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Posted by trolleyboy on Saturday, May 21, 2005 11:56 PM
Good evening everyone. Tom I like the idea of the personalized thumbnails. I'm confused though( and no it's not Boris's strange atire though I think the powdered wig and faux beauty mark are a bit over the top) Back to my thought are you posting the thumbs or are we sorry i get a bit blonde once in a while. If you are the photo I sent you of 2894 parked in front of the station would be my choice. BTW I've requested a railimages account today(we,ve aquired a second hand flat scanner) so I may be able to share new photo's with everyone in the near future.[tup][:D] Also for Passengerfan and others interested. I was doing some reading on the Algoma Central this afternoon, and the dome cars that they are using are all ex WP cars. That's my only tidbit today. Happy long weekend everyone.[^] Rob
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Posted by passengerfan on Sunday, May 22, 2005 2:42 AM
Trolleyboy Thx for the info on Algoma Central dome cars . Don't happen to know how many they have and car numbers by chance do you?
Thx Al

Tom I beleive the CHATEAU series sleepers you mention were built with duplex roomettes just a wee bit smaller than standard roomettes found in MANOR series sleeping cars on Via Rail Canada. Amtrak charged the same for both in the few cars they bought with duplex roomettes made no differnce in pricing. The same was true of the Amtrak sleeping cars that had compartments they sold them at bedroom rates as well. Duplex Roomettes were step up or step down from aisle and roomettes were all on the same level. Outside the cars the duplex roomette windows were staggered and roomette windows all on same level.
Time for one more round for the house then must get some shuteye sometime tonight.
We have an attractive young lady who drives a jeep wrangler stopping by the office now who is always in western dress just happened to see her get in her jeep the other day and she has a bumper sticker that reads "COWGIRLS need more than an eight second ride" thought I would share that with the gang at the bar.
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Posted by siberianmo on Sunday, May 22, 2005 10:34 AM
Good Sunday Morning to ya ....... Yes, we're CLOSED this fine day, however, it's a good opportunity for me to get this place squared away and then catch up on some unfinished business .........

By the by: HAPPY VICTORIA DAY tomorrow for all of our Canadian customers! Enjoy your long weekend .........

QUOTE: JPowellPosted: 20 May 2005, 11:21:19
Afternoon all -
Si, I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop in for a drink before i head over to the CS. I must say,,, quite a place you have here. Lively bunch from what I've read in a few of the posts. And the food.... A very familiar taste of what I had in leftovers from the CS's anniversary bash... The steak, et al... Nick, you really outdo yourself in the kitchen my friend. BTW, is 'culinary' your 'real' job?
Well, I hear Chloe, Zoe, and Ruthie callin' me to get over to the CS for my lunch that I complained about earlier...
Take care!

QUOTE: trolleyboyPosted: 20 May 2005, 12:03:38
G'morning everyone, Tom I'm glad that I'm still qualified to sit in at the bar LOL actually I'm having quite a bit of fun here.You will be happy to know that while I was at our exalyed VIA station here in town(okay I was at the LHS there) Both the east and westbounds were all budd.It seems the Ocean's loss for the time being may be our gain.I must say that P42's and Budd's are an even odder match than the f40's but what can you do.The one (westbound) is / was the Montreal train as it had it's baggage car in tow.Of interest the local switcher the last couple of day's has been another antique GMD1 1413,nice to see one still functioning aand in an almost pristine zebra stripe livery to boot. Well gents i'll wish you all the grace of the day. I'll try to pop back in later. Rob

QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 20 May 2005, 12:06:08
Hey JP .... Good to see you 'round here. Don't rush off, but if you've made a committment, we understand.

Yes, this is a lively place, for sure. More importantly, check out the "reports" from the guys regarding their train travels - all "classics" for sure!

The idea of "Our" Place is to share our rail riding experiences, all while having a bit of fun in this cyber bar 'n grill. Thanx to the active imaginations of many of our "regulars," the idea has taken root and I'd say we're established.

C'mon back for tonight's bill or fare - normally it's pizza night (I prepare it). The first 8 slices are free PROVIDING you order a mug of your favorite brew with each slice! Additionally, we have steak & fries. There's more - now that Nick is Chief Chef - take a look at Nick's Picks the gourmet menu right over there by the pig's feet jar.

See ya soon! ......... now where was I? Oh yeah, getting "things" back to normal.


QUOTE: JPowellPosted: 20 May 2005, 13:00:41
Si -
Thanks for the invite for this evening's 'pub fare' but I unfortunately must decline. I am helping the 'CFO' and her son start moving this weekend and tonight's project is dismantling some cabinets and his bunkbed in prep for tomorrow's bunkbed rebuild. I'll try and stop in tomorrow evening, but not sure if I'll get stuck helping out more than I really want to.
As for Nick's Picks... next time I'm in for a 'spell' I will deffinately do that!
Till then...

QUOTE: Ted D. KramerPosted: 20 May 2005, 13:40:42
Great suns of Jupiter, was that Boris? Tom, what is he doing wearing lifts, girley wig and a pinafore? Back from the errands and yes, I'll take that Royal straight up drizzled with a spoon of honey, no soda...sick call, don't you know. This will go down better then the hair down my back at Hubert's. Say Tom, will you be sharing pix of the War Museum with us? That would be of interest to at least four or five others to be sure.

St Louis was quite a rail hub through the "golden years." Our Frisco train from Tulsa to St Louis (The Oil Flyer?) backed into the terminal via a humungus wye that seemed to stretch the radius limitations of the coaches to their limit. The stub end terminal was a more impressive grid than K.C.'s through Station, however the quasi Egyptian architecture of Union Station is hard to beat for massive elegance. The Pennsy for New York was a little disappointing for me. I guess I was expecting too much from a major eastern road. The Frisco Diner took the award easily over Pennsy, but then, there is no "horse shoe curve" in Misourri either. Frisco was running EMD E-7's A and B while Pennsylvania sported four E-8's, A-B-B-A. Naturally, Penn Station, when we finally arrived, "took my breath away." I was in New York before but never had seen this titan from the inside before... my, my! Tom, if you are able and willing to elaborate on some of your experiences with pursuit water craft, I would be "all ears." Some say I am without inspiration. Anyhoo, thanks, I enjoyed our chat and now must go home and try to research the psychological import of "cross dressing." You don't suppose that could've been a traditional ensemble native to Albania? In any case, I'll rethink taking on Boris for preparations prior to Aug. 16th! So long all and not a word of the misidentification to Lucy, please.

QUOTE: earlydieselsPosted: 20 May 2005, 14:08:28
Hello everybody! The railroad called and wants to see me 1000 Monday. The first week in June is when I would start. That just moves things up. A lot to think about for this weekend and next week--money, moving, wife's job, etc. I need a Ale, Tom!

QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 20 May 2005, 14:21:48
Canadian Rail Journey, Part III SEE PAGE 15

QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 20 May 2005, 15:39:20
Now for some photo's to go along with my Part III commentary

QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 20 May 2005, 16:25:00
For Rob A couple of years back I traveled in a VIA1 Budd car – nice accommodations – plenty of room. I do prefer the LRC’s though for corridor travel – hard not to like those cars. As far as loco’s go, well what is there to be said these days? The “fold along the dotted lines” approach to design doesn’t do a thing for me. But then, what do I know? I’m a retired sailor after all …… it’s always easy to be critical of the other guy’s efforts.

Don’t forget to stop in tonight – Friday’s around here are hoppin’ – but then again, after this mid-week party, I’m not too sure there’s much hop left in me!

See ya!

FOR JP Okay, ‘til then …….

FOR TED Hate to continue breaking the news, BUT, Boris has been wearing his “greasy spoon” apron, chefs hat and boondockers. I’d be careful out in public my friend!

The pictures at the War Museum is another story indeed. Let’s just say my battery ran out. A bit of clarification: I took along two fully charged batteries for my digital camera when we left for our adventure. Sitting in the drawer where for the accessories are two battery chargers – one as a plug in to the camera the other as a plug in to the wall. Left ‘em both at home. I was fortunate to get the shots I got ……. Each picture represented the “last” as I judiciously saved up the power for the trip back to Montreal. Once at the station, and with about an hour to kill, I wandered the ungerground shops at the various malls to find a charger. Finally did, right back at the station complex! Negotiated the guy down from $99 Cdn to $49 by using the logic: “How many of these do you sell?? Given that he had to dust off the one he had in stock!
Oh well, now I have three battery chargers for my Sony camera.

Regarding my exploits in federal law enforcement with the USCG – those kinds of things are better discussed elsewhere. I really prefer knowing who I’m talking to when it comes to things like this and more importantly who else is “listening.” Appreciate your understanding ……..

And yes, St. Louis WAS quite the passenger rail hub .... it's so sad to see what's left. Union Station doesn't even accommodate REAL passenger train service ...... was designed to be "upscale" and the developers "threw out" Amtrak. Long story ....... one day I'l share my thoughts on this; qualifies as "classic" - plus I was here when it happened. But, I have my memories and books .... so for me, ALL the nation's great train stations and depots still thrive!

Stick around - the gals will be gracing our establishment in a couple of hours.


FOR earlydiesels TWO frosty bottles comin’ right up …… whatever the decision, there’s always a seat at the bar ‘round here for you!


