Prices have Changed!

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Prices have Changed!
Posted by turbine682 on Thursday, January 1, 2004 9:07 AM
Dear friends,

I've looked at the 2004 Greenberg's prices for several post-war items that I acquired a few years ago. Unfortunately, (and not surprisingly), prices have fallen ---- so now is the time to buy! Good news is that the 736 is listed in the top 10 for desirables and has appreciated. Bottom line - watch those prices on e-bay cuz some of them are high. Have fun! [8D]

QUOTE: Originally posted by turbine682

Several years ago I purchased 2 volumes of 100th Anniversary Edition Lionel Illustrated Price Guide and History. Vol 1 is 1900 - 1969, Vol 2 is 1970 - 2000. The authors are Tom McComas, Charles Krone, and Todd Wagner. The volumes are also labled "Toy Train Revue" # 15 and # 16 respectively. Yes, they are illustrated with 100's of color photos, pricing, rarity, info, etc. ,etc. My only gripe is that the pages in Vol 1 are coming loose from the binding, (due to heavy use) so I have to be careful not to lose any. I have consulted this Vol extensively for bidding guidelines on e-Bay.

I intend to pick up the current Greenberg's guide, just to be on top of prices. There is also another book (maybe Greenberg's) that is a guide for Rare and Unusual Lionel items. This book is available through Barnes and Nobel - I don't have the exact title, but there are photos. I think the book is expensive, though

Hope this helps!
Pennsy's Q2's rock and so do C & O's H6's & 8's but the best is NYC's J3a's
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Posted by Big_Boy_4005 on Thursday, January 1, 2004 10:05 AM
I watch e-bay quite often, not for postwar, but for newer items (5 years or less), and have noticed some of what I think is some serious over bidding. I have never been a big fan of price guides dollar amounts, but they are a handy production list.

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