I made a figure eight layout with 0-27 track. It does not use a cross but instead goes over an overpass. At some point on the loop the engine hesitates and then reverses.
The only engine I have for 0-27 is an 1180. It runs well and reverses properly on other loops. I can find no disconnects or improprtly installed track.
What should I look for and or how can I test this loop. I am an inexperienced newbie with limited electrical knowledge.
As always, thanks for any and all advice or comments.
If you are not good with electrical work, you can use a lighted caboose or passenger car to test the track to see where there is variation in the amount of light inside your lighted car. Another thing that helps with larger track loops(over four feet) is to use multiple track power lockons, as this will help your power to flow more evenly.
If you have some knowledge of electrical work, use a multimeter to see where the voltage gets lower.
Most of the time you just need to tighten the track connections, this can be done with a needle nose pliers. The track pins need to fit in pretty snug or will cause a loss of power at the track connections. Another thing that might help is to use track clips underneath the track, Lionel used to sell these by the 12 pack, 027 or O gauge clips. Make sure you get 027 track clips, there is a major differance between the two types.
Lee F.
BoonterI made a figure eight layout with 0-27 track. It does not use a cross but instead goes over an overpass. At some point on the loop the engine hesitates and then reverses.
The cowcatcher is shorting the center rail at the grade transition.
I agree with Rob. It's the cowcatcher shorting the center rail at the grade transition.
It sounds like a bad connection. Are you using a Lionel CTC connecter from the transformer to the track? Check that first. It may be a little loose or a little corosion or dirt causing it. I have had that problem before on a holiday layout. I replaced it and it all ran good as new. With time they loose tension and the vibration from the train leads to a momentary loss of juice (Layman's term) and switches the E unit.
I used every one of your suggestions and checks. The result is that I now have a perfectly operating crossover loop. Once again this forum and it's members have proven thair worth !
Thanks one and all !!!
Boonter......what did the problem turn out to be? Inquiring minds want to know. My money was on the cow catcher at the grade transition.....
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