BigDog......some of those 2348s are garnering big bucks on the Bay these days! Thanks for the pics.
A few shots of the former Ohio Central RR
Bill T.
Found them and read them. Thanx!
Search under posts by dsmith. He gave a step by step with pictures.
B&O = Best & Only
I love those double headed steam locos. I've been looking for info how to double head a couple of my postwar steam locos.
Mornin' All,
Great photos, nice work Stebby.
Some shots from last friday's museum run,
K-Line B&O ABA w/passenger consist passes the K-Line & Atlas 3unit lashup hauling freight as it waits on a siding.
A couple of visitors were spotted as they made their way thru town.
Hmmmm, what's this ? Oh yeah, that's a fresh batch of popcorn headin' east to some little backwater town in N.C.
Enjoy the day and be extra special to the lady of your life, not only today but everyday.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Lionel postwar double headed steam engines, numbers 2018 and 2035.
stebbycentral The real story here is that after waiting forever for decals I had ordered from a certain unamed vendor, I cancled said order and went out and purchased some decal paper and fixative. The Gulf tank car has a new logo, and the decals on the Wilson's refer are completely home-made. I have done home-made decals before, but in the past I have mainly limited myself to lettering. The insignia came out pretty well, I think.
The real story here is that after waiting forever for decals I had ordered from a certain unamed vendor, I cancled said order and went out and purchased some decal paper and fixative. The Gulf tank car has a new logo, and the decals on the Wilson's refer are completely home-made. I have done home-made decals before, but in the past I have mainly limited myself to lettering. The insignia came out pretty well, I think.
LOL about the "certain unnamed vendor", gee, who could it be?
Anyhow, very nice work!
If you get a chance, check my recent thread on American Flyer decals. I could use some advice.
Alton Junction
Here are a couple of AF cars I have been working on. All of my cars now have new wheelsets from S-Helper, new knuckle couplers from Marty's Trains, and new brakewheels from Grandtline. But these two cars also needed a repaint and re-decal.
This is the source image for the Wilson's car:
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
Found this old mth car load thought i have some fun with this today loading up the new cars
Western Maryland BEEP pulling a reefer heading through town.
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
A couple oldies getting some run time on the layout last week.
Lionel Reproductions on the old layout
594 Track Gang
Gabe the Lamplighter
Billy the Baggage Smasher
Have fun
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