Small K-Line goof on page 54 in February CTT issue

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Small K-Line goof on page 54 in February CTT issue
Posted by brianel027 on Thursday, January 1, 2004 1:48 PM
Ah, how well I remember the pressure of deadlines from my years in the newspaper business. Trying to keep info straight between photographers, writers and editors. And hoping that someone didn't get the wrong info along the way.
So I chuckled with some understanding at the photo caption on page 54 for photo number 5. That's not a repainted K-Line S-2. It's an uncataloged Lackawanna K-Line MP-15 #2223 that I believe was a custom run for a train shop... maybe Mountain Lakes in New Jersey. Even the handrails came as yellow, an uncustomary production practice for K-Line at that time. They do show up on ebay every so often. I wi***hey'd done it as Erie Lackawanna. Or had done an S-2 in EL, but that's another story.
I don't know as much about the newer scale stuff K-Line puts out, other than what I hear and read. It's just too big for my layout. But I do know about the older stuff they made.
Of course, I still love getting the new issue of CTT. I'll take the magazine with me when I go out for coffee in hope that someone will ask me about it... just my little way of promoting the hobby. No doubt sooner or later, I'll have read every word in the issue and have studied every photo. Even the product reviews of things I know I won't buy... it's still nice to keep up with what's going on.
It's informative when there's a product review and the item being reviewed doesn't work. I've noticed this happening more than it should (though not this current issue). It is reassuring that the magazine is not receiving special treatment: the product being reviewed could just as well wind on the dealer's shelf.
I also find it ironic that the detail being demanded by some of the adult operators is very often the detail that is pointed out as being fragile in the product reviews. Ah yes, for every step forward, there seems to be a drawback in the other direction.
Let it not be said we train guys aren't a demanding lot of customers... good reason for pulling out hair whether you are making the trains or just writing about them.

brianel, Agent 027

brianel, Agent 027

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