Heads up - Changes Coming

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Posted by BaltACD on Friday, October 3, 2014 8:19 PM

Be careful what you wish for - you have no idea what Kalmbach will deliver. 

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, October 3, 2014 11:37 AM

The NMRA has a newly revised web site as well.  Classic Trains continues to lack video reviews of new issues.  I have missed them at Garden Railways as well.  It remains to be seen how Trains new site will be accepted. 

I have received notice that the Lionel Railroader Club has merged with the Lionel Collectors Club of America and the increase of yearly membership fees will see me cancel my support but this is also due to my exiting the hobby as well. 

With the NRHS facing major problems, we will continue to see a lot of changes in many orgainizations and websites.  The interest in trains, prototype and model, seems to be lacking much support from the younger generation and I am still amazed of the amount of books and models that continue to flood the market at prices young people, minimum wage earners and senior citizens cannot afford.

Many publishers and manufactures will either be forced to merge or vanish altogether if the trend continues.   Magazines aren't fairing much better.  The exit of Carstens is a prime example.  It will be interesting to see the outcome. 


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Heads up - Changes Coming
Posted by seppburgh2 on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 9:01 PM

If you have not seen the new and improved Trains site, take a look at

Major re-write and all 'new' look.  Suspect Classic Trains is next.  If history is any indicator, there will be a LOT less folks on this forum.  The last upgrade, from point of view, there folks posting her dried up.  Just look at the length of time discussion updates changed.

There are changes that improve then there are changes that over complexify the experience.  Leave it to you to determine how better/worse Classic Train's web site will morf into.


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