Ives Help

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Ives Help
Posted by nitroboy on Sunday, May 9, 2004 8:51 AM
I had posted this on OGR but haven't gotten any response, but what was I thinking anyway, should have started it here first. I have an Ives pre-war 3253 electric engine. I have been able to rebuild the motor and re-wire, but the brush plate has, what normally is brushes, two brass arms that contact the armature. At the end of these arms, there are two small holes that I am assuming is where the brushes go, but there is nothing there. If anyone has any info on what type of brushes go there, it would be of great help.
Dave Check out my web page TCA # 03-55763 & OTTS Member Donate to the Mid-Ohio Marine Foundation at Factory Trained Lionel Service Technician

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