QUOTE: Ted D. KramerPosted: 20 May 2005, 19:24:24
Fantastic pictures and running commentary. The finished product is "its own reward," I'm sure. Personally, the "fold along the dotted line" description of post 1960's industrial designs, I feel, is right on the mark whether it be railroads, automobiles, or even Caribbean cruise ships.

There is nothing I would rather do than await the girls arrival and the inevitable social debauchery attending however I perceive an unseasonable chill in the air. There isn't anything much worse than a summer cold, so allow me to bid all bon soir until another time.

QUOTE: nickinwestwalesPosted: 20 May 2005, 21:02:52
Well Tom,how the devil are you-I must say you`re looking suprisingly chipper given the busy week that you`ve had,I wont stay long but I`m just back from a gig at the Bucaneer public house in Tenby,and need to wind down for a while,so, a molsons for me an Alexanders for yourself and the same again for this crowd of ner`do`wells---Well some small news from this side of the pond,after the encouragement received here & at the Coffee shop,have finally made it out of the armchair and back into the shed--for the first time in 3 years,have managed to run a train (G.P.9+6 cars and a van) from "Barrie/Allendale" all the way to the Metro Toronto staging tracks,around the balloon loop and on to "Steeles ave". yard-a total run of about 180-200 feet,thank you all for providing the inspiration,havn`t yet mastered the knack of digital photo downloads or whatever they are called,but will be happy to provide description of route if any intrest until I can persuade management to show me how it works .Well as it`s Friday,we`ll keep it tradional-Steaks & fries,any pizza you want,beer to wash it down with,OY-YOU!!-IF I CANT SMOKE THAT S**T IN HERE,NEITHER CAN YOU.......OUTSIDE PLEASE,thank you,now Boris,BORIS,confound the man where is he,right here you are ,okay, " I GO HOME NOW , YOU COOK FOOD FOR THESE NICE PEOPLE,GIRLS BEHIND BAR FIND YOU SOMEWHERE TO SLEEP,"see you all ,be good,nick

QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 20 May 2005, 21:06:25
FOR TED C'mon back soon and hope you get over whatever is ailing you .......
I'm outta here too ... the gals have the bar .... see y'all tomorrow.

Remember, we're CLOSED on Sunday's .... of course you can always slip your messages through the slots on either sets of doors.

Nite all!


QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 21 May 2005, 13:21:45
G'day all ...... From the looks of things 'round here, Friday night must have been "typical" indeed. Saw the note on the back bar glass indicating that if Boris doesn't behave himself, he'll be singing soprano rather than the deep baritone he is - signed, "The girls." Methinks this is a job for Nick ......

Three of my four rail trips in Canada have been posted, along with pictures .... check 'em out on pages 12, 13 and 15.

Birthday Watch List: Something new to participate in - let me know your Natal Day and age to be in 2005. This info will get posted in "Our" Place and as the date approaches, our "committee" will conjur up plan an appropriate celebration.

Nick I must have just missed you last evening, Nick - spring was sprung and I needed to rest my aging bones.

About your layout: What gauge are you running? Sounds like G to me, but sure would appreciate a description. If I can be of assistance to you with any photo-type downloads, send me an Email - I'll be happy to assist.

Meant to make a comment regarding the "Stones" and where the "real" talent lies. My oldest son was an absolute addict when it came to their music. I know that he had EVERYTHING pressed in vinyl by them, including knock-offs. He also was big time into Nazarath, the rock group from Scotland. In fact, he was their album art director (for lack of a better description.) Even did a tour or three with them. I'll tell you that the influence of Mick and the Boyz had concerned - raising kids is hard enough, but some of THAT STUFF was unfit for the human ear, especially those in their formative years (late 60's into the 70's). When he formed his own group - guess who he thought he was while performing? You got it. Well, Tom Jr. isn't anymore - he was taken from us a bit over four years ago in an auto accident at age 39. Left behind two kids and a wife. Somewhere in this expanse of Universe, I'd bet my retirement pay that he's still listening to the "Stones" - so where's the real talent? In the fan base my friend - the ever lovin' fan base.

Okay - I'm outta here for a bit ....... Boris has the bar (oh Lord!) .............


QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 21 May 2005, 13:39:09

Hey guys! I'm thinking of setting up some "logos" for our regular customers.

They can be whatever you'd like 'em to be - your favorite railroad - your model railroad - a photo, etc.

Only requirement that we must adhere to is the "logo" has to be in the "thumb" size.

For example: the picture I post of "Our" Place at the end of many of my submissions is "thumb" size. Do a "right" click on it, go to "properties" click and highlight the URL - this is what you should see -

Notice the word "thumb" to the right? That prevents the picture from being enlarged when posted. (Of course, this can be "backed out," if one wants to post a picture for others to enlarge.}

There is a catch, however, you must load your logo/picture onto a site that permits free posting to other sites. Confused? Let me explain - you cannot simply take a photo and post it on this forum. You have to "belong" to a group that offers this kind of service. The one I use is - as do many other forum participants. That's where all of my photo's that you have seen on this thread are stored. I have to transfer them from my digital camera or hard drive to then transfer them again to this forum. Sounds much more confusing than it really is. If anyone has problems or questions, fire off an Email to me .....

So, depending on the response, I'd like to have some fun with this.

See ya!


QUOTE: KenLarsenPosted: 21 May 2005, 15:45:04
Hail, Siberius!

Thought I'd stop in and grab a Philly cheesesteak and an iced tea.

Guess I owe you a belated , better late than never I suppose ... I set a goal for myself to reach a certain layout construction milestone before I resumed actively participating in these forums. I notice you've inherited a few patrons from "across the street" LOL.

Really enjoyed viewing your VIA rail trip images, I eagerly await the next episode.


QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 21 May 2005, 16:19:58
Hi Ken! to "Our" Place ........ first drink is on the house, so enjoy!

Yes, this place is something else indeed. Between the "Shop" and here, along with "Canadian Passenger Railroads!" there are times when I wonder how and why did this all begin!? But, it's fun 'round here and the "customers" are really top shelf. No 'turn offs' in sight ..........

The idea is to talk "Classic Trains" and have some fun while doing it. Sure, we "imbibe" 'round here - but it's a cyber bar 'n grill, no harm, no foul - so to speak.

Hope you come back often and participate in our "Classic Trains" tallk .......

See ya!


QUOTE: KenLarsenPosted: 21 May 2005, 16:35:47

It's great to be back.

During my 3 days of convention attendance last week, I got to pass Union Station several times. Still plenty of trains...except most of these are commuter, not like the glory days of the Capitol Limited, the George Washington and the Cresent. But I suppose it's preferable to empty tracks.

I don't know if I can dream up a logo for my gritty industrial short line, a simple Capitol dome may have to suffice.

Suppertime, gotta run!


QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 21 May 2005, 16:55:01
Hey Ken! Here's the "deal" if those commuters ran on the tracks traveled by the "classics," and the "classics" are no more - then your accounts of the journeys taken are more than welcome 'round here! (Our "Excecutive Committe" came up with that determination ....... )

The logo you placed at the bottom of your last post is a good example for the guys to "right click" on ... go to "properties" - click and the URL shows "thmb" - just a different service - this one is - so, guys, don't be afraid of this - it just might be some fun.

Thanx, Ken - see ya later.


QUOTE: passengerfanPosted: 21 May 2005, 22:13:42
I finally made it back I have had to earn a living for the past few days so have kind of ignored "OUR PLACE" will try not to make that mistake again. Time for a Crown Royal and whatever the house is having. Unfortunately my boss says my time for goofing off as he calls it is going to be limited for the next couple of months. Little does he know how easy it is for me to goof off as he calls it.
Haven't even had time to go by either of our active stations for awhile so will plan a trip to those in the next few days. We are lucky how many cities do you know of with 300,000 people having two active Amtrak stations. We have a third station but is in a sad state of neglect at the present time. But at least it is saved and will not be leveled.
Well have enjoyed the pictures and just catching up on the rest.
TA TA for now Al

Good to see you again, passengerfan Al - don't fret - we all are entitled to a LIFE outside of the cyber bar 'n grill! [tup]

I don't know of any other state that can equal or surpass the effort that California has to keep Amtrak rolling. Should be a model - but alas, ain't so.

Enjoy the viewing ..... [tup] [;)]


QUOTE: trolleyboyPosted: 21 May 2005, 23:56:14
Good evening everyone. Tom I like the idea of the personalized thumbnails. I'm confused though( and no it's not Boris's strange atire though I think the powdered wig and faux beauty mark are a bit over the top) Back to my thought are you posting the thumbs or are we sorry i get a bit blonde once in a while. If you are the photo I sent you of 2894 parked in front of the station would be my choice. BTW I've requested a railimages account today(we,ve aquired a second hand flat scanner) so I may be able to share new photo's with everyone in the near future. Also for Passengerfan and others interested. I was doing some reading on the Algoma Central this afternoon, and the dome cars that they are using are all ex WP cars. That's my only tidbit today. Happy long weekend everyone. Rob

Hi Rob - the personalized thumbnails idea may be a bit more difficult for ME than first imagined. What I envision is being able to store them all in a central place - like my photo album for example - then draw upon them from time to time for posting here. I know it can be done .....

Speaking of long weekends, don't give up on us ... Labor Day still is possible, just lots of administrative (university) delays at our end ....

