Not to be negitive but.....

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Posted by PhilaKnight on Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:54 PM

I'm a newbie and just have one question in this string.

What's with the Grits thing.Confused [%-)]

I like mine with a little butter and brown suger.

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Posted by lionelsoni on Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:46 PM
Thanks, everyone.

Bob Nelson

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Posted by dbaker48 on Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:47 AM

I really do not understand this thread.  Complexity is a relative thing,  Bob's answers are thorough, his responses and recommendations are thorough and complete.  99% of the time other guys with electronic backgrounds chime in as usually agree or offer alternate suppliers for the items that have been recommended. 

Put me with the guys that appreciate Bob, I have learned a lot from his posts, and hope it doesn't change.  Also, this provides an opportunity to express appreciation to Roy, John F., Dewey and others for their assistance. 


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Posted by kpolak on Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:25 AM
 c50truck wrote:
 lionelsoni wrote:

Excuse me while I complicate matters and confuse some beginners.  I think it's reasonable to assume that someone who asks a question on the forum, about ZWs or anything else, may be having a problem with setting up, wiring, repairing, and thus enjoying his trains and may actually want somebody to answer him.  If I can help that person, I intend to.

I often skip topics that do not interest me, like which train manufacturer walks on water and which is the Antichrist.  Likewise, those who don't like the "complex technical talk" that results when the answers to technical questions are not so simple are not compelled to read it.


The day you quit complicating matters is the day I quit dropping by the forum. I stop by to look for your responses. CTT should offer you a book deal. Your answers have helped me 10 fold over the short time I've been around this forum. Thanks.

I agree.  Sometimes Bob, you simply lose me, but I work to understand, and learn from you.  My mind doesn't easily comprehend electronics, but it's learning, and your level of complexity helps me think thru problems, and ideas.  You can talk the talk, and also talk so others can easily understand, if need be.  Complexity does have it's place.

Thank you.


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Posted by 1688torpedo on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:46 PM
 Hello All!   Due to inspiration from the Chief & CTT. Don B now has a neat little outhouse for his layout complete with sounds associated with such a structure!Wink [;)]Wink [;)]Tongue [:P]Tongue [:P]Clown [:o)]Clown [:o)] & it fits in with the Three Stooges Drive-In also. Nyuck,Nyuck,Nyuck!!!Clown [:o)]Clown [:o)]Clown [:o)] Take Care all.
Keith Woodworth........Seat Belts save lives,Please drive safely.
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Posted by alexweiihman on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 6:51 PM

Thank you all for your responses, I guess it is just a seasonal thing like much of you stated.


Happy Model Railroading!



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Posted by c50truck on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 5:43 PM
 lionelsoni wrote:

Excuse me while I complicate matters and confuse some beginners.  I think it's reasonable to assume that someone who asks a question on the forum, about ZWs or anything else, may be having a problem with setting up, wiring, repairing, and thus enjoying his trains and may actually want somebody to answer him.  If I can help that person, I intend to.

I often skip topics that do not interest me, like which train manufacturer walks on water and which is the Antichrist.  Likewise, those who don't like the "complex technical talk" that results when the answers to technical questions are not so simple are not compelled to read it.



The day you quit complicating matters is the day I quit dropping by the forum. I stop by to look for your responses. CTT should offer you a book deal. Your answers have helped me 10 fold over the short time I've been around this forum. Thanks.


As to the quiet, days are getting shorter, I suspect conversation will pick up.  

Rod LaFrance

Greenacres, WA.



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Posted by dbaker48 on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:07 AM

I too reflect Mike's comments (above).

After a 15 year hiatius away from trains, in the past 2 years since I have found these 2 forums I am very thankful for them.  This forum has maintained a "high" level of interest for me, during an extended time period required for preparation of my train room.  I have had the benefit of numerous hints, suggestions, and information I would have otherwise missed.  And most important developed a friendship with a number of the contributors.  I have met some, visited others, a few have visited me.  And none of which would have happened without the forum.

I will continue to participate as long as Im able.  Regarding the format, its fine.  It would be nice if we had some sub-catagories, but can live without.  I find many scenery tips are universal to scale anyway.

The other forum is OK, I read more than post, but still enjoy it.

