glendale was a one year surveillance project tediously looking for listings.I usually do this with several shots of my morning coffee..being careful not to get a caffeinated, happy trigger finger ( I have done that one too) Lol..
Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he needs more of it than he already has.
I would love to know where you got that Glendale station. I used to have one in excellent + condition and lost it in a house fire.
One good turn deserves another. Seeing the building up close told me where it came from. I built a Walgreen's Drugstore from the Glitter House stock..of which.. below is an example of my crummy camera work.
.Here is a IGA made from a Coke tin, a couple of mounted ,down-loaded old signs, a "crazy glue" cap, and some old drawer knobs mounted on scrap wood..Fun stuff. I made a diner as well from an old Coke tin I got for #3.00..same cost as this.
wallyworld It looks great, what is the origin of the tall ( red brick )building nest to the church? Are you familiar with these buildings?
It looks great, what is the origin of the tall ( red brick )building nest to the church?
Are you familiar with these buildings?
I am not familiar with sunsettrainsand toys buildings. The 2 story red building on my layout I built myself using free plans and downloads from the following website. There are tons of other free buildings on this site that can be downloaded, printed on an inkjet printer, glued to foamcore or other stiff material and then sealed with a clear gloss spray.
stebbycentral vsmith: and the Pre-war Mechanical layout Sorry no recent pics Particularly impressed with the M-1000. Did not realize that they made wind-up lightbulbs!
vsmith: and the Pre-war Mechanical layout Sorry no recent pics
and the Pre-war Mechanical layout
Sorry no recent pics
Particularly impressed with the M-1000. Did not realize that they made wind-up lightbulbs!
Inside the shell there is a pocket for a C size battery accessable from the bottom, didnt realize they had C or D cell batteries back then, and a small lever on/off switch. Have similar battery pockets on my Hafner M-10000 as well, makes a big difference in its appearence racing around the track at warp 2.
Marx above and the Hafner below
Have fun with your trains
vsmith and the Pre-war Mechanical layout Sorry no recent pics
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
Here is my latest concept in a small (3/12 x 5) Marx tinplate layout.
The mechanical layout is wonderful to watch, and the electric tinplate layout video with the can opener in plain view as a shop tool was disturbing. Somehow I see you at a workbench like Gomez Adams wreaking havoc on a customization...I take it there are no newer photos of the new layout because the goop is still drying. In the middle of my out of focus photography session, my daughter yelled out.."The kitten's in the toilet!" Sigh. The same said creature was curious about my layout earlier, and left the room leaving an editorial comment on the rug.
While not a Marxist, another comedian like Karl Marx, Buster Keaton was one of us in spirit, even more so now ( could not resist that)..The location appears to be under an outdoor deck..
Did someone mention Marxism?
Its a little known fact that Karl was considered the funniest Marx brother.
Older videos of the electric Post War layout:
Any more Marx layout updates out there? Mine is slowly taking shape..I knew that there are several out there being worked I thought posted some of my poorly taken photos might generate an exchange of them, albeit with more photographic talent. Lol.
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