See ya! [tup] [;)]


QUOTE: passengerfanPosted: 22 May 2005, 02:42:56
Trolleyboy Thx for the info on Algoma Central dome cars . Don't happen to know how many they have and car numbers by chance do you?
Thx Al

Tom I beleive the CHATEAU series sleepers you mention were built with duplex roomettes just a wee bit smaller than standard roomettes found in MANOR series sleeping cars on Via Rail Canada. Amtrak charged the same for both in the few cars they bought with duplex roomettes made no differnce in pricing. The same was true of the Amtrak sleeping cars that had compartments they sold them at bedroom rates as well. Duplex Roomettes were step up or step down from aisle and roomettes were all on the same level. Outside the cars the duplex roomette windows were staggered and roomette windows all on same level.
Time for one more round for the house then must get some shuteye sometime tonight.
We have an attractive young lady who drives a jeep wrangler stopping by the office now who is always in western dress just happened to see her get in her jeep the other day and she has a bumper sticker that reads "COWGIRLS need more than an eight second ride" thought I would share that with the gang at the bar.

I believe you are correct about those Roomettes in the Chateau series of Budd cars. I have traveled in the other types - Southern - way back in the early '50's from Mobile, Al to NYC. Anyway, this last experience of mine was the first time I ever had a floor level single bedroom in a Chateau car. Always had the step-up situation. More than once, I forgot about the step down ...... [:(!] While there is more accessible storage space with the step-up room, I prefer the other. It's all a matter of ensuring that the "things" you need are out of your luggage, before pulling the bed out ..... with the step-up, the shelf provides a good storage area and is available with the bed down as well. Undoubtedly you know all of this ...

Great bumper sticker! However, what's wrong with 8 seconds? Works for me! [}:)]

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! [tup] [;)]
That's it .... time to get working on Part IV (and final) of my rail journey.

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of "Our" Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:18 PM
Tom,hi,just popped in to pu***he mop around the kitchen and polish a few glasses and saw your note-I will be out playing with one of the bands twice next weekend,and Jumping Jack Flash will be a special dedication for Thomas Weber Jr from now on,-He`s up there with Brian Jones & Ian Stewart,now they`ve got John Entwhistle back with Keith Moon as a rhythm section they`re playing to full houses every night....Your Boy is stage left,with a black custom Telecaster somewhere down by his knees,throwing those cross-beats against Brians slide guitar so sorry for your loss my friend,I`ve tried to hide behind trivia here but I cant imagine the pain you and Carol must be going through,be strong and abide...speak soon,nick
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Posted by trolleyboy on Monday, May 23, 2005 12:01 AM
Good evening folks.Tom Haven't given up on labour day yet Heather's got a couple of administrative snags as well,she should have seen the vacation sheet by now but has not. We'll talk more later. Speaking od administrative sangs i've got my railimages account now and i had / have the scanner workinf tested it last night and scanned in a saved a couple of shots. Now this aft I can't find them in the computer. Assuming I find them or scan them again, I'm not real sure how to load them up onto the account. You seem to be the wise grand poohbah of the railimages so any thoughts and or help would be greatly appreciated[tup][8D]. Passengerfan They have three domes, I'll need to consult the trusty branchline guide for the former numbers for you.Once I look them up I'll post the results for you my trackside guide dates from before they were bought so next time I'm at the inlaws I'll get the info for you. earlydiesel My late two cents is go for the dream job they don't usually come up or get offered very often. Remembeering that you have a cyberfamily as well as family family for support. well I'm off to enjoy the Victoria day festivities talk to you all soon. Rob
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 23, 2005 8:32 AM
QUOTE: nickinwestwalesPosted: 22 May 2005, 20:18:51
Tom,hi,just popped in to pu***he mop around the kitchen and polish a few glasses and saw your note-

I will be out playing with one of the bands twice next weekend,and Jumping Jack Flash will be a special dedication for Thomas Weber Jr from now on,-He`s up there with Brian Jones & Ian Stewart,now they`ve got John Entwhistle back with Keith Moon as a rhythm section they`re playing to full houses every night....Your Boy is stage left,with a black custom Telecaster somewhere down by his knees,throwing those cross-beats against Brians slide guitar so sorry for your loss my friend,I`ve tried to hide behind trivia here but I cant imagine the pain you and Carol must be going through,be strong and abide...speak soon,nick

Hello Nick Your kind words and deeds are vey much appreciated .....
By the by - YOU'VE got to have a discussion with Boris! This character has the girls in a twitter over his apparent inability to control his "urges." I've had him behind the bar for a time or two - seems comfortable with it all - but has turned off a customer or two with his, "What the F..... do you want?" as opposed to "whatillyahave?" ..... He's a one of a kind, for sure ..... [}:)]
So how about that railroad of yours?? You must be a bit behind in your reading .... check the SUMMARY page.

See ya![tup] [;)]

QUOTE: trolleyboyPosted: 23 May 2005, 00:01:08
Good evening folks.

Tom Haven't given up on labour day yet Heather's got a couple of administrative snags as well,she should have seen the vacation sheet by now but has not. We'll talk more later.

Speaking od administrative sangs i've got my railimages account now and i had / have the scanner workinf tested it last night and scanned in a saved a couple of shots. Now this aft I can't find them in the computer. Assuming I find them or scan them again, I'm not real sure how to load them up onto the account. You seem to be the wise grand poohbah of the railimages so any thoughts and or help would be greatly appreciated.

Passengerfan They have three domes, I'll need to consult the trusty branchline guide for the former numbers for you.Once I look them up I'll post the results for you my trackside guide dates from before they were bought so next time I'm at the inlaws I'll get the info for you. earlydiesel My late two cents is go for the dream job they don't usually come up or get offered very often. Remembeering that you have a cyberfamily as well as family family for support. well I'm off to enjoy the Victoria day festivities talk to you all soon. Rob

You know, something tells me that Labor day just 'wasn't meant to be' - nothing prophetic with that statement, but the hurdles are never ending. Carol tells me that the flaming A-hole she has been thinking would be replaced by a new department chair, MAY stay on for another term! Good grief .. that would shoot it down for sure. More to follow ........

Okay - first: go to your "start" menu (bottom left of your screen) - go to search - then to "files and folders" - type in a word or two that might reflect the photo's you scanned in. If you don't know ... then scan in another pix .... essentially follow the same steps you used when you scanned the first couple of times. Jot down any references to them that the software gives you - for example a file with ".jpg" or ".tif" and so forth. The software then generates a "place" to store your photos. Most times it will be "somewhere" in "My documents" - but not always. That's why a search may be of help. Should you find it in the search mode ... click on it and it will come up on your screen. You can then transfer it over to "My pictures" or whatever folder you like.

Insofar as RailImages goes - that took some time for me to "master." If you have trouble getting your "new account" to "work" as advertised - send an Email to the administrator. He'll reply - and he's helpful. Took me about a week for this account to finally get up and running. But, you know what? It's free and a service at that ... so patience is the watch word. Now, if the account is up and running and you wi***o load pictures, try this: log in - then in the upper right corner of the screen you'll see a menu box "album actions" - click on it and you'll see a menu with all kinds of options - "add photos" is what you want. Click and follow the directions ..... when the box comes up indicating it's ready to copy whatever you indicate, you can browse on any folders in your system to find where your photo's are. Once you find what you want, double click it .... it will show up in the copy screen, etc. You can also label these photo's in this screen as well.

Hope that helps ...... if you require a bit more assistance, drop me an Email.

See ya and once again, Happy Victoria Day to you and our Canadian friends!

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by coalminer3 on Monday, May 23, 2005 8:52 AM
Good Morning - Fill the thermos and off we go...

PBS locally is running a series called "Appalachia." Not too bad, so far. However, they outdid themselves last night with color footage of Virginian mine shifters behind steam. It was nice to see this as we are in the heart of former VGN country . IIRC, this series will be released nationally fairly soon - if it's not out there already --you might want to look for it. BTW. thanks for the continuing story of your trip on VIA. Seeing the picture(s) of Ottawa brought back more than a few memories although I still can't get used to VIA equipment in there.

work safe
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 23, 2005 12:37 PM
Hello coalminer3 - Thanx for the tip - I checked our local PBS site. Did a search on their next two weeks of programming for "Appalachia." Negative results. I'll keep looking ......

I'll get around to posting some other more typical Ottawa pictures .... tell us about your trips to/from there sometime.

See ya! [tup] [;)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 23, 2005 1:53 PM
Canadian Rail Journey, Part IV and final

Wednesday, May 11th, a glorious morning in Bedford (Halifax) Nova Scotia and the time has come to bid adieu to family and friends. Arriving at the VIA Rail station in Halifax, we checked in at the Easterly Class kiosk with plenty of time to spare for our 12:40 PM (ADST) departure for Montreal. The familiar sight of Train #15 and its all Budd consist once again rekindled that feeling of anticipation as we checked our luggage into Bedroom D of the Revelstoke Park car (observation dome). “Claude,” our attendant greeted us with his typically warm and friendly manner and we settled in to our seats up in the dome – front right.

Our train was made up of 13 cars and 2 F40PH locos (#6419 & 6418). The consist: one baggage, three coaches, one Skyline dome car – one dining car – six Chateau series bedroom cars and the Revelstoke Park observation dome car.

