There is no need for having a transformer with two outputs, although that will work fine. If you want or need to use a separate transformer, just connect its common to the common of the transformer powering the track. If you're using that second transformer only for track-connected accessories, it does not need to be in phase with the track transformer and will in fact work slightly better if out of phase.
Bob Nelson
My layout is 8x14 can i add the insulated track (6-12027) and connect it to isolated section on the 6-12052 Fastrack Grade Crossing Track with Flashers to prolong the operation of this accessory
Look for the power wire hook-up on the device and wire it to one of the other terminals on a ZW or KW transformer, if you have one. Basically a two train transformer is needed because of having a common wire to power the accessory and not use another wire.
Lee F.
While we are talking about the 6-12027, Is there any way to isolate this unit and power the bell and flashers from a different source?. I run my trains in conventional mode and when running them slow there is not enough track power to make them work. Thanks for letting me jump in.
JON ..... thanks buddy ... excellent - detailed easy to do instructions ...... printed and put in MY how to's notebook .....
The grade crossing section contains one insulated track section. The accessory is driven by the wheels and axles of your train completing the "common" circuit from the insulated rail to the non-insulated rail. The "Isolated" track sections begin and end the block of insulated rail.
Therefore, if you wish the accessory to have a longer period of activation, with the signals working before and after the train passes through, you must extend the insulated block. You can make this as long as you want.
It should be:
Isolated Section
Insulated Section(s)
Grade Crossing
As they say, the break in the Isolated Sections need to be on the same rail as the Insulated rails on the Insulated Sections and that of the accessory to work.
As an aside, and piece of Lionel FasTrack can be made into an Insulated Rail section by cutting the plate that ties the two outer rails together on the bottom. Any piece can be made into an Isolated Rail Section by cutting the plates, and removing the pin on that rail on the outside end, and grinding the rail head back just a little to create a gap.
I dont understand this section in red do i connect 6-12027 isulated track section to the isolated track section on the Lionel O12052 Fastrack Grade Crossing Track with Flashers. The breaks must be located on the same side of the track.If you would like your trains to activate the accessory earlier or to prolong the operation ofthe accessory, you may choose to purchase Insulated Track sections (6-12027). Be sure that theInsulated Track sections are next to the grade crossing and between the Isolated Track sections Insulated Track sections are next to the grade crossing and between the Isolated Track sections (included).Place only Insulated Track sections (available separately, 6-12027) and the gradecrossing between the Isolated Track sections (included).
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