Regarding some of the comments about the deuys,pth of information.  I applaud a number of guys who post answers routinly.  Bob Nelson, Roy, Frank (x2), John F, and many others.  Even on the OGR Scott, Barry, and others there as well.

Just think what it would be like with out the forums, I know.  And I WILL gladly take the negative with the good.  And it is a LOT of good.



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Posted by cheapclassics on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 7:19 AM

Good morning all,

I usually do not post much except on the 'pot, but this thread has stirred my interest.  I read both the OGR and CTT forums.  I used to post on OGR, but left when they were going to start charging for it.  Even when they rescinded that idea, I never went back.  I started posting on the 'pot about two years ago.  I try to check in every day and post when I can.  While it is true there are probably less than 50 "regulars", I think we have gotten to know each other fairly well over the years.  Maybe we don't talk about trains all the time, but that is the common thread that brought us here.  This group has helped each other thru some rough times and shared some good experiences, and I hope it a) continues and b) adds more people.  I also hope the hobby grows and prospers as well.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Monday, September 17, 2007 8:14 PM
 anjdevil2 wrote:

I'll tell ya, I'm here for a couple of things...Like minded individuals (for the most part) talking about a common subject.  People that share part of their lives while enjoying this hobby.  Of course, with every "association" there will be people that grate on one another or get their "panties in a wad" or whatever.  This happens, but I fail to see where anyone would take it to heart.  Let it blow over and continue on.  Any advice I get I always weigh with what I know to be true.  I'm no expert, to be sure, and the hobby has past light years ahead of what I remember from 1969.  And so it goes.  It would seem people come & people go, but there is a core of people that hang around and contribute and seem to be on an even keel as it were.  I feel fortunate to not have made any enemies (yet...) and look forward to the daily banter and comraderie of the Pot (even though I may just look in on occasion)

Just my My 2 cents [2c]

See, one YANKEE that the good ole South has made his heart go warm.  Probably from eating a warm bowl of

Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by anjdevil2 on Monday, September 17, 2007 3:24 PM

I'll tell ya, I'm here for a couple of things...Like minded individuals (for the most part) talking about a common subject.  People that share part of their lives while enjoying this hobby.  Of course, with every "association" there will be people that grate on one another or get their "panties in a wad" or whatever.  This happens, but I fail to see where anyone would take it to heart.  Let it blow over and continue on.  Any advice I get I always weigh with what I know to be true.  I'm no expert, to be sure, and the hobby has past light years ahead of what I remember from 1969.  And so it goes.  It would seem people come & people go, but there is a core of people that hang around and contribute and seem to be on an even keel as it were.  I feel fortunate to not have made any enemies (yet...) and look forward to the daily banter and comraderie of the Pot (even though I may just look in on occasion)

Just my My 2 cents [2c]

I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
I am the venom in your skin  --- Breaking Benjamin

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Posted by Bob Keller on Monday, September 17, 2007 2:47 PM
Uhhhhh did I miss something?

Bob Keller

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Posted by cnw1995 on Monday, September 17, 2007 2:10 PM
 I sure appreciate having a real live moderator keeping an eye on things - thanks, Bob!

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 16, 2007 1:23 PM

jprampolla  makes a great point about some folks who seem to go out of their way to make sure they let you know that they know more than you do, or tend to brag about the size of their collection. (obviously insecure about size elsewhere) I notice this happens on the other forum more than here.

I notice one fellow who makes sure he is the total authority of a certain operating system on the other forum. Everytime I make a comment trying to help someone, he will follow telling me why I'm wrong. Funny, if I'm wrong, why does my Idea work? and work flawlessly? Just cause I beat a different's still a drum. I would never make a suggestion that I haven't experienced myself.  Some folks just need to be the king!

but yes, the season dictates the amount of activity.

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Posted by fifedog on Sunday, September 16, 2007 7:55 AM
 rlplionel - Yeah, we know.  Trust me, we know...
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Posted by rlplionel on Saturday, September 15, 2007 10:19 PM

 Ogaugeoverlord wrote:

There are also an undefine number of phoney or multiple registrations (we can see this when we send out an e-survey and we receive literally the same remarks (with same typing errors) in two or three replies. I've often suspected this was so that some guys can hold a dialog with themselves ...