After snapping off a few more photos, we began our journey along the winding trackage from the station to the shoreline of Halifax Harbor and Bedford Basin. Before to long, the dome filled with travelers as we left Halifax behind and headed up to Truro. The countryside is a pretty sight, replete with large farms, lakes, and lots of new construction. Makes one wonder just where are all the people moving from?

Since there are no departures from Montreal (or Halifax) on Tuesdays, there was no passing train to view as we cleared Truro on the way to Amherst, the last station stop in Nova Scotia. {Back at the Halifax there was another Budd consist sitting across the platform that would become Train #15 on Thursday. This is the same train I came in on Monday late afternoon with the Evangeline Park observation dome car.)

A thought occurred to me as we wound our way through some really great looking scenery, that this may very well be the last time my wife and I travel the “Ocean” in Budd cars, if at all. As I’ve indicated in previous “reports,” VIA Rail will be shifting all the Budd equipment to western service by January 1st thereby making the “Ocean” an all Renaissance equipment train. Having experienced Renaissance in October of 2004, I doubt that I’ll be spending any of my retirement dollars for a repeat performance.

As always seems to be the case, we arrived in Moncton, New Brunswick rather quickly, although “Claude” told us we were running about 10 minutes late. With the elegant depots of Amherst and Sackville behind us, the idea that we were heading home settled in. Another 15 minute stop at New Brunswick so we stretched our legs, took some pix, and checked out the dining car menu. Oh no! Not again – same menu as every trip thus far since leaving home! With just two entrees on the menu, the selection does become rather limited when one has been traveling the route for 4 evenings since May 5th.

“Claude” told us that the Chaleur, VIA Rail’s train to Gaspe, Quebec, may have a schedule change to permit it to make the trip in daylight. Operating on a three day per week departure in each direction, the “Chaleur” is part of the “Ocean’s” makeup at Montreal, with the separation occurring at Matapedia. That same stop is where “Chaleur” meets the Montreal bound “Ocean” as well. For the first time in many, many trips, we did not have the “Chaleur” with us, nor did I on my “solo” round trips earlier in the week. Anyway, they say the scenery along the route to Gaspe is really something. Perhaps some day, unless someone decides to put Renaissance on the line for that as well.

Rogersville – Miramichi – Bathurst (with some snow still visible) – Petit Rocher – Jacquet River – Charlo and Campbellton (last stop in New Brunswick) all were stops where it appeared more passengers boarded than departed. The Campbellton stop also was our signal to call it a day …. Which we did.

Thursday morning found me sitting in the dome at about 5 AM (EDST) as the train backed into the station at Charny, Quebec. I guess I’ll never get used to this backing in, backing out business – and yes, it is railroading – but somewhere in my “socialization” regarding railroads, trains are supposed to pull in and pull out. As I thought about this quirk of mine, it occurred to me that even my model railroad “empire” requires backing in or out amongst the 8 consists of passenger cars accommodated at my Can-Am Union Station. Oh well ….. In a perfect world, it surely would be different!

With no full breakfast to look forward to in the dining car nor a continental breakfast in the Park car (both discontinued by VIA Rail as cost cutting measures (?)) the day began a bit differently than we were accustomed to. The Park car does offer juices, coffee, tea and hot chocolate along with apples and oranges for the Easterly Class folks. Fortunately, I still had some cookies left from my “solo” trip, so we survived on those until reaching Montreal’s Central Station at 8:05 AM (10 minutes early).

Once we reached Saint-Lambert, it was time to get our things together as the journey was about to come to an end. This was a bittersweet conclusion for us in that 15 years of travel along the Montreal-Halifax-Montreal round trip route may very well have ended.

Once inside the station, we had breakfast at our favorite “sidewalk café” table. Again, each breakfast of two eggs, sausages/bacon/ham with toast and coffee/tea cost $5 (Cdn) each. Had VIA Rail offered the full breakfast, it would have cost us $9 apiece and we would have gladly paid it if for no other reason than to have the ambiance of the dining car along with the views along the way. Alas, change is all about …….

So, that concludes my “report” of our rail experiences in Canada 2005.

The intention of these “reports” has been to share my experiences with those of you who appreciate trains – and the “Ocean,” with over 100 years of operation, is a “Classic” in every definition of the word.

Final pictures will be posted separately ……..

See y’all later!

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of “Our” Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 23, 2005 2:23 PM
Now for some photo's to go along with my Part IV commentary: (Click to enlarge)

Two Park Cars - Revelstoke (right) - Evangeline (Left)

VIA Rail's Train #15, the "Ocean" at Halifax, Nova Scotia

Tom in Revelstoke Park car's dome

Mural at Truro, Nova Scotia

Farewell, Nova Scotia!

The six time zones of Canada

Tom & Claude at Moncton, New Brunswick

Crossing the St. Lawrence Seaway at Montreal, Quebec

Approaching Place Bonaventure, Montreal's Central Station

Train board at Montreal's Central Station


See y'all later!

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of "Our" Place
Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Monday, May 23, 2005 2:34 PM
Hi Tom,just a quick "livener" whilst she`s at the gym,Pilsner for me tonight please,not forgetting an Alexanders for your good self.-Had in fact read back through post,but felt that my note left me without anything left to say,for once. So,where was I,ah yes-Nazareth-brilliant!!!! they and Alex Harvey & his band are for, my money, the finest Scotland has produced bar none! Have spoken at length with Boris (no easy task as you know) and after much confusion,a few tears and the bare minimum of violent co-ercion a compromise has been reached. He will appear for work in appropriate Chefs attire at all times,this is to be removed fortnightly for de-contamination purposes during which time he will remain in the shed. What he wears under his whites will remain his own perogative. He is NOT to approach the track gang for any more "traditional local welcomes" ( I`ll be speaking to you lot later about that-and the state of the washrooms on sunday *@#~$$$%£!!!!!!!) Finally,he is not to stir the draught beer with his finger "To mix in all the goodness"..right,Trains!!..I remembered...I`m working in HO,although G would be a lottery dream My only large scale models are two part built 3.5inch gauge live steamers which I inherited some years ago. I have no hopes of finishing them myself but there is a lad in the village who rebuilds the real thing for a living,negotiations are ongoing............Back to the HO-I have the run of a 16x10 ft summerhouse at the end of the garden with a round the walls stacked onto 4 levels with rather more double run through of scenes than I would like. The origins of the system and the rationale behind it may merit brief amplification - ah she`s back, back soon for part two..........later,nick
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Monday, May 23, 2005 5:52 PM
Right,Her Majesty has retired for the night,the court & commons may go about their tasks. Same again for me pleaseTom and how about trying one of these bottled Worthingtons i ordered in. It`s an I.P.A,but with a much lighter flavour than draught (cask) I.P.A`s. When I worked bars in London it was quite often served with a half of keg,in a pint glass to take off the `twang` off of the keg. O.K, back to the tale,where was I.....ah yes. First off,confession time,until 5 years or so ago,I had had no exposure to modelling outside of U.K prototypes,have amassed a collection of 30+ steamers,handful of diesels,40+ pass cars & 100+ freight cars,all British OO,mostly by Tri-Ang and Triang/Hornby but with a liberal salting of most other makers of the time. To give them all something to do,I was building a representation of the much-mourned Bath to Bournemouth secondary main line (-the Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway, a route which in it`s latter days,played host to locos from all corners of the country, the original `prototype for anything` ) but was finding burnout a problem. Arrival of daughter in Nov 2000 put full stop to any modelling at all. Arrival of my sister on visit home from Toronto for Xmas provided unexpected Damascene moment---Bachman C.N. freight set-F9 (as I later discovered),couple of cars,caboose,track`n`pack..........................well,looks kinda silly with just 2 cars,hmmmmmmmmmmm.....................................2002-all British stock now in storage,large numbers of C.N,C.P plus many almost randomly purchased U.S. road cars now looking very silly on a layout where almost all the buildings have obvious Brit origins,signalled for left-hand running,.................2nd Damascene moment---Model Railroad Planning,2002-page61,Steam around Allandale. For those without a copy to hand,this describes the route from Toronto north,round the west side of Lake Simcoe and on eventually,to North Bay. Some research suggested that the juxtaposition of the key features on this route could be superimposed onto the existing layout-or enough to satisfy rule #1 at any rate. As an added bonus,sister has lived in Toronto,Newmarket & New Liskeard-all stations on the line. 2005-intermitant intervals spent in train shed during prev. 3 yrs starting to show-barely keeping pace with decay,little or no forward progress,however,daughter starting to approach age of reason requiring slightly less supervision,aquisition of computer allowing contact with the wider world,specifically,the guys on these forums and the O.N.R site,providing much needed `shot in the arm`---once again wheels are turning,track repairs continue apace( P.S.-I need to speak to you about a loan of the track gang),buildings and scenery are starting to re-appear,some with a heavy "Maple Leaf makeover" from their former lives. and guess what...? It`s fun again,just like when I was a kid with the first few Tri-Ang trains,you start off running anything with anything `cos you dont know any better,but you know youre gonna have lots of fun climbing the learning curve...................Right,I`m off to check on Boris and do the orders,Tom please feel free to use editorial blue pencil here,vol 3,if required,will describe the actual layout. Another bottle to take back with me please Tom,and same again yourself,later,nick
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Monday, May 23, 2005 8:02 PM
Well,it`s been a quiet one so far boss,better set `em up again and I`ll wedge open the door and throw a few coins in the juke---just scrolled back and `found` your last update-didnt you have that pair of locos on the outbound trip ?-does the whole set lay over for a few days or did you chance upon them on a repeat visit ? Fine reportage by the way,photo`s also top drawer.....always been more of a `blue with the stripes` fan in my limited exposure but that silver finish suits those Park cars extraordinarily well-I may have to take a fresh look at my model power obs car..........right,here come the sounds,Take 5 performed by the Oscar Peterson Trio to start,smartly followed by Ball & Chain from Janis Joplin,then a whole load from the Campfire Tapes,by Michelle Shocked (which I would warmly recommend to all) and Misguided Angel by the Cowboy Junkies (`cos my Missis sings it perfectly and I love the high-capo open `G` guitar tuning that makes it sound like a mandolin ) to close.....well,it`s getting late at this end of the counter,give the boys a drink on me when they finally show up,sweet dreams to one and all,nick..P.S.-almost forgot,love the logo idea,will give it serious thought-The S+DJR armorial crest was in some very familiar blue & gold/yellow shades....................
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Posted by siberianmo on Monday, May 23, 2005 9:07 PM
Evening Nick I just had a rather long reply to your three posts "disappear" on me ..... so, I think I'll call it a night and try again in the morning! [banghead][%-)][censored]

I'll never learn - shudda composed the response on my word processor then pasted it to the "reply to topic" screen. Oh well ....... can't fix stupid someone once said!

