Lionel No. 45 Gateman

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Lionel No. 45 Gateman
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 6:34 PM
Switched to using a DC supply to operate my Gateman, runs much quieter now.
Does anyone have a way to quiet down the slamming of the door ???
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Posted by Big_Boy_4005 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:45 PM
A tiny piece of foam in the door jamb perhaps?
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:16 AM
Good idea....why didn't I think of it.
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Posted by SPFan on Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:48 AM
Another place to install the foam or rubber piece is in the back of the slot that figure rides on. I believe the same mechanism drives them both and damping the return of the figure should also slow the door closing.
I had my 145 Gateman setup around the tree this Christmas and with the small 027 oval the machanism was getting a workout. I can understand why you want to quiet it down a bit.

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Posted by brianel027 on Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:39 AM
I don't have a gateman, but I have other things that operate on similar principles, so this might work. There's a pinion gear that is attached (glued) to the door beneath the accessory base. There's also a arm gear or gear segment that the blue man is attached to. You would need to remove the retaining C-washer and the return spring from the gear arm and see if you can change the alignment of these 2 gears: the door pinion and the gear arm (by just a couple of gear teeth) so that the door when it closes doesn't hit against the building.
This is the kind of screwing around I do with nearly everything I have. Part of it is just the "boy" in me (gotta see how things work). The other part is the desire to have things work better. I may buy trains that are in my price range. But I also improve them with my skill range.

brianel, Agent 027

brianel, Agent 027

"Praise the Lord. I may not have everything I desire, but the Lord has come through for what I need."

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