lionel 175 rocket launcher

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lionel 175 rocket launcher
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 25, 2004 5:28 PM
recently got my old train set back after 30 years - it included a # 175 rocket launcher. the controller module was missing but I found one on ebay.
when i started the unit up the firing mechanism using the buttton on the controller worked but the gantry drive pin just keeps moving back and forth within the slot.
it pauses for a couple of seconds at each end of the slot.
I am not sure of the wiring - there is a ribbon wire containing 4 individual wires from the platform to the controller - does the order on these wires matter?
is it possible the controler is broken?
or is the unit suffering from old age?

any suggestions would be helpful
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Posted by Dr.Fu-Manchu on Monday, January 26, 2004 2:30 AM
Dr.Fu-Manchu, The Train Guy Here: I think it might matter which way you have wired it.
You should get the instruction sheets or the reprint in the K-Line book :Operating O
& O-27 Trains. It has the instructions and the wiring diagrams. If you don't wire things
properly, they don't work right. If you can't find the book, let me know and I can photo copy the pages and send them to you. Good luck![:)][2c]
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Posted by Jiml2 on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 12:56 PM


I have a similar problem and can't find the wiring diagram.  I get the gantry to move, but I can't get the rocket to fire after I replaced the ribbon wiring.  I don't want to damage the unit, so any help you can get me would be greatful.



Jim Lepere

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Posted by teledoc on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:16 PM

Try Olsen’s Toy Train Library, If you don’t have access to a Service Manual. They have the majority of accessories listed for Prewar & Postwar available.  This site is a good one to “Bookmark”, for those of you without a Service Manua.

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Posted by TrainLarry on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 7:37 PM

Here is a wiring diagram for the 175



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