Where's that Worthingtons you were taking about?

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by passengerfan on Monday, May 23, 2005 10:26 PM
Good evening all time for a Crown Royal with water back and another round for the house.
Tom, you mentioned backing into stations didn't seem very railroad like . Remember the old Rock Island Twin Star Rocket between Minneapolis and Houston. The train always backed into Des Moines Station southbound and backed out northbound. Last time I rode the train it backed in both northbound and southbound never thought to ask why they changed the procedure that had been in place for so long.
Well just thought I would toss that into the fire. I wonder how many other stations besides St. Louis where everything backed in their were. I don't remeber any others off hand but I'm sure their had to be others?
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Posted by trolleyboy on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:11 AM
Good evenong everyone. Rather overstuffed from our Victoria day BBQ so I'm keeping this short tonight. Tom thanks for the help don't be suprised if I drop you a pianed e-mail or two(still haven't found the [censored] pictures that I scanned) BTW lovely shots of your trip,sad to hear about our continuing labour day woes.Assuming that the before mentioned problems derail us this time out there is always next year. I prefer to be a "The glass is half full type of person" It's too bad too I had scanned a couple of good shots of Brantfords VIA station and some of the action around it, and a shot or two of a certain aircraft our friend Fergie likes to borrow from time to time. Well good night all i'll check in tomorrow. Rob
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Posted by passengerfan on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:23 AM
Tom Just time for Coffee and a Bismarck !
Just wanted to say the more I look at those pictures of the Budd Park cars I for one find it hard to believe thay are celebrating their fity-first birthday this year. It was 1954 when the CPR received the Park cars and they first entered service on the Dominion. And today marks the fifty year one month anniversary of the CANADIAN April 24, 1955. How could I have misssed mentioning it last month. The cars gathered in Montreal as they were delivered from Budd and finally someone in upper management decided that the passenger yard space was more valuable than holding all of the cars for the inaugural of the CANADIAN so the cars actually entered service on the DOMINION first. This train was the premier CPR train across Canada at the time and would be relegated to secondary train when then CANADIAN entered service. The DOMINION was a mixture of heavyweights and the new lightweights with each dominion assigned a Budd Baggage Crew Dormitory, Skyline Dome Coach Chateau, Manor and Park car. All other cars in the DOMINION were heavyweight or earlier streamlined cars built by the CPR itself. The ATLANTIC LIMITED was never assigned a Park car until VIA operated the service.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:57 AM
Good Morning, ClassicFans -

Just stopping in for my morning caffeine charge, can't stay long as I'm now "on the clock."

Tom, enjoyed the chat Monday evening, best of luck getting that web site up and running on Geocities - I'm sure you'll have quite a bit of fun with it!

I've heard an unconfirmable rumour that the Maryland Dept of Transp. plans to start running MARC commuter trains on the former B&O Old Main Line - very interesting, since no passenger trains have been operated there since the mid-1950's. Perhaps that is why they are replacing all the track that has been there sine the late 1940's?

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Posted by coalminer3 on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:14 AM
Fill the thermos and on our way...

Re passengerfan's post: One station that had lots of backup (and head in moves as well) was Louisville. C&O backed in as well as L&N and PRR (depending on which direction they were heading upon departure.) Wish I had my pictures handy as somewhere in the "stack of stuff" is a group of color shots of the the "George Washington" and the "Pan American," both having backed into the station at Louisville. George was getting ready to head out to DC and the Pan was on its way to New Orleans. The "South Wind" was not running that day or I would have had a trifecta (gotta use them horse words when we talk about Louisville). John Droege's book Passenger Terminals and Trains has lots of track plans for stub end and stub on wye terminals in various U.S. cities; fascinating stuff, especially when you can find photos to go with the track plans; that's what the old ICC valuation study pictures are good for.

Road trip coming up (taking the heathinistics, i.e. school class trip) to Williamsburg. Will be back after Memorial Day. Have a good one and don't forget to take some time to reflect on what this holiday is all about.

work safe
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Posted by siberianmo on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:49 PM
QUOTE: nickinwestwalesPosted: 23 May 2005, 14:34:44
Hi Tom,just a quick "livener" whilst she`s at the gym,Pilsner for me tonight please,not forgetting an Alexanders for your good self.

-Had in fact read back through post,but felt that my note left me without anything left to say,for once. So,where was I,ah yes-Nazareth-brilliant!!!! they and Alex Harvey & his band are for, my money, the finest Scotland has produced bar none!

Have spoken at length with Boris (no easy task as you know) and after much confusion,a few tears and the bare minimum of violent co-ercion a compromise has been reached. He will appear for work in appropriate Chefs attire at all times,this is to be removed fortnightly for de-contamination purposes during which time he will remain in the shed. What he wears under his whites will remain his own perogative. He is NOT to approach the track gang for any more "traditional local welcomes" ( I`ll be speaking to you lot later about that-and the state of the washrooms on sunday *@#~$$$%£!!!!!!!) Finally,he is not to stir the draught beer with his finger "To mix in all the goodness"..right,Trains!!..

I remembered...I`m working in HO,although G would be a lottery dream My only large scale models are two part built 3.5inch gauge live steamers which I inherited some years ago. I have no hopes of finishing them myself but there is a lad in the village who rebuilds the real thing for a living,negotiations are ongoing............

Back to the HO-I have the run of a 16x10 ft summerhouse at the end of the garden with a round the walls stacked onto 4 levels with rather more double run through of scenes than I would like. The origins of the system and the rationale behind it may merit brief amplification

-ah she`s back, back soon for part two..........later,nick

Nick Afaid I’m unfamiliar with Alex Harvey [?]…. Actually, I’m unfamiliar wth just about any of today’s Rock groups, regardless of where their homeports are. Icons, yeah – sure can’t forget those – and Nazareth only through the connection with my son. I do recall a hit or two …. But that was about it.

Appreciate the effort with Boris …. To say he’s a piece of work is an understatement. He’s flushed the gals out more than once, and I’ll tell you, it gets lots of attention at the bar (not to mention the lady’s room!). Good luck! When he handled the bar in a pinch over the weekend, I tried to explain that the “bone” was to skim the foam from the draft (draught) – he thought it was a tongue depressor! Definitely YOURS to control.

I only thought of large scales for you given the distances you mentioned in a previous note – I was thinking “reality” and you were talking “scale.” I’ve never seen a 4 level layout … intriguing to say the least. And yes, G gauge is awfully pricey – but then again, this hobby ain’t necessarily for the faint of heart these days!

Awaiting Part 2 ……..

QUOTE: nickinwestwalesPosted: 23 May 2005, 17:52:26
Right,Her Majesty has retired for the night,the court & commons may go about their tasks. Same again for me please Tom and how about trying one of these bottled Worthingtons i ordered in. It`s an I.P.A,but with a much lighter flavour than draught (cask) I.P.A`s. When I worked bars in London it was quite often served with a half of keg,in a pint glass to take off the `twang` off of the keg.

O.K, back to the tale,where was I.....ah yes. First off,confession time,until 5 years or so ago,I had had no exposure to modelling outside of U.K prototypes,have amassed a collection of 30+ steamers,handful of diesels,40+ pass cars & 100+ freight cars,all British OO,mostly by Tri-Ang and Triang/Hornby but with a liberal salting of most other makers of the time.

To give them all something to do,I was building a representation of the much-mourned Bath to Bournemouth secondary main line (-the Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway, a route which in it`s latter days,played host to locos from all corners of the country, the original `prototype for anything` ) but was finding burnout a problem. Arrival of daughter in Nov 2000 put full stop to any modelling at all.

Arrival of my sister on visit home from Toronto for Xmas provided unexpected Damascene moment---Bachman C.N. freight set-F9 (as I later discovered),couple of cars,caboose,track`n`pack..........................well,looks kinda silly with just 2 cars,hmmmmmmmmmmm.....................................

2002-all British stock now in storage,large numbers of C.N,C.P plus many almost randomly purchased U.S. road cars now looking very silly on a layout where almost all the buildings have obvious Brit origins,signalled for left-hand running,.................

