I'm very very patient with mail
This is one of the stranger threads to cross this forum in a long time.
A member is looking for a back issue of a magazine. A fellow member offers to provide the issue for free and sends it in the mail. The member who is looking for the back issue never receives it and months later indicates this while asking once again for a back copy of the issue. The member who sent it for free is never made aware of this back issue being lost in the mail until he reads about it on this forum a couple of months later. Huh?
Alton Junction
No problem Larry and thanks for all.
You never got the copy I sent you? Wow I thought since I hadnt heard from you you had recieved it Sorry about that
Thanks travelingengineer but I have this copy, all I need is Steam Glory 1 to complete my collection.
It is probably not what you are looking for, but if you would like my copy of Classic Trains Spring 2010 issue, entitled "Special Anniversary Issue" re: "Steam's golden [50th] anniversary," I would be pleased to let you have my copy.
I'm still looking for the issue I never received Larry's copy probably lost in the mail, anybody have an extra one for sale?
PM sent Larry. Thank you very much for your incredible offer
I have two extra copies of both issues my question is which one are you looking for, the one with the Union Pacific 4--8-4 on the cover or the one with the Pennsy k4 Please let me know and I will send it to you FREE. My email is larry_ackerman42@yahoo.com Larry
I have all issues of Classic Trains except Special Edition No.2 Steam Glory , anyone have one in excellent condition for sale?
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