The use of "multiple handles" happens on any Internet forum. I corresponded with a non-train forum moderator once about this and they said it was entertaining watching someone have an argument with themselves using their multiple identities. Using multiple handles also allows a person to buttress their own positions. Bottom line - take what you read on any forum with a large grain of salt.

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Posted by Brutus on Saturday, September 15, 2007 2:52 PM

"Might not know the answer" never stopped me from posting!  I've got diarrhea of the keyboard!

ANother thing - look at the number of views on some threads.  Don pointed this out to me one time.  I posted a thread and had like 2 dozen replies over the course of a couple weeks, but like 100 x that many viewers.  Some of this represent re-views by me and the other posters, but at that level, it would still indicate a lot of "silent participation".  There's no law that says you have to post when you read a thread.  Anyway, I'm out of this one - it's just "washing garbage" at this point IMHO.

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by csxt30 on Saturday, September 15, 2007 2:46 PM
 ChiefEagles wrote:
 njalb1 wrote:
 rogruth wrote:

I think many read and do not post because of not wantig to sound dumb.Do you remember in school when the teacher ask if there were any questions and you had no idea what the teach had been talking about but would not ask a question becaue you thought everyone would think you were stupid? They didn't get it either but wouldn't let anyone know.

Boy ,thats an awful sentence.

I read on several forums for some time before I got enough nerve to post.A little encouragement from the "regulars" for others to take part may help get more involved. 

Or you ask and NO ONE replies Whistling [:-^]

  This has happened to me many times. 

Might not know the answer!!!!! 

Sometimes posts are meant to start a war !!

Sometimes posts are posted on the other forums, minutes apart !!

Sometimes, afraid to answer !!

Hobby = something to do when there's nothing else to do, used to be the meaning !! Laugh [(-D]

Thanks, John  

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Saturday, September 15, 2007 2:35 PM
 njalb1 wrote:
 rogruth wrote:

I think many read and do not post because of not wantig to sound dumb.Do you remember in school when the teacher ask if there were any questions and you had no idea what the teach had been talking about but would not ask a question becaue you thought everyone would think you were stupid? They didn't get it either but wouldn't let anyone know.

Boy ,thats an awful sentence.

I read on several forums for some time before I got enough nerve to post.A little encouragement from the "regulars" for others to take part may help get more involved. 



Or you ask and NO ONE replies Whistling [:-^]

  This has happened to me many times. 

Might not know the answer!!!!! 

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Posted by njalb1 on Saturday, September 15, 2007 12:30 PM
 rogruth wrote:

I think many read and do not post because of not wantig to sound dumb.Do you remember in school when the teacher ask if there were any questions and you had no idea what the teach had been talking about but would not ask a question becaue you thought everyone would think you were stupid? They didn't get it either but wouldn't let anyone know.

Boy ,thats an awful sentence.

I read on several forums for some time before I got enough nerve to post.A little encouragement from the "regulars" for others to take part may help get more involved. 


Or you ask and NO ONE replies Whistling [:-^]

  This has happened to me many times. 

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Posted by Bob Keller on Saturday, September 15, 2007 12:28 PM
Our online dept. does a weekly or bi-weekly breakdowns of who visits the website, views, views divided by unique visitors, which pages they visit (news, forum, FAQ), how many people watch the web videos, how many people open the e-newsletters, etc etc etc.

Per "high numbers" a ton of people register just to ask a single question (as you all know, often it is "what is my old train worth?"), or a few questions about getting old trains from the basement or attic running again, and then leave. For many this is truly a one-time-a-year (Christmas) hobby.

There are also an undefine number of phoney or multiple registrations (we can see this when we send out an e-survey and we receive literally the same remarks (with same typing errors) in two or three replies. I've often suspected this was so that some guys can hold a dialog with themselves ...

A lot of people also register for multiple newsletters - not because they are a particular HO or N or O gauger, but because they generally like trains and want to read about them. As far as our forum goes (which isn't the same thing as visitors to the CTT website because website visitors are far greater than visitors to the forum), I'd say there are probably 500 or so forum lurkers and 50-75 regular or semi-regular participants.

Let me add that nobody at work has AOL, so I'm surprised that there was ANY controversy about the cover poll. Our sister magazines Astronomy and Finescale Modeler have been doing it for several years, so we decided that we'd jump in and try it. No mystery or agenda here. It is just a "which picture do you like best" query.