2nd Damascene moment---Model Railroad Planning,2002-page 61,Steam around Allandale. For those without a copy to hand,this describes the route from Toronto north,round the west side of Lake Simcoe and on eventually,to North Bay. Some research suggested that the juxtaposition of the key features on this route could be superimposed onto the existing layout-or enough to satisfy rule #1 at any rate. As an added bonus,sister has lived in Toronto,Newmarket & New Liskeard-all stations on the line.

2005-intermitant intervals spent in train shed during prev. 3 yrs starting to show-barely keeping pace with decay,little or no forward progress,however,daughter starting to approach age of reason requiring slightly less supervision,aquisition of computer allowing contact with the wider world,specifically,the guys on these forums and the O.N.R site,providing much needed `shot in the arm`---once again wheels are turning,track repairs continue apace

( P.S.-I need to speak to you about a loan of the track gang),buildings and scenery are starting to re-appear,some with a heavy "Maple Leaf makeover" from their former lives. and guess what...? It`s fun again,just like when I was a kid with the first few Tri-Ang trains,you start off running anything with anything `cos you dont know any better,but you know youre gonna have lots of fun climbing the learning curve...................

Right,I`m off to check on Boris and do the orders,Tom please feel free to use editorial blue pencil here,vol 3,if required,will describe the actual layout. Another bottle to take back with me please Tom,and same again yourself,later,nick

Nick That Worthingtons is strong stuff! Two of those and it would be easier to plant me under than carry me out! By the way, what’s an “I.P.A.”? Also, haven’t ever come across the term, “Damascene” – looked it up and there are several definitions … another clarification, please ………[?]

This hobby of ours has a few nice characteristics that life itself doesn’t always provide. For instance, YOUR railroad can be anything YOU want it to be in any place or time frame desired. So, screw ‘em all, but for six, save those for Pall Bearers! (A credo of mine from my seagoing days …….. arghhhhh! [oX)])

I cannot envision a consist of freights or passenger cars as a mixture of Brit and North American rolling stock. Neverthless, if it works for YOU – that’s kind of what it’s all about. My Can-Am layout is MINE – the time, place and rolling stock has some relevance, in that I try to model and run that which I can relate to – as in having traveled aboard the cars (freights are the exception …..). When I run something that is dated – I call it a “special” or a “excursion” – anything to place a bit of legitimacy to the run. One can go absolutely bonkers with the hobby ….

I don’t have the MRR Planning edition you mentioned, but I think the idea has come across – thanx. And yes – having fun makes it all worthwhile. My advice: never, ever, let a hobby become an obsession. If one does, then it’s no longer a hobby!

Borrow the “track gang,” you say? Borrow? Hmmmmmm – what do you suppose they will have to say about this? Exactly what do you have in mind? [}:)]


QUOTE: nickinwestwalesPosted: 23 May 2005, 20:02:26
Well,it`s been a quiet one so far boss,better set `em up again and I`ll wedge open the door and throw a few coins in the juke---

just scrolled back and `found` your last update-didnt you have that pair of locos on the outbound trip ?-does the whole set lay over for a few days or did you chance upon them on a repeat visit ? Fine reportage by the way,photo`s also top drawer.....always been more of a `blue with the stripes` fan in my limited exposure but that silver finish suits those Park cars extraordinarily well-I may have to take a fresh look at my model power obs car..........

right,here come the sounds,Take 5 performed by the Oscar Peterson Trio to start,smartly followed by Ball & Chain from Janis Joplin,then a whole load from the Campfire Tapes,by Michelle Shocked (which I would warmly recommend to all) and Misguided Angel by the Cowboy Junkies (`cos my Missis sings it perfectly and I love the high-capo open `G` guitar tuning that makes it sound like a mandolin ) to close.....

well,it`s getting late at this end of the counter,give the boys a drink on me when they finally show up,sweet dreams to one and all,nick..

P.S.-almost forgot,love the logo idea,will give it serious thought-The S+DJR armorial crest was in some very familiar blue & gold/yellow shades....................

QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 23 May 2005, 21:07:15
Evening NickI just had a rather long reply to your three posts "disappear" on me ..... so, I think I'll call it a night and try again in the morning!

I'll never learn - shudda composed the response on my word processor then pasted it to the "reply to topic" screen. Oh well ....... can't fix stupid someone once said!

Where's that Worthingtons you were taking about?


Back again – so where were we? Yes, it was a quiet Monday evening – but then again, most of ‘em have been.

Good observation regarding those F40’s – yes they were the same duo that brought us to Halifax on the May 5th trip from Montreal. VIA Rail seems to keep the loco’s with the consist on a regular basis. In my volumes of pictures taken over the years, I seriously doubt whether there are any F40’s on the “Ocean” run that I haven’t several photos of.

Appreciate the kind words regarding those trip reports and photo’s. The intent was to share the experience with those of you who appreciate these kinds of things. Glad you enjoyed them ……

The ONLY name I recognized in that list of artists is Janis Joplin – and you DON”T want to know my thought regarding this gal …. Some good stuff, but one of those things with me – the more I learn about one’s personal life, the less inclined I am to want to imbibe …. If you follow my drift.

Okay – hope this iteration “takes” –

See ya! [tup] [;)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by siberianmo on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:46 PM
QUOTE: passengerfanPosted: 23 May 2005, 22:26:59
Good evening all time for a Crown Royal with water back and another round for the house.
Tom, you mentioned backing into stations didn't seem very railroad like . Remember the old Rock Island Twin Star Rocket between Minneapolis and Houston. The train always backed into Des Moines Station southbound and backed out northbound. Last time I rode the train it backed in both northbound and southbound never thought to ask why they changed the procedure that had been in place for so long.
Well just thought I would toss that into the fire. I wonder how many other stations besides St. Louis where everything backed in their were. I don't remeber any others off hand but I'm sure their had to be others?

Hello passengerfan Al Here’s what I said (trip report IV)
QUOTE: Thursday morning found me sitting in the dome at about 5 AM (EDST) as the train backed into the station at Charny, Quebec. I guess I’ll never get used to this backing in, backing out business – and yes, it is railroading – but somewhere in my “socialization” regarding railroads, trains are supposed to pull in and pull out. As I thought about this quirk of mine, it occurred to me that even my model railroad “empire” requires backing in or out amongst the 8 consists of passenger cars accommodated at my Can-Am Union Station. Oh well ….. In a perfect world, it surely would be different!
No dispute that trains did and do back in …. Just a “thing” with me ……
The selling off of right-of-way certainly has promoted more and more of the backing in situations, which may account for your experience in Des Moines.

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: trolleyboyPosted: 24 May 2005, 01:11:13
Good evenong everyone. Rather overstuffed from our Victoria day BBQ so I'm keeping this short tonight. Tom thanks for the help don't be suprised if I drop you a pianed e-mail or two(still haven't found the pictures that I scanned) BTW lovely shots of your trip,sad to hear about our continuing labour day woes.Assuming that the before mentioned problems derail us this time out there is always next year. I prefer to be a "The glass is half full type of person" It's too bad too I had scanned a couple of good shots of Brantfords VIA station and some of the action around it, and a shot or two of a certain aircraft our friend Fergie likes to borrow from time to time. Well good night all i'll check in tomorrow. Rob

Rob Those scanned pix ARE in your hard drive – it’s just a matter of where. This scenario has happened to me and it can (and does) drive one to drink. [banghead] (That’s what “Our” Place is for!)
We WILL rendezvous – if not in 2005, then for sure in 2006!
Speaking of our friends over at the “Shop,” while a few have stopped by, seems that the “regulars” are somewhat hesitant. Why not extend the invitation? I’ve done it several times .... but perhaps coming from a few others, it would get ‘em to come by. We’re not talking competition here, but surely some of these guys have REAL train stories to share with us and undoubtedly some of the “classic” variety.

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: passengerfanPosted: 24 May 2005, 07:23:18
Tom Just time for Coffee and a Bismarck !

Just wanted to say the more I look at those pictures of the Budd Park cars I for one find it hard to believe thay are celebrating their fifty-first birthday this year. It was 1954 when the CPR received the Park cars and they first entered service on the Dominion. And today marks the fifty year one month anniversary of the CANADIAN April 24, 1955. How could I have misssed mentioning it last month.

The cars gathered in Montreal as they were delivered from Budd and finally someone in upper management decided that the passenger yard space was more valuable than holding all of the cars for the inaugural of the CANADIAN so the cars actually entered service on the DOMINION first. This train was the premier CPR train across Canada at the time and would be relegated to secondary train when then CANADIAN entered service.

The DOMINION was a mixture of heavyweights and the new lightweights with each dominion assigned a Budd Baggage Crew Dormitory, Skyline Dome Coach Chateau, Manor and Park car. All other cars in the DOMINION were heavyweight or earlier streamlined cars built by the CPR itself.

The ATLANTIC LIMITED was never assigned a Park car until VIA operated the service.

Hi again passengerfan Al Don’t fret – I mentioned the 50th Anniversary of “The Canadian” on this thread and also over on “Canadian Passenger Railroads, Let’s Talk!” …… Oh what I would give for a trip back in time, ride “The Canadian” one way, and “The Dominion” the other. (Then of course have another “go” with that Cheerleader in high school …….

