help me find this train please

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help me find this train please
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 4, 2004 10:57 PM
I saw a train set in walmart this christmas, and the track connected to the middle of christmas tree, so that the train actually went around the tree up near the top, instead of on the ground underneath. I have searched the net and can't find anything that fits that description. Can you help. Let me know if you have heard of this before and where i could find one.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 5, 2004 11:32 AM
I recall seeing something similar a few years ago at a local store in Baltimore, MD. I believe it was made by Bachmann and it was in N Scale. I don't know of any other manufacturers (respectable ones) that have made something like you describe. It could be that the set was made by New Bright, a company that makes plastic remote control vehicles and the occassional train set. The only real model company I know of that has had trains in Walmart at Christmas besides Bachmann was IHM/IHC and they sold various freight cars to match a Bachmann set.

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