We get more information about the hobby interests of our readers from our three annual issue surveys than we derived from the cover survey. We got flip flopping results from the two times we surveyed the January cover.

Bob Keller

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Posted by trigtrax on Saturday, September 15, 2007 10:40 AM

The thread started civil by the way until you and another stepped in and blasted louies

I've reviewed all my comments and I didn't blast anybody. However, others said "are there Classic trains other than Lionel?" and "I Don't want the magazine tainted purple"

Your hero took the opportunity to turn the survey into an attack on the "Coors Train"

I suggest you go back and reread the whole thread. You had some pretty choice things to say yourself.

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Posted by 3railguy on Saturday, September 15, 2007 10:05 AM

The CTT Cover Survey sparked a riot on the AOL board. The view was expressed by some that CTT should be only concerned with Old Lionel.. The OGR forum was declared home for the Purple Kool-Aide Bunch and Atlas O, Williams, yada, yada, yada.

What is so wrong with wanting a magazine dedicated soley to old school trains? I mean like Kalmbach spun G scale into Garden Railways so why not tinplate (postwar/prewar)? The thread started civil by the way until you and another stepped in and blasted louies for wanting old school. Surveys provoke opinions. Try figuring that out for a change.

John Long Give me Magnetraction or give me Death.
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Posted by sir james I on Saturday, September 15, 2007 9:50 AM
There's a lot of info on OGR if you sort through the bickering, coming here to CTT is the calm after the storm PEACEFUL. And pleasent folks, even if some do like grits it's ok.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Saturday, September 15, 2007 9:29 AM
 bfskinner wrote:

Jim, I'm not at all certain. Before I joined this forum I had heard that too much of the "business" on this forum was conducted "in camera;" that is, via email rather than by postings, but I have no way to confirm or measure this.

We [or some of us] do email each other as this forum has built some very close relationships.  We even call [thanks to toll free ditigal service or cell service] each other and chat [me like to talk ????? Wink [;)]].  All from being members of this forum.  I have a part time job flying to the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's aroudn the USA.  I try to visit with acive members of the fourm if I am in or close to their towns.  Its fun.  I even tried to email you but you have nothing in your profile.

Also, to the best of my knowledge there is no ongoing "Coffee Pot" type of thread on the OGR forum. Here on the CTT forum, a lot of energy is expended daily by 15 or so in-group members chatting back and forth about the war-between-the-states, the weather, and grits. They seem to enjoy it, so more power to them, although to me it often sounds like a morning version of the Waltons saying good-night to the entire clan. One wonders whether they sometimes expend their daily allowance of chatter and have little left for train matters.

Helps build friendships.  Do we love to kid.

I have tried to find out what the relative memberships are on the two major forums. The only numbers I have been able to locate are 43,023 for CTT versus 5,819 for OGR, but I have little confidence in these figures and they may very well be comparing apples to figs. Does anyone know? If there is any truth in them, one would think the CTT forum would out-post the OGR one by a long shot, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

There was a "rush" of posters join when OGR announced they were going to charge for their fourm.  OH was there a lot of "bad mouthing" then.  Personally, I saw nothing wrong with a small yearly fee.  Helps weed out the "nuts".  Anyway, as soon as OGR management announced they had sponsors to help fund the forum, the "masses" forgot their badmouthing and moved back.  This may contribute to the "numbers".  Bob Keller may know anohter reason for such high numbers.  Could be a total of all the Kalmbach forums. 

The surfeit of bitter lawsuits and rising prices may be having a chilling effect on the hobby as a whole, but I can't find a reason that it should affect the CTT forum more than OGR.

Finally, there seems to be greater interest in high-end equipment over on the OGR forum. If so, one might expect that to be where "the action" is. Since my personal interest is limited to postwar trains, I quit the OGR forum in favor of this one, but it does seem unusually slow lately.

I'm command first but still have the boy in me so I do have quite a few conventional Post Wars.

Perhaps this forum is the victim of its own success. That is, maybe it has already answered so many questions there is little new ground to plow. Some people have suggested that the hobby is dying, and that new blood is not coming in. I don't know whether that is true, but what does seem to be true is that hobby shops seem to be dying right and left.