As I’ve indicated previously, my experiences with Canadian passenger railroads are all since the inception of VIA Rail. We had the opportunity of traveling the “Atlantic” (they no longer referred to it as “The Atlantic Limited” once VIA Rail took over). Anyway, it was a treat to go eastbound on the “Atlantic” and make the return on the “Ocean.” Park Car domes, rule the day!

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: KenLarsenPosted: 24 May 2005, 07:57:50
Good Morning, ClassicFans -

Just stopping in for my morning caffeine charge, can't stay long as I'm now "on the clock."

Tom, enjoyed the chat Monday evening, best of luck getting that web site up and running on Geocities - I'm sure you'll have quite a bit of fun with it!

I've heard an unconfirmable rumour that the Maryland Dept of Transp. plans to start running MARC commuter trains on the former B&O Old Main Line - very interesting, since no passenger trains have been operated there since the mid-1950's. Perhaps that is why they are replacing all the track that has been there sine the late 1940's?


Hi Ken – I enjoyed the phone call as well …. Thanx for the help! I got the site up and running – but of course just in the preliminary stages. As you said it would be – it’s a piece of cake (my paraphrase!).

Anytime there’s a startup for steel wheels on steel tracks it’s got to be good news. I’ll bet with a little digging, one could find out what’s going on along that right-of-way. Why not post the question on the forums?

Oh yes – before I totally forget, the “Ruthie” countdown is beginning! Let’s have some fun with this ……..

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: coalminer3
Posted: 24 May 2005, 08:14:28

Fill the thermos and on our way...

Re passengerfan's post: One station that had lots of backup (and head in moves as well) was Louisville. C&O backed in as well as L&N and PRR (depending on which direction they were heading upon departure.) Wish I had my pictures handy as somewhere in the "stack of stuff" is a group of color shots of the the "George Washington" and the "Pan American," both having backed into the station at Louisville. George was getting ready to head out to DC and the Pan was on its way to New Orleans. The "South Wind" was not running that day or I would have had a trifecta (gotta use them horse words when we talk about Louisville). John Droege's book Passenger Terminals and Trains has lots of track plans for stub end and stub on wye terminals in various U.S. cities; fascinating stuff, especially when you can find photos to go with the track plans; that's what the old ICC valuation study pictures are good for.

Road trip coming up (taking the heathinistics, i.e. school class trip) to Williamsburg. Will be back after Memorial Day. Have a good one and don't forget to take some time to reflect on what this holiday is all about.

work safe

Hi coalminer3 Freshly brewed coffee all set to go ….. one of these evenings, you’ve got to stop by and “imbibe a bit” with the guys …… all work and no play, you know the rest …….

Looks like I started “something” with that backing up commentary …. Nevertheless, it just doesn’t seem right – never has, never will – BUT that surely doesn’t imply it hasn’t happened or isn’t happening right now. Railroading is a lot like ship handling, you do what you gotta do …….

“Ditto” on the Memorial Day advice …. Enjoy your trip and we’ll be looking for you upon your return! [tup] [;)]

That's it for now ......
See y'all later! [tup] [;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of "Our"Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:03 PM
Welcome back from the Maratimes, Tom. As we have discussed off line we are going to be taking the same trip the first two weeks in August. We have been wanting to visit the Maratimes for several years and your travelogues pushed us over the edge.

Better pour me a strong one before I continue. Make that Plymouth gin over ice with a twist. Better yet make it a double.

As Tom said getting everything pulled together with VIA is tough. Had to coordinate airplane flights, hotels, and VIA to get what we wanted. Thanks for the info about phasing out the Budd cars. I had to hunt to find VIA's phone number, but finally reached a real human who told me which days the Park cars would be running. Had to adjust our tentative schedule one day to get the Park cars. Unfortunately cabin "D" is occupied for the trip to Halifax, but we did get it for the return. I will do a travelogue and post some pictures after our trip.

Noted another thread about the full length dome cars that SP had on their coast line. This brought back many good memories of riding the coast line. Between 1972 and 1974 we lived in Ventura California, which is about 35 miles south of Santa Barbra. For fun we would catch the Amtrak northbound train in Oxnard, which is directly south of Ventura across the Santa Clara river. The train would leave about 11 AM for a 55 minute run to Santa Barbara. This was in the days before Caltrans and the only trains were one Amtrak train in each direction per day. Santa Barbara was as far north as you could go and still catch the southbound train the same day. This gave us 4 hours in beautiful Santa Barbara shopping or walking the beach before the 4 PM departure. Just about enough time to empty your wallet in town as they had many places where you could part with your dough.

The highlight of the trip was Summerland beach a couple miles south of Santa Barbara. This beach was over one mile from the highway and developed into a nudist beach. Almost daily there would be a female standing along the track with her hands cupped behind her head for all of the passengers to view her wares. It was hard to cover the eyes of our children when we were passing the beach. Amtrak in their unofficial advertising referred to the train as "The only X-rated train in America". I do not know if the beach is still being used for this purpose, as it is over 30 years since we rode the train.

Better pour me another for the road.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:30 PM
A belated Happy Birthday to you. Mine is coming up on July 15. I will not say how old I am but I was born in 1940. Do the math. Plan to retire at the end of March 2006. This will permit maxing out Social Security and to get the year end reports complete. I work for an oil and gas consulting company and thanks to Sarbanes-Oxley we do the reserves for numerous oil companies and they all want them as of December 31. It has been a fun ride as a consultant having traveled to 5 continents over the years and viewed many trains of various types. I am going to miss the fun of the job after i hang up my hat next spring.

Say, I missed lunch. Please have the Chef make me up a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. and give me another Molson if you brought a few back from our northern neighbor. That should be good for an extra dose of lipitor.
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Posted by nickinwestwales on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:28 PM
Tom,Hi-an ice cold bottle for me please,plus one for yourself,a small glass of shandy for Boris and a round for the boys when they arrive, ahhh,lovely ,thankyou. Right,where`s that note...Damascene-biblical reference, st pauls(?) conversion on road to Damascus,unless I`ve spelt it wrong in which case it`s"similar to damask"( a fabric). I.P.A-a relic from the shameful days of the British Raj-India Pale Ale,brewed to mature in the cask during the sea voyage from home to keep the troops supplied. Joint Running-once the decision was made to cross the water,all `inappropriate` stock removed,-I tried them together once only...3 hours work managed today on ongoing scenery conversion,will have to look again in daylight but pleased so far. right,thats me for the road,nick
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Posted by siberianmo on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 9:11 PM
Evening all,

Once again, I prepared replies to all recent posts and they disappeared - second night in succession! This is getting to me ..... So, time to do something else.

See y'all tomorrow!

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by trolleyboy on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:25 PM
Good evening everyone.Tom I will try to entice some of the other regulars over here,I'm sure if they give us a try they will keep comming back if for no other reason but to keep up with the continuing antics of barboy Boris.As for the photo's I seem to have not saved them thus the reason I could not find them to upload[banghead][#wstupid] I have since rescanned and saved. Now the railimages account is not bare. I invite everyone to take a peak. Allot of museum shots but some other classics and not so classics to enjoy as well. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Now kids Brantford's Via station a nice classic GT station built round about 1912 and still heavilly used via A small Whitt #2894 entering the east loop at our museum this shot is circa 1991 so a few years before I joined, however this is a car that I do love to operate. Hope we see some pictures and not just the red "x" of death. More later Rob
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Posted by trolleyboy on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:30 PM
Hey drinks for me she worked captain she worked!!!! Tempting fate here's another classic This is former Toronto Hamilton and buffalo NW2 #51 Owned now by shortline Ontario Southland serving several CN and CP spurs in ontario. This shot is in St Thomas Ontario at the Elgin county rail museum. This loco is assigned to an ex CN spur in St Thomas and still runs on it's original prime mover. Rob
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Posted by passengerfan on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:46 AM
Trolleyboy, The picture of the Peter Whitt of the TTC brings back memories of when I lived in Toronto. We used to have all day runs using a Peter Whitt operating over the Dundas, Queen, and King St. Lines. We always requested a particular TTC operator for these trips his nickname was boom boom Charlie. I believe his actual name was Charlie Price. The nickname came about when a certain lady was testifying in court about an accident ahe had with a streetcar in Toronto. It seems she was running alongside the street car on Dundas St. When she said the streetcar ran into the side of her car twice thus the boom boom. The lady swore the streetcar left the rails and hit her car twice. The court erupted in laughter and the Magistrate threw out the case.
Another incident with Charlie occured on one of the Peter Whitt outings when we were traveling across Queen St and he stopped at a loading island for a particulary attractive lady and after climbing aboard she asked Charlie if the went to college (st). which was about a half mile ahead and Chaerlie replied no llady this is a full time job. Those were the good old days in Toronto all PCCs running and the one Peter Whitt held for specials. I was their when the new streetcars arrived and I must say I never rode one somehow they didn't have the appeal of the PCCs.
  • Member since
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Posted by siberianmo on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:01 AM
Good morning all! A new day - a fresh start - and some light breakfasts on the menu .... whatillya have?

QUOTE: wrwatkins
Posted: 24 May 2005, 15:03:22
Welcome back from the Maritimes, Tom. As we have discussed off line we are going to be taking the same trip the first two weeks in August. We have been wanting to visit the Maritimes for several years and your travelogues pushed us over the edge.

