Please calm yourself, the answer was not meant to be curt, only that someone helped me answer my question.
Thanks for the efforts, I solved the problem. Whatever, lots of different people here who communicate in lots of different ways are here on the forum. Many times I read things on these threads where I think what the Sam Hey is he talking about, and then I just don't respond on the thread. Sometimes I do and just let it ride.
I certainly appreciate all the efforts...someone read the repair manual and text me the number for that particular reverse unit.
No sweat. We all enjoy trains. I will close the thread. Sorry I was not clearer in my dealings in this case. But trust me, I have a whole basement full of postwar trains, cared for and "well-tendered." lol
I agree that a mixed bag public forum can be frustrating at times. But perhaps in those situations, it might be wise to take a moment and think, "Hmmmmm. How would I like to respond?". Then take the highroad instead.
Timboy, The American Flyer Nerd
Sorry, not looking for an argument here, but threads like this one frustrate me.
The OP started out by saying that he was doing prep work on a repro 332 tender chassis for his 332 tender. He was looking for a photo of the underside of an original 332 tender so he could figure out how to mount the reverse unit that came with the repro chassis. Or, at least, that seemed like what he was saying.
After several of us posted photos of the undersides of 332 tenders (repro and original), commented on different configurations of the 332, and post various links on parts for the 332, we hear back from the OP that he needs a specific type of reverse unit for his 332, not the one that came with the chassis.
That's it? No other explanation? Nothing about how he found out this information or whether he even owned a standard verson of the 332. It seems that the reversing unit that he needs is a remote controlled unit. And that the motor was not the original vintage motor that came with a 332 engine.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to initially tell us the circumstances under which he purchased the repro 332 tender chassis? Was it to replace a broken or missing chassis for his original 332 tender? Or did he purchase the whole tender outright? An original shell plus a repro chassis and a broken reverse unit thrown in for good measure?
As I say, I find this type of thread frustrating because we get involved trying to help, offer advice, ask for information and photos (such as a photo of the underside of his repro chassis which we never got), then wind up with a curt reply that he found the answer himself to a question that he did not ask.
Alton Junction
Thank you all for your input...
...what I need is an XA10587 reverse unit...THAT is what will mount to the Northern tender chassis frame. Not the one I have pictured, and yes I know it needed new fingers!
Now to find the reverse unit I need and finish this project. Thanks all!
Mr. S. Here is the reverse unit that I got along with this disassembled 332 Northern tender: It looks like most of the ones I see in Flyer tenders, but doesn't seem to mount on the 332 tender chassis I have...I don't have a picture of that chassis, it's at a friend's house, but it looks like the 336 chassis somebody provided a few posts above. Just wondered where would be a good source to get the correct-mounting reverse unit. I don't think the 332 came with anything else in the tender.
Here is the reverse unit that I got along with this disassembled 332 Northern tender:
It looks like most of the ones I see in Flyer tenders, but doesn't seem to mount on the 332 tender chassis I have...I don't have a picture of that chassis, it's at a friend's house, but it looks like the 336 chassis somebody provided a few posts above.
Just wondered where would be a good source to get the correct-mounting reverse unit. I don't think the 332 came with anything else in the tender.
Too bad you didn't post a photo of the underside of the tender chassis. That would help.
Lots of good sources for reverse units including eBay, Portlines, Marty's Trains, just to name a few.
Mr. S.:
The lower finger board is missing. As such, the reverse unit is inoperable. Repros are available.
Mr. S. If there was anything in the tender at all for a 332, it was just the reverse unit, correct? The one I'm working on appears to be that way. Did the reverse unit in the tender for these engines mount with two screws near the lever instead of one near the back of the unit (like I on many other engines)?
If there was anything in the tender at all for a 332, it was just the reverse unit, correct? The one I'm working on appears to be that way. Did the reverse unit in the tender for these engines mount with two screws near the lever instead of one near the back of the unit (like I on many other engines)?
The photo of your reverse unit that you posted looks similar, if not identical, to the reverse units that I have for a 312 steamer and a 355 diesel. The two tabs fit through holes in the underside of the tender chassis and are bent into place to secure the unit. That single screw shown in your photo screws into the reverse unit through a hole in the underside of the tender chyassis.
Here is a link to a photo of the underside of the 332 tender chassis:
I also have a reverse unit with two screws for mounting as you indicated so, apparently, American Flyer made different configurations of the reverse unit over time.
Mr. S. If there was anything in the tender at all for a 332, it was just the reverse unit, correct?
If there was anything in the tender at all for a 332, it was just the reverse unit, correct?
Hard to say. The Hobby Surplus link indicates a number of different configurations for the 332 - - a smoke in the tender type, an AC motor type and a DC motor type.
If your engine has the smoke in the boiler, then the only thing in the tender should be the reverse unit.
Oh, you should be able to see it now...sorry!
flyer reverse unit by quad1000, on Flickr
Yes I will do that in the next few days...thanks much
Here is a 336 repro chassis if you like....
Apologies, It is no longer available from the manufacturer
Mr. S,
Why don't you post some pics of your tender so we can see what you are talking about.
Post a photo of the underside of the tender and a photo of the opened tender cover so we can see the reversing unit.
Thanks for the parts link for the locomotive. The neat thing about this 332 is it came to me with this huge 1" super motor installed...a pleasant and unannounced surprise.
What I'm saying is I believe the reverse unit for this 332 Northern is in a different housing that is secured to the tender frame with two screws only, as opposed to the more common Flyer tender reverse unit that has one screw and two little "hooks" that fit through the tender floor. I've never seen any Flyer reverse unit like that and wonder, if I am imagining this right (and I have the more common unit in front of me), where I can find one since I don't really see the two-screw mount on Ebay (been looking).
I hope I didn't confuse my question with that wording! Tried to explain it best I could...
Here's some info on your Locomotive.
Unfortunately nothing on your Tender.
Bayville, NJ
Life is what happens to youWhile you're busy making other plans - John Lennon
Thanks...those are fine pics that will help with the painting and decals, but what I was looking for was a picture of the underside.
It seems like these tenders took a different reverse unit.
Thanks again for the pics!
Can't say too much about beaking around the reverse switch. A lot will have the steps broke off
Hello all,
I'm doing prep work on a repro 332 tender chassis for my 332 tender. The repro casting is rough, some things need to be filed, screw mounting holes drilled through and the like before I can prime and paint it. Can anyone post a good picture or a link to what the underside of an original 332 tender looked like? This 332 tender came with a reverse unit but I don't know how it mounts on the tender frame faithful to the original. This particular tender has the sliding pickup instead of the middle set of wheels.
Were these Northern tender frames susceptible to cracking or breaking in the middle at the reverse unit slot??? Even this reproduction casting seems a little weak in that regard.
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