Always new qustions.  I personally deplore any answer to a question being, "We have already discussed this earlier and look in the archives."  HELP THE PERSON or SHUT UP.

What I do know for sure is that I have fooled around with toy trains since 1946. As I am now on a fixed income there isn't much spare change with which to buy more trains. In any event, it won't be long before I shuffle off this mortal coil -- or to Buffalo -- whichever comes first, and that means there will soon be one less horse's patoot on this forum.Sad [:(]

Is welcome.

I sure hope things pick up as we approach the holidays. Other thoughts, anyone?


"Panty hose are the work of the devil! So is TMCC."


Note: This post has been edited in the light of day 9/15 to correct a couple of spelling errors and to clarify the intended meaning of paragraph three -- the revised text is underlined. Based on some comments below, let me state "for the record" that while I am a long-term resident of Maryland I am a midwesterner at heart. [1]My wife of 44 years is from North Carolina, however, and [2]makes the best grits in the world. In an earlier thread, one of the esteemed members from that area referred to me as an "ignorant person." I can't help but wonder whether this conclusion was reached soley on the basis of my posts on this Forum, or whether that person was [3]one of my students at Duke University where I taught briefly?

1. Has to be a wonderful lady then. Approve [^]  2. Lucky guy. 3. Us NCSU grads will not hold that against you. Laugh [(-D]

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Posted by alexweiihman on Saturday, September 15, 2007 9:07 AM

I think the reason why CTT has more members, but seems to be slower because "hit and run" posters.  The ones who ask one question, then never come back.



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Posted by bfskinner on Saturday, September 15, 2007 8:14 AM

Joe Hohmann wrote:

I personnally feel that this is "the pot calling the kettle black".

I have edited my most recent post which was unclear. I think we "pots" are actually in agreement on at least one point.

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Posted by Joe Hohmann on Saturday, September 15, 2007 6:28 AM
 rogruth wrote:


What is the "other" three rail forum?

It's the one sponsored by O Gauge Rail-Roading magazine .  I'm a daily viewer of both the CTT, and the OGR well as a subscriber to both magazines. I enjoy both, very much. Both are helpful and interesting, but neither is "perfect".

As someone else mentioned, the OGR members tend to be very interested in the "latest and greatest" (and usually expensive) offerings. Many members tend to reside in the NE section of the US...hence, more interest in the York, PA train meets, and the TCA in general. I especially like it because it is very times, it's almost like a live "chat". I also like it because it has a separte section for "scenic" ideas/help. I disagree with the implication that it is dominated with a "few insiders". I personnally feel that this is "the pot calling the kettle black".

In a "nutshell", I find CTT more interesting as a magazine, and OGR more interesting as a forum. Joe


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Posted by trigtrax on Saturday, September 15, 2007 4:46 AM

Finally, there seems to be greater interest in high-end equipment over on the OGR forum.

The CTT Cover Survey sparked a riot on the AOL board. The view was expressed by some that CTT should be only concerned with Old Lionel.. The OGR forum was declared home for the Purple Kool-Aide Bunch and Atlas O, Williams, yada, yada, yada.

This same hidden war is also raging in the TCA.. Blue and Silver Halls vs. Orange, Purple, Brown. It's the word Classic in Classic Toy Trains that causes a problem. One individual claimed a Standard Gauge Tinplate should only come with the "Correct" nameplate. As foolish as all this sounds some people are more emotional about trains than logical.

The hobby is going through a period of radical change and fragmentation. Conventional and remote operation, tubular or designer tracks, scale or toy, fixed pilots and Kaydee-esque couplers, modeling specific roadnames and eras.

Back in the 50's you bought either Lionel, American Flyer or Marx and everybody used Plasticville O/S. All transformers had a movable tap on a coil and that was it.

It's not just the magazines that have to cope with these changes, the manufacturers/importers face the same challenge. Atlas had to add both Trainman and Industrial Rail to increase their market. Lionel is looking at plastic tracks and battery operated G. MTH is in Standard, G and now HO.

If posts on this forum don't equal those on OGR it's up to the magazine's staff to change the perception of hobbyists. Not only is the whole pie shrinking but it's being cut into smaller wedges.

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