Better pour me a strong one before I continue. Make that Plymouth gin over ice with a twist. Better yet make it a double.

As Tom said getting everything pulled together with VIA is tough. Had to coordinate airplane flights, hotels, and VIA to get what we wanted. Thanks for the info about phasing out the Budd cars. I had to hunt to find VIA's phone number, but finally reached a real human who told me which days the Park cars would be running. Had to adjust our tentative schedule one day to get the Park cars. Unfortunately cabin "D" is occupied for the trip to Halifax, but we did get it for the return. I will do a travelogue and post some pictures after our trip.

Noted another thread about the full length dome cars that SP had on their coast line. This brought back many good memories of riding the coast line. Between 1972 and 1974 we lived in Ventura California, which is about 35 miles south of Santa Barbra. For fun we would catch the Amtrak northbound train in Oxnard, which is directly south of Ventura across the Santa Clara river. The train would leave about 11 AM for a 55 minute run to Santa Barbara. This was in the days before Caltrans and the only trains were one Amtrak train in each direction per day. Santa Barbara was as far north as you could go and still catch the southbound train the same day. This gave us 4 hours in beautiful Santa Barbara shopping or walking the beach before the 4 PM departure. Just about enough time to empty your wallet in town as they had many places where you could part with your dough.

The highlight of the trip was Summerland beach a couple miles south of Santa Barbara. This beach was over one mile from the highway and developed into a nudist beach. Almost daily there would be a female standing along the track with her hands cupped behind her head for all of the passengers to view her wares. It was hard to cover the eyes of our children when we were passing the beach. Amtrak in their unofficial advertising referred to the train as "The only X-rated train in America". I do not know if the beach is still being used for this purpose, as it is over 30 years since we rode the train.

Better pour me another for the road.

Hello again *** – glad you stopped by. Happy to learn that your vacation plans are taking shape. I know you will enjoy your trip, especially aboard the Budd cars and in the Park Car observation dome.

Perhaps some clarification is in order regarding VIA Rail reservations ….. so this is for anyone who may be contemplating a trip with them. The web site, contains just about everything you will require in order to become familiar with their services. Lots of “places” to click on, etc. The reservation feature is fine EXCEPT when you have some questions – then you are far better communicating by phone. For example, the inexperienced will most probably never figure out how to determine when the Budd equipment is on the line for the “Ocean.” That’s far better handled by phone. Also, requesting a particular bedroom in a specified car is also something that must be handled by phone. So, rather than leave the impression that VIA Rail is difficult or problematic to work with, I’d rather have it known that you do have options when it comes to making those reservations – or simply inquiring about this or that. I’ve NEVER been “turned off” by any of those fine folks at the Moncton Reservation Centre – not once. Hope this helps ………

During my final assignment in southern California, I never rode the trains – not once. The reason was rather simple, I seemed to be out of the country more than in it and when I was stateside, my activities involved helicopter or sea transportation. Just the nature of the “business” I was in. Sure would have liked to have traveled those California Amtrak’s …….. Anyway, my one and only California originated trip was as a kid – somewhere backing 1947-48, when my father put me aboard a train bound for NYC from LA. It was a Santa Fe “Chief” – but at that stage of my life, and so far back in time, I surely don’t recall the full name or make up of the cars. I was in a bedroom and attended to by the train staff – seemingly all the time. I do recall being up in the domes and having meals in the diner. Also, there was a change of trains in Chicago, and I remember being taken to the Pennsy platform for the NY bound train. Ah, memories …….. sure happy to have ‘em!

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: wrwatkins
Posted: 24 May 2005, 15:30:12
Tom - A belated Happy Birthday to you. Mine is coming up on July 15. I will not say how old I am but I was born in 1940. Do the math. Plan to retire at the end of March 2006. This will permit maxing out Social Security and to get the year end reports complete. I work for an oil and gas consulting company and thanks to Sarbanes-Oxley we do the reserves for numerous oil companies and they all want them as of December 31. It has been a fun ride as a consultant having traveled to 5 continents over the years and viewed many trains of various types. I am going to miss the fun of the job after i hang up my hat next spring.

Say, I missed lunch. Please have the Chef make me up a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. and give me another Molson if you brought a few back from our northern neighbor. That should be good for an extra dose of lipitor.

Back so soon! Great …. Thanx for the best wishes ..... Okay, the 2005 Birthday Watch List has been updated – 2005 Birthday Watch List has three: May 18th (Tom - 67) – July 15th (*** – 65) - August 16th (Ted - 67) - September 8th (Rob - 34)

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: nickinwestwales
Posted: 24 May 2005, 17:28:38
Tom,Hi-an ice cold bottle for me please,plus one for yourself,a small glass of shandy for Boris and a round for the boys when they arrive, ahhh,lovely ,thankyou.

Right,where`s that note...Damascene-biblical reference, St. Paul’s (?) conversion on road to Damascus,unless I`ve spelt it wrong in which case it`s"similar to damask"( a fabric). I.P.A-a relic from the shameful days of the British Raj-India Pale Ale,brewed to mature in the cask during the sea voyage from home to keep the troops supplied. Joint Running-once the decision was made to cross the water,all `inappropriate` stock removed,-I tried them together once only...

3 hours work managed today on ongoing scenery conversion,will have to look again in daylight but pleased so far.

right,thats me for the road, nick

Hello Nick – Thanx for the clarifications – seems I’m slipping in my advancing years … I shudda known those things! “Somewhere” back in the recesses, I recall the conversion … just a shade of a memory. I.P.A.? Well, that’s an abbreviation I could have spent years trying to figure out! Shame on me.

One nice thing about doing scenery is that however it turns out, IF it pleases YOU, that’s all that matters. If it doesn’t no harm, no foul – it’s a “do over.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if life were so easy?

See ya! [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: siberianmoPosted: 24 May 2005, 21:11:41
Evening all,

Once again, I prepared replies to all recent posts and they disappeared - second night in succession! This is getting to me ..... So, time to do something else.

See y'all tomorrow!


QUOTE: trolleyboyPosted: 24 May 2005, 23:25:29
Good evening everyone.Tom I will try to entice some of the other regulars over here,I'm sure if they give us a try they will keep comming back if for no other reason but to keep up with the continuing antics of barboy Boris.As for the photo's I seem to have not saved them thus the reason I could not find them to upload I have since rescanned and saved. Now the railimages account is not bare. I invite everyone to take a peak. A lot of museum shots but some other classics and not so classics to enjoy as well. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Now kids Brantford's Via station a nice classic GT station built round about 1912 and still heavilly used via A small Whitt #2894 entering the east loop at our museum this shot is circa 1991 so a few years before I joined, however this is a car that I do love to operate. Hope we see some pictures and not just the red "x" of death. More later Rob

Nice job, Rob I KNEW you could do it! Fun stuff (when it works! [;)]

QUOTE: trolleyboy
Posted: 24 May 2005, 23:30:53
Hey drinks for me she worked captain she worked!!!! Tempting fate here's another classic This is former Toronto Hamilton and buffalo NW2 #51 Owned now by shortline Ontario Southland serving several CN and CP spurs in ontario. This shot is in St Thomas Ontario at the Elgin county rail museum. This loco is assigned to an ex CN spur in St Thomas and still runs on it's original prime mover. Rob

Okay – set ‘em up Boris! Thanx, Rob [tup] [;)]

QUOTE: passengerfanPosted: 25 May 2005, 01:46:08
Trolleyboy, The picture of the Peter Whitt of the TTC brings back memories of when I lived in Toronto. We used to have all day runs using a Peter Whitt operating over the Dundas, Queen, and King St. Lines. We always requested a particular TTC operator for these trips his nickname was boom boom Charlie. I believe his actual name was Charlie Price. The nickname came about when a certain lady was testifying in court about an accident he had with a streetcar in Toronto. It seems she was running alongside the street car on Dundas St. When she said the streetcar ran into the side of her car twice thus the boom boom. The lady swore the streetcar left the rails and hit her car twice. The court erupted in laughter and the Magistrate threw out the case.

Another incident with Charlie occurred on one of the Peter Whitt outings when we were traveling across Queen St and he stopped at a loading island for a particularly attractive lady and after climbing aboard she asked Charlie if the went to college (st). which was about a half mile ahead and Charlie replied no lady this is a full time job.

Those were the good old days in Toronto all PCCs running and the one Peter Whitt held for specials. I was their when the new streetcars arrived and I must say I never rode one somehow they didn't have the appeal of the PCCs.

Great stories, passengerfan Al Just the kinds of things one picks up on while traveling on those steel rails ……. [tup] [;)]

See y'all later ......... [tup] [;)]
Tom (Siberianmo)
Proprietor of "Our" Place

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by trolleyboy on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:19 AM
A quick good morning all as I'm shorly out the door to work[sigh] Passengerfan Glad you liked the shots ,you will be happy to know that small Whitt 2766 is back on the rails of TO(charters only) allot of restoration work a fair bit of it by us at the museum,she got an entire new steal floor so should now last another 80+ years.They keep two 4500 sereies PCC's for excursion work as well/ I'm posting a shot of 2766,4500 and our museums open car 327. This is on the coner of Queen&Bay for the 85th birthday parade of the TTC we lent them 327 for the day and she lead the parade of classic streetcars CLRV"S,ALRV's and buses. the usual speaches afterwards, etc , etc , etc. Have a good afternoon everyone. Rob


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