When the posters begin to attack each other, the thread has outlived it's usefulness.
Bob Keller
sir james I What's your problem Dennis, you bored today. The topic has been discussed and answered. And they will keep sending you letters if you don't pay or return.
What's your problem Dennis, you bored today. The topic has been discussed and answered. And they will keep sending you letters if you don't pay or return.
Sir James, if you look at the post immediately above mine, the original poster is still misinformed.
Why do you have a problem with me attempting to clear up a continuing misconception?
All you have to do is call them, or return the request for payment with a simple 'Not Requested' or 'Never Received, Cancel further mailings'. I used to get all of the DVDs but decided since I hadn't watched any past the first 3 or 4 I should just cancel, so with my last payment I made a note to 'Cancel further mailings' haven't received one since.You have to understand that Kalmbach is a marketing company, so they are simply trying to get your business for something else. I try to keep this in mind when I call a company and request something to stop - it isn't the person on the other end of the line's fault.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
AF1963... A problem with this type of marketing is that a fair number of people, such as myself, don't know that it can be kept free because it was unsolicited. The first thing that went through my mind, since I probably had it since November, was that I would be reported to the credit bureau as a dead-beat for neither paying for nor returning the DVD. It is a sleazy type of marketing because to a large degree it depends on some peoples ignorance to work.
A problem with this type of marketing is that a fair number of people, such as myself, don't know that it can be kept free because it was unsolicited. The first thing that went through my mind, since I probably had it since November, was that I would be reported to the credit bureau as a dead-beat for neither paying for nor returning the DVD. It is a sleazy type of marketing because to a large degree it depends on some peoples ignorance to work.
Even though you may not be aware of the postal rules concerning unsolicited merchandise, the offer states that you are under no obligation.
The offer clearly states that you need do nothing.
It gives you 3 options:
1. You may send in $9.95 for the DVD which will then start your subscription for the rest of the series which will be billed as received.
2. You may return it in the postage paid envelope.
3. You may do nothing and consider it a gift.
Where's the sleeze? I didn't have a problem with it because I read it and said "Great! - A free DVD." It's that simple! This marketing ploy is just that--it's nothing to be upset over.
Thanks for the replies. I didn't know it could be kept without paying for it because it was unsolicited. None the less it is in the mailbox as I write this.
I receive all sorts of marketing pitches through the mail for automobile models, woodworking, gardening, ec. and that is fine. A little overwhelming at times but I figure it keeps the postman employed! But I can not remember the last time I got a product in the mail unsolicited. If they want to sell me something they can send me the first volumne "free" and marked as such with the hope I will buy the next volumnes or send me a brochure like everyone else. does.
DennisB-1 As I said, I fail to understand the angst over a simple marketing gimmick.
As I said, I fail to understand the angst over a simple marketing gimmick.
That's the root of it. Apparently you don't mind this "simple marketing gimmick." Other people do.
I've purchased the first 2 of the series, then nothing...suddenly I've gotten 3 volume 1's in the last month. proptly sent them back asking for #3.
I've gotten stuff like this before, didn't have time/didn't care/didn't want them, Kalmbach asked once and then they were done. Hot Rod on the other hand sent me monthly notices that I shredded.
I like the DVD's even though they are heavy HO. It's still interesting to see what you can incorporate into O guage.
I'm STILL waiting for #3 however...
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
sir james I Well Deninis it's good they didn't hound you, but I kept the DVD and got letters for months on end. It stopped after I called them. Oh and i'm not the only one hounded, this type of mailing has been mentioned before.
Well Deninis it's good they didn't hound you, but I kept the DVD and got letters for months on end. It stopped after I called them. Oh and i'm not the only one hounded, this type of mailing has been mentioned before.
Months on end--really? So you received a few follow up letters. That's hounding you? These letters are simply asking for the sale. And this is a major problem because it takes 1 minute of your time to open it and toss it into the trash?
Again, there is no obligation to buy -not now, not ever.
So what's really the issue? As I said, I fail to understand the angst over a simple marketing gimmick.
I received the DVD once, promptly put it back in the return to sender mail, never heard from them again. No big deal, I wouldn't get my blood pressure up over that, isn't there more important issues to be concerned about ?
Bill T.
EIS2 I bought quite a few of the DVD's, but quit purchasing when they became almost exclusively HO. Earl
I bought quite a few of the DVD's, but quit purchasing when they became almost exclusively HO.
And that is a problem because...?
Rich HO Train
Alton Junction
All of this is clearly explained in the offer. There is no obligation to send money. There is no obligation to return the DVD. There has never been any obligation to do either. You don't have to do anything!
They do not keep hounding you! I kept mine, enjoyed it, never sent it back, never sent any money, and do not feel guilty. I received 1 follow up letter asking me if I was interested. I was under no obligation to respond to it and I didn't.
I have never seen so much anger, angst or misunderstanding over a simple marketing tool. For those of you who are not interested, why not simply accept it for the gift that it is and enjoy.
I received the same thing a couple years ago. They did buged me a couple of times and i ignored their request. I agree, I did not ask for it and i will not return it.
jim r
Again, when will they learn. this has happened before, you did not ask for it so the USPS says you do not have to send it back. However if you don't they will keep hounding you to send it back. I called Kalmbach and told them not to send anything I did not ask for and so far they have honored my request.
I am a new subscriber to CTT magazine. It seems I received an unsolicited DVD in the mail a while back and just tonight opened it. I assumed, wrongly, that it was a free premium for subscribing and being busy with work, Christmas, kids, etc. put it aside. Turns out I have to either pay for it or return it. I am popping it back in the mail tomorrow morning without looking at it. I am quite annoyed that CTT would send me an unsolicited DVD. I am surprised that anyone still does this sort of thing! I hope